The Meaning of Life (Migrating Thread)

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§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Experimental Migrating Thread

I had an idea (because I'm so bored) and I thought I might as well give it a shot.

How about this thread migrates, the moderators move it from one forum to another every three days or so? In each forum people must continue the thread in the manner appropriate for that particular forum. For example, if it is in the Physics & Maths forum and people discuss the Lorentz transformations, then it moves to Pseudoscience and people start applying the Lorentz to the hollow moon theory. An example.

Possibly a good topic of discussion to start such a thread might be "What do you think of such a thread? Can anything even vaguely useful come of it?"
I think it is an interesting idea, but implementing it might be a problem, as a few of the moderators apparently have lost interest or have heavy obligations (school, job, whatever) that are preventing them from visiting on a regular basis. Some are here every regularly, some every few weeks - I cannot remember the last time I saw Oxygen or Dexter in the forums. Porfiry could bounce the thread around, but he is tied up with finals at present.

Sure, I'll handle this -- sounds interesting. Someone better come up with a topic to start things off.

<B>This thread is currently in FREE THOUGHTS</B>
How about "The meaning of Life!" I'm sure all the forum would contribute heavily
Life is independence, intellectual curiosity, improving the social groups within your sphere of influence. Life is the love of your soulmate.

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The meanin of life is Love and service. We all have a duty to protect and serve every other person on earth
There's no meaning save what we give it. We are not put on earth for a purpose, we aren't born to do great deeds, and we aren't here for a reason.

We are here because of the fusion of two gametes. That being said, the meaning we give life is our own.

I choose to explore and to serve. I choose to fulfill my own desires, so long as they do not cause harm. I choose to balance service and desire.
I can not think of one problem in this world which ISN'T caused by hated and self intrests. If everyone focused on Loving Everyone and put everone else before themselves then this world would be perfect.

Posted by Asguard:
The meanin of life is Love and service. We all have a duty to protect and serve every other person on earth

VERY GOOD!!! :):):)

Also, root your Love and strenght it by first Loving yourself... :)
But NEVER in a selfish way...

Life means that if you have an energy gradient and the right conditions self organizing bits of order coalesce and elaborate on the simple initial themes. The mere act of copying with error is all that is necessary after the initial creation of an ordered entity.

In my life I take this inherent observation to mean that I should consider the implications of order in the world as a source of meaning in my personal life. Just as everyone is different, the path of order they have arisen from gives their life a different meaning.

I Haven't figured out the exact meaning, but I think this observation is at the core of what life must mean in a broad sense ...
Life has no meaning other than establishing itself and then procreating to continue to fill the bounds of it's enviroment within the ability of the habitat to support it.
...and so when does the thread migrate and where does it migrate to?
The True Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life is....

Share it with others. :)

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