The Meaning of Life (Migrating Thread)

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Its time to move out of the "Biology & Genetics" and on to greener pasturs for our dear thread:D
This thread is now in INTELLIGENCE & MACHINES.

Well, what say you? What of artificial life?

Would you mind posting BEFORE you move the thread because once its moved it dosn't tell me that somethings posted in it

The meaning of life is a good one for AI discussion,

We find it difficult enough to contemplate our meaning of existance, but what of an intelligent machine. It knows it's existance is created by scientists and mathematical scholars but what existance would it try to accumillate as true after 1000's of processor cycles while being left on it's own to make sense of the universe without human interaction?

Whould a machine follow Asimov's rules of Robotiques?
With an appropriate level of intelligence an AI machine should become self-aware.

I would define life as anything that can operate autonomously, decide it’s own actions, find it’s own fuel, attempt to protect it’s own existence, and seek to survive as a primary goal.

That definition fits anything from insects to humans. And I think bacteria fits as well.

What is the meaning of life? The question is impossible to answer. The term ‘meaning’ implies that information is being communicated. And that implies that something intelligent is initiating the communication.

Since the most intelligent entity that we are aware of is human and since humans have yet to create life, at least no bio-life, then nothing on the planet can have attempted to communicate a message through the creation of life.

If life was created by some other being then we still cannot know what the message is since no such beings have come forward to announce themselves.

Either way if there is a meaning to life we cannot yet know what it is, and if life evolved and was never created by an intelligence then the question has no answer, or rather the answer is that there is no meaning.

Even if we create machine life would the question still make any sense? I don’t think so. Life is not about communication.

A better question might have been – what is the purpose of life.

I did ask that long time back,you replied saying that am i tired of my life?



Robo Sapiens are better off than us.hell,we dont even know who created us? or we just surfed in...;)

about the Robo Morailty,hell if robots are truely concious and are truely intelligent,then sometimes no,sometimes they will...

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