The merging of man and cow produces human milk.

Sooner or later, someone's going to post a pretty girl dressed as a cow.

Gratuitous picture of pretty girl dressed as cow.
Personally, I'd rather have a drink from those jugs-I mean mugs.


To heck with milk, I'll take the maid-er mead!

I like a woman who looks like she's about to come out of her clothes...makes me stop and wait hopefully for that event to occur.
A genetically modified cow was arrested yesterday for refusing to enter the slaughterhouse following a milking incident.....


The pink bit says she's gonna squeeze the milk out..... even genetically modified, Japanese are still crazy.....

this is BRILLANT. I means seriously not only is there alot of potentual medical uses for human milk (it kills cancer cells for one) which cant be forfilled from milk banks but this has the potentual to replace "formular" which is not good for the baby with something it was ment to drink.
On second thought, I think I will have a glass of that thar gee-net-tic-ally modified milk.... I won't be needen a glass :p

guess i was to late to make a serious comment in this thread, 2 pages? god standeds have gone down, it used to take at least 5
guess i was to late to make a serious comment in this thread, 2 pages? god standeds have gone down, it used to take at least 5

Perhaps the early deterioration to visual humor is an indication that we are either uncomfortable with discussing this concept or that we do not accept it as being a viable concern in the immediate future.

Just my thoughts after observing the half-life of several threads on this and one other science forum. Seems that some very interesting subjects fall dormant quickly, while others become very active yet produce little of new value, as far as I can make out. :shrug:
Personally, I'd rather have a drink from those jugs-I mean mugs.


To heck with milk, I'll take the maid-er mead!

I like a woman who looks like she's about to come out of her clothes...makes me stop and wait hopefully for that event to occur.

Here you go:
Well it will be interesting if cow produced human milk would ever show up at the grocery store. I wonder what the ad campaign would look like. It just boggles the mind. In my view this is just one of the many oddities that we will need to adjust to in the decades to come if we continue to advance our technology.
Flip back in time to 2008.

Michelle Allen of Middletown Ohio.
Was accused of urinating on a neighbor's porch and chasing children while wearing this cow costume. Police say she smelled of alcohol and was verbally abusive when they found her creating traffic problems along North Verity Parkway.

She's an udder disgrace said local residents.
She's done wrong, and now she'll have to face the moo-sic.
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