The Matrix is Real

A reason the universe is not "The Matrix"
If the universe in it's entirety was inside a network of computers being simulated then the likelihood is that atoms would have a parent child relationship, where one parent atom would be duplicated from to mimic other atoms of that type in the universe. (Is almost a law of conservation when it comes to programming as one instance of information in memory can be used to duplicate seemingly multiple instances.)

However this would suggest that if there was a bug either the child process or the parent could stop, freeze or die. This would mean that virtual matter in the known universe would have a habit of spontaneously disappearing until some programmer got round to writing a patch.

You can suggest that the whole universe is made up of these atoms (and particles) that compute the nature of the universe in both their appearance and their positioning. You could suggest that the whole universe is a giant Quibit (qwib-bit) network and that it's programming and hardware structure are one in the same.

The matrix as a whole was just a genre/story to be sold to the general populous as much as Star Trek, Starwars and Dr. Who are. Some people can have fun imagining their way through those preposed universes, however they are fictional.
Not that I believe in this crap, but....

Unless you take the metaphysical way out and not record data that isn't required. You don't need to record the placement of every atom in the earth's mantle. Just simulate basic convection currents and the like. Don't copy every blade of grass. Copy the overall structure and genetic code of a handfull of each species and duplicate it a few trillion times with semi-random alterations. If its beneith the level where it is going to be noticed, don't copy it exactly. Go with generalities.
screw that 1st post, but to discuss the possibility of living in a simulation more..

monkeys have only been bangin' on the keyboards for like 40-50 years !
and "modern" physics is what? the same age??

the chance that this is a computer simulation is far greater than "the fact that we are existing in the one true universe."

and bugs?! you think that patches would be necessary? have some respect.

what about in 1000 years? do you think that us Earthlings won't have the computer power yet? what about 2000 years?

and do you think that it isn't possible that there are other civilizations in our "one true universe" that haven't had modern physics & computers for thousands of years?
@ Avatar:
no it doesn't.

i just had to bring my opinion to this thread. technically, it's likely to be a simulation, but we shall never know. all we know is that we exist inside a spark.

anyone interested in my POV should read