The morality of switching parties

Jeez, I know the name Arlen Specter, but I had no idea he was still around.
This is the same guy who dreamt up the crazy jitterbugging "magic bullet" theory that tried to preserve the lie that JFK was shot and killed from the Schoolbook Depository?
And he has continued in public life ever since? I genuinely has no idea.
Don't you Yanks know when to throw a miscreant out?
Jeez, I know the name Arlen Specter, but I had no idea he was still around.
This is the same guy who dreamt up the crazy jitterbugging "magic bullet" theory that tried to preserve the lie that JFK was shot and killed from the Schoolbook Depository?
And he has continued in public life ever since? I genuinely has no idea.
Don't you Yanks know when to throw a miscreant out?

Perhaps if I read this a few more times I'll figure out what a 45 year old conspiracy theory has to do with this thread.
Jeez, I know the name Arlen Specter,

People, focus!!! Forget about Specter, think about Holy Joe, if it helps you. The discussion is general....

Speaking of Joe, at least he went independent from being a Dem, although he basicly backed the Reps... In his case the voters regreted electing him, but a bit too late....
Apart from voting being a complete sham, I'll address this anyway. There is nothing immoral about changing your political or philosophical perspectives.
Apart from voting being a complete sham, I'll address this anyway. There is nothing immoral about changing your political or philosophical perspectives.

i agree there's nothing wrong with changing your opinion.

i think joining a party you don't agree with and pretending to have certain values is dishonest. if you're actually a passionate person doing your best to represent/help the people, and need the popularity, perhaps the ends justifies the means.
Any elected official can change their party at any time just like anybody else. They can do it for any reason. If people don't like it they can no re-elect them. Sometimes they do, some times they don't. But you elect a person, not a party affiliation.
But you elect a person, not a party affiliation.

You sure don't know much about voting and voter's behaviour. You could nominate a chimp in NY state for the Senate, as long as he is running as a Dem, he would make it. The same with Reps in Texas...
i agree there's nothing wrong with changing your opinion.

Let me bring it down to your level with an example. You got marrried as a straight man. Then, after a few years you realize that you prefer dicks to pussies and you declare yourself to be gay. Don't you think that your wife (who voted for you when married you) has a little saying in the matter???

Sure politicans can change their minds, they just shouldn't keep their offices, until they are voted in AGAIN by their new party's voters and/if their old voters.

Keeping their offices is like you saying: Hon, I am going to suck dicks from now on, but we sure can stay married, right?
You sure don't know much about voting and voter's behaviour. You could nominate a chimp in NY state for the Senate, as long as he is running as a Dem, he would make it. The same with Reps in Texas...

So that's why Oklahoma, the most republican state in the country, has a democratic govenor. Yes, it all makes sense now.

But the bottom line is you elect the person, not the party. If he decides to change parties he can and he retains his seat.

In places where to elect a party and they fill seats, if you jump ship then the part puts some one else in your spot.
Let me bring it down to your level with an example. You got marrried as a straight man. Then, after a few years you realize that you prefer dicks to pussies and you declare yourself to be gay. Don't you think that your wife (who voted for you when married you) has a little saying in the matter???

Sure politicans can change their minds, they just shouldn't keep their offices, until they are voted in AGAIN by their new party's voters and/if their old voters.

Keeping their offices is like you saying: Hon, I am going to suck dicks from now on, but we sure can stay married, right?

ignore my last post, let me start afresh. i misunderstood the op, i thought it was saying 'is it wrong for a politician to feign certain values for votes'.

a politician should stick to the values/policies he was elected for. if he no longer agrees with those policies/values, he should either continue to represent his voters as best he can, or resign. however if he informed people that he would do what he thought was best for the people, and his opinions changed, then i feel they're still getting what they voted for.

save the condescension, its petty.