The Meaning of Life (According to Soloman)

These storys were not intended as true representations of how the characters thought. They serve to symbolize doubts that someone might feel, and give examples of how those doubts should be overcome. The more difficulties the characters undergo and still maintain their faith, the more it encourages unwavering faith in the average person. The lesson was obedience to the mythological God, and therefore His intermediaries, the priests, and therefore to the laws of the society.

It's no different than using the characters of Smokey the Bear or McGruff the Crime Dog to encourage lawful behavior (the only difference is God will fuck you up).

And yet the books themselves speak with verasity and conviction about all the content. Nothing in it's over 1200 pages implies that the bible writers took there accounts as mythology...

If they were then the lenght's they took to preserve a myth were a bit over the top....exceeding even Egytian and Babylonian efforts to preserve there accounts. In fact The Bible is unparaleled in copying and volume of duplication untill the modern printing.....This thus heralds even today that the bible is the best selling book of all time in scores over the rest.

Repectively this is not the true purpose of the thread: To battle out the Bible's place in history.

It's about Life and what it means to you. Everyone ask question like this...At least normal people I meet everyday do have this attitude.

"Why are we here" and as one person said. "Are we made to suffer?" Our social relationships are at the very heart of the problem and ironicly...the solution.
Meaning of life ?
Here on earth: Survival and procreation.
In the greater scheme of things: None
It would seem Solomon is defining life by our relationships with the people around us. Thus is the meaning of life Bonding with our fellow man?
Id say so,
its a given that no one can live alone,
(and if they do its not very comfortably thats for sure) we all depend on others for our survival,so yes we have to accept and try to get along even with someone we dont necesarily like.
survival/living thats most important for any living creature
If you think that way, your true self will get old and die, only to realize, that it wasn´t you all along.
M*W: It doesn't matter what I think, because anything I tell you, you're gonna tell me I'm not my own self. I know who I am. You must not know who you are. So STFU!
M*W: It doesn't matter what I think, because anything I tell you, you're gonna tell me I'm not my own self. I know who I am. You must not know who you are. So STFU!

Is kinda funny to see your reaction caused by a harmless post. If its another person´s opinion, it shouldn´t bother you, the fact that a mere opinion disturbs you so much says a lot about you, you should meditate on that; just a harmless advice, you can choose not to take it, and still be happy, no need for disturbance.
M*W: That may be so, but for the gazillionth time, David was NOT Solomon's father! David was Pharaoh Tuthmosis III who reigned from 1490-1436 BCE. Solomon was Pharaoh Amenhotep III who reigned from 1405-1367 BCE. David was Solomon's Great Grandfather. I don't give a rat's ass what your blibel (new word) says. Scholars of the 18th Dynasty concur on this fact. Solomon was Moses's (Amenhotep IV aka Akenhaten) Father. Moses was Pharaoh from 1367-1350 BCE. You do the math.

M*W: I won't argue subjective interpretation, but will agree that our relationship to each other is a recurring theme in the blibel admonishing man's inhumanity to his fellow man. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah repeats this theme. The Jewish interpretation of this theme is the correct one, not the christian interpretation which preaches against homosexuality.


Moses and Aknenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, by Ahmed Osman.

Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus, by Ahmed Osman.

Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion, by Ahmed Osman.

I love your posts.
He wrote "the conclusion of the matter, evertything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the entire obligation of man."

Fear huh? No thanks, that is always the downward path to wisdom.
"Why are we here" and as one person said. "Are we made to suffer?" Our social relationships are at the very heart of the problem and ironicly...the solution.

Most of the suffering of this world is caused by relationships. The cause of that suffering is Pride within people and the desire to dominate and control a relationship. Jesus said to his followers that their leaders should be their servants. The relationships that bring the solution to the problem is the relationships where those involved in the relationship are meek towards the others, seeking to lift up the other and promote the other above themselves. If two people or a group of people have this mindset then great peace and joy is had by all.

As with our relationship with God the struggle against our own pride is the key to contentment.

All Praise The Ancient of Days