The Moon Landing Was a Fake


Registered Senior Member
I have read all the BS off this forum in the past regarding the lack of "stars". I will agree with the conclusion that the camera wasn't focused in such a way to capture stars.

However, when it comes to the direction of shadows in various pictures facing different ways and the landscapes matching up in spots supposedly to be in different areas, and the astronaut posing in front of the sun with his body fully exposed to light, I would be interested to know why anyone of sound mind would think with this knowledge that the moon landing was real.

When a movie budget then was a couple million and they had the means to spend a billion, what else do you need...
With the stars not appearing in the photos, the reason has more to do with exposure than focus.

The apparent "problems" with shadow directions in some photos are also relatively easily explained.

It interests me that you can hear one explanation for something commonly cited as "proof" that the landings were fake, and believe it, and yet still not apply any skepticism to any of the other crazy claims made by the moon hoax nuts.
leopold99 said:
a way to silence all the people who worked on the project.

And the Soviets, who would have blown it wide open and shamed the US. It was a race after all. Does anyone think the USSR would have let the US cheat?
phlogistician said:
And the Soviets, who would have blown it wide open and shamed the US. It was a race after all. Does anyone think the USSR would have let the US cheat?

Within the marble halls of international diplomacy it is not so normal to offend the national pride with overt accusation.

On the other hand, however, I would not be so surprised if some of the loony activists received an occasional helping of cash from a soviet embassy.

--- Ron.
oh no, not again!!

if I ever see yet one more of these "moon landing fake" threads I will blow up the moon! :mad:
Oli said:
You can't. It's an Illuminati plot and the moon doesn't really exist. :rolleyes:

I think he's in on that conspiracy, .. he seems to know that the moon is an inflatable beach ball, and actually in low earth orbit, tethered to the 'SS Illuminati' which steams around the equator. the tethering accounts for why we only ever see one side of the Moon, .....

Shhh, I've said too much already!
oh? then I will destroy him with my anti-matter alien death ray
nash ugath!
gee,,, NASA was clever enough to fool leading scientidsts from around the world and any barber or taxi driver can see through the scam. :rolleyes:
With the stars not appearing in the photos, the reason has more to do with exposure than focus.

I'm glad someone has finally cracked it. As an avid photographer, I find whenever I take a photo of the moon none of the stars show up. For a while there I was thinking that I'd taken a 'fake moon photo'.
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Unknown_user said:
I have read all the BS off this forum in the past regarding the lack of "stars". I will agree with the conclusion that the camera wasn't focused in such a way to capture stars.

However, when it comes to the direction of shadows in various pictures facing different ways and the landscapes matching up in spots supposedly to be in different areas, and the astronaut posing in front of the sun with his body fully exposed to light, I would be interested to know why anyone of sound mind would think with this knowledge that the moon landing was real.

When a movie budget then was a couple million and they had the means to spend a billion, what else do you need...
Unknown_user said:
and the astronaut posing in front of the sun with his body fully exposed to light, I would be interested to know why anyone of sound mind would think with this knowledge that the moon landing was real.
What kind of silliness are you proposing here?
The Moon is made of cheese, you see, and, if it were real, it would melt in the Sun and the astronaut would sink in it.

A truly stunning scientific discovery. You can check for yourself:
Zoom to the maximum.
The Moon is made of cheese, you see, and, if it were real, it would melt in the Sun
Don't be silly. At an altitude of eight hundred (genuine) feet it's nowhere near enough the sun to melt even it were made of cheese. As Phlogistician intimated, it's an artificial construct, but the details are known only to those who know the details. (That's the way to keep a conspiracy conspiratorila you see.)

PS I noted that the altitude is eight hundred "actual" feet since everyone should have realised by now that gravity makes you shrink (and of course measuring devices) as you get higher (further away from the source), distorting measurements. This is demonstrated by the fact that aeroplanes that are "high up" (in actuality about 50 feet) look smaller.
Now I'm going to lie down and read something sensible....
Edit: just looked at the Google map. :D Nice try Avatar, but you're obviously a disinformation agent working for, erm, somebody not on my side.
Quote from the messages on that site:
Billy, you're the Napoleon of the World Wide Web buddy - you (xxxing) got those photos directly from the Web!!!! Yeehaaaaa. But the fact that those Web sites shut down and the photos disappeared!!! Wow! Yes, Billy, I don't find your story unbelievable at all. The fact that one minute you're seeing photos and when you come back to download them they're GONE! Unbelievable - but those buggers are moving fast.

But not fast enough I'm afraid. I'd just woken up after a long night destroying the invading ant-men of Deneb VIII (or was it it VII?), and missed the photos being posted. Oh well, we'll just have to "disappear" the guy....
I hate it when that happens, so much paperwork to fill in.
A few months ago, I was on a top secret government program to scout interdimensional portals. Here is one of my best photos from the expedition

Save it quickly, before they take down my website!
The website can stay - our research division have decided we can pretend it's from a computer game. You, on the other hand, Mr. Freeman....
Phew, I was afraid I was going to be punished. So long as you don't send me to a dystopian future Earth, I'll be alright! Right? Right?