The Matrix:

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Around several years ago, a programme by the BBC, aided by several top phhysicists said, ''It's one of the things we cannot proove...''

I disagree. I will give my reasons into this, until i get some reasonable responses...

Now, i think the programme was called ''What Science Still Doesn't Know,'' which is i guesse, the equivalent to the American show, ''What The Bleep Do We Still Not Know,'' or something along those lines.

Before i end here, the Copenhagen Interpretation can prove and help in proving how this so-called ''psuedoscience'' (which i would rather call), ''science fiction,'' true.

The enigmatic theory of the future, and present right now, is that everything is in fact a hidden world, a subset of variables equal to only one-off, off-one digital codes. We use the same technology to create holographic principles in things like remote controls...

Where a: [0,1] -> [0] -> [1,0], for a very quick analogy. These on-off codes shows us hat what we see in reality, ''might'' not be as far fetched from the truth as we might imagine. The loss of this information, means that we have a ''limited knowledge'' (in life)*, so we can now say that:

[0,1] -> [0] -> [?]

...because we have had a LOSS OF KNOWLEDGE. This knowledge can come back to us, but if anyone studied my Nano-Thread properly, one would see that knowledge in the present is like an infinite loop that moves at superluminal speeds, and how mind clashes against it, creating a past memory, present, or perhaps even a future memory - retrocausal information theory, given by Dr Cramer.

I'll leave this here for now... Hopefully, this will cause some interest...???

*By this, i mean two things... in death, they say... all lifes questions are answered... and that Dr Wolf (including myself), see some type of infinity about our beings, upon death, even though we are stuck in the present now.
you can reduce anything in the past to a set of codes - and he hasnt even done that here hes just aknowledged that the information transfer between universe and us isnt 100% efficient... big wow...

what would be better would be if he could set up some experimental environment (very simple - a few/ no objects) and create some kind of code to predict certain possibilities of the decisions a person would make when they go in there (pick up a banana etc...) and then maybe find a pattern in what he sees and expand

this is obviously extremely hard/impossible but i think that is the level of stuff that would interest us.

ot some half finished equation that doesnt tell much of us anything new.
Either way you look at it, we're doomed to our code of behavior. How would one "explain" the matrix anyway? This event that we are "not certain of"
Calling people logical is a waste of time :p

Thanks however, for holding me in high esteeme.
I infact could "elaborate" a bit on the necessity of a logical position from certain stand points of suffering... which is interesting in the least. Logic is a necessary survival tactic. I am not quite sure this is the best place for this. I will not be sure for some time to come.
But seriously. What does my logical position not do? We have our matrix, we have our ... etc. The matrix is very strange, if you ask me.

Logic is necessary if you wish to find out the nature of what is going on. Which in most cases, is difficult to do without logic I am not saying this is objective either .. wtf?
Exist, are you saying you are logical, or the non-logical guy that spams my posts? If i am mistaken, please forgive me.
Huh. Sure. I am sort of logical I think. I don't enjoy spamming your posts, though i have done so in the past! Forgive humble existabrent.
How come we're "doomed"?
Isn't it possible to change your thinking and rid yourself of, or correct "wrong" thinking; IOW become educated instead of "choosing" to remain ignorant?
Well, you're maybe right Frud hehe.
Good question.
We are "doomed" so to speak, in our condition, we are doomed to forever be only what our condition is. Cannot escape our condition right? It allfigures into how the matrix would be entirely impossible, or at least not 'probable' given our condition is something we are forever rendered to. The matrix is not quite something that we can say exists outside of our condition- our condition is forever inescapable part of comparing to the matrix, it will exist regardless...

For crying out loud of course it's possible.
But what is "wrong thinking"...
So just exactly what does this have to do with the category you posted it in - "Intelligence and Machines?"
existabrent said:
But what is "wrong thinking"...
Hmm. Indeed, what is it?

I'd say it's thinking that appears to adhere to a worldview which is not commensurate, as they say, with actuality, whatever that is.
A group has more observational or decisive "authority", so a group tends to determine an individual's ideas are congruent with some agreed "truth", or otherwise.

It's down to a group, and what they "tend" to believe; people who understand this appear to have the ability to "control" peoples thinking (that street magician guy -can't think of his name just now, e.g.).

We ascribe higher status to a group decision or observation -science always compares notes, others try to "repeat", or reproduce some result. Science is about certainty and precision (repeatability and "reliable" information).
Reiku said:
-retrocausal information theory, given by Dr Cramer.
" [R]esearcher John Cramer has proposed a way of using entanglement that could reverse the timing of cause and effect. It relies on the way that light can be measured as a particle or as a wave when passing through two slits - but not both.

Streams of entangled photons are sent off in two directions, One goes immediately through a pair of slits, and an instrument registers whether the outcome was a measurement as waves or particles.

The second stream goes through a delay line, arriving at slits a little later. In this case a moveable detector forces the measurement to be waves or particles.

Because of the spooky link of entanglement the theory is that the light passing through the first detector will be forced to be in the appropriate form, even though the measurement was taken before the action that decided what the outcome should be.

Bear in mind that this experiment hasn't been carried out yet, and some doubt it's practicality - but it is being taken seriously by the science community."
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''we are doomed to forever be only what our condition is.''

Well said!!! - by the by... i've read the rest of your posts/// everyone /// This is brilliant work... ****

Frud 11

''You are a psychologist aren't you?''

*** And why? Because for once people are working together, instead of loggerhead-behaviour.
We live in two worlds, two universes, two minds, and two souls...

The way one can work this is by giving the mathematical profification:

a' -> (>-<) < - a

Now why????

Please mods.... give us a chance to explain, if you can't?
We live in two worlds, two universes, two minds, and two souls...

The way one can work this is by giving the mathematical profification:

a' -> (>-<) < - a

Now why????

Please mods.... give us a chance to explain, if you can't?

Why are you avoiding my question: "So just exactly what does this have to do with the category you posted it in - "Intelligence and Machines?" "
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