These storys were not intended as true representations of how the characters thought. They serve to symbolize doubts that someone might feel, and give examples of how those doubts should be overcome. The more difficulties the characters undergo and still maintain their faith, the more it encourages unwavering faith in the average person. The lesson was obedience to the mythological God, and therefore His intermediaries, the priests, and therefore to the laws of the society.
It's no different than using the characters of Smokey the Bear or McGruff the Crime Dog to encourage lawful behavior (the only difference is God will fuck you up).
And yet the books themselves speak with verasity and conviction about all the content. Nothing in it's over 1200 pages implies that the bible writers took there accounts as mythology...
If they were then the lenght's they took to preserve a myth were a bit over the top....exceeding even Egytian and Babylonian efforts to preserve there accounts. In fact The Bible is unparaleled in copying and volume of duplication untill the modern printing.....This thus heralds even today that the bible is the best selling book of all time in scores over the rest.
Repectively this is not the true purpose of the thread: To battle out the Bible's place in history.
It's about Life and what it means to you. Everyone ask question like this...At least normal people I meet everyday do have this attitude.
"Why are we here" and as one person said. "Are we made to suffer?" Our social relationships are at the very heart of the problem and ironicly...the solution.