The Matrix is Real


Registered Member
What if you were told that the Matrix is real? What if you were told that Zion exists?

What if you were told that Neo is alive, here in this world, in your world?

What if you were told that everything you saw it the Matrix Trilogy is true? What if you were told that while you are sitting right here in front of your computer and reading this very message, more and more redpills are being freed?

What if you were told that you are one of these redpills?

We can only show you the door. You have to walk through it. You can choose to believe it or not. You can choose to close this window, forget about this message and carry on with your life. Or you choose to act now and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Changes are coming. Minds will be freed. New future awaits you. Where do you want to be?

We're not saying that here, now, you're all walking around inside a massive computer simulation. If you think that: think again. But even when worlds shift, truth remains the same: that's what makes it truth. And one way or another, most of you are walking around in a Matrix: the confines of what is described to you as 'real', 'true', 'possible', or 'impossible'. Most of the time, these are just words, concepts. No, we can't 'leap tall buildings in a single bound', or what have you. Were we to say that, we'd be lying... or role-playing. But we believe in freeing minds, on the path to building real peace. Curious? Visit
this isn't the matrix because i dont consistently meet people who couldnt act their way out of a paper bag and have dialogue that would make dream theatre cringe.
Hey that site yours?
found it --the text harsh on the didn't read to much. am not mad on black backgrounds and startling text

hmmmmm. must say it is intriguing in a fun way. and it kind of is playful.
but this thing about 'flying' let's just take that to keep it simple now. what do you mean/ afctual physical flying?

what about the sebse of flying spiritually as in shamanism? why add physical when that is a potential ANd is waged a war against by this culture's stance on such 'drugs' that inspire such a sense?
where do hallucinogens come into your vision?
Man, that dude's lucky. When I schized out in a story once ... I'll spare you the detail. Funny thing is, though, that nobody noticed.
Look at hack_the_truth. Look at him. Such bliss. He's so lucky to have found bliss.

If he were truly secure in his bliss, he'd share with us whatever he's on. I have the feeling it might be LSD with an infusion of heroin supplemented with meth and rounded out with :m: , but what exactly he's smoking/injecting/snorting/chugging is anyone's guess.

Hey, it could also be plain old Heineken. Lots, and lots, and LOTS of plain old Heineken.
its possible.
we dont know.
no one knows.
maybe we are all batteries?!!
*hears door break down. agents walk in*
"who the hell..."
"Mr.Gondzur...surprised to see me?"
hack_the_truth said:
And one way or another, most of you are walking around in a Matrix: the confines of what is described to you as 'real', 'true', 'possible', or 'impossible'. Most of the time, these are just words, concepts.

At least most of us aren't limited to describing our situations in terms imposed upon us by HOLLYWOOD producers.
In a certain way, Buddh has teach us that we are in a Matrix and we can free ourselves. We can become Neos and Trinitys.

On gate gate paragate parasam gate bodhi svaha.
yeah, gimme some of them red pills doc, i may even be able to sell a few for yah!
"here is a blue pill and a red pill, one leads through the door, the other away from it. only you can open the door neo. just dont take the red one. that's my aspirin"
"okay, morpheus"
"hey! i said dont eat the red...thanks, ass. oh, now you're drinkin' my water?!"
irony is, i contacted owner of site to ask him summat and he never got back. so much for the 'matrix'... doesn't look like he can use the WEB!
hack_the_truth said:
What if you were told that Neo is alive, here in this world, in your world?

...he would probably not favour Internet Explorer, but be able to create a website that opens with other (non-Microsoft) browsers as well.
Looks like a hoax to me.
In alot of ways im seeing where you're comming from with this site but personally, as with most people i think you have been watching the matrix too much. But im not sure that thats particularly relevant, youve hit on a totally unique way to introduce some very old ideas which in a way is comendable.
Although as with so many sites like this one, sadly once i stripped away all the fluff all i could see you were saying was little more than there is more to this reality than meets the eye. Well thats fine and yes it is true, but saying that isnt going to free any minds. What i useally find with sites like these is the specifics are never really delt with, probably because the specifics of the true nature of reality in your mind (as with most people in search of some kind of truth) is really a mish mash of ideas taken from various writters, prohpets, new agers, scientists etc..with most of the information refusing to gell together.
From reading the site i think you come across as highly obssesive, i remember reading that you once read a book about the subjective nature of reality 200 times, and if youve watched the matrix as many time as that which
i suspect you have im not suprised you think you're neo....i would too.
But who knows maybe you are neo, anything is possible like you say, but regardless
of wether i believe or not i still dont see how what you're doing is freeing any minds..
surely you should be killing those machines or working on some kind of world wide manifestation to 'out' the machine's giant plot..i think you need to think bigger than building a website and writing in your live journal.
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oh and about the matrix story itself, its actually a frankenstein creation which you can trace back to numerous sources..the main one being a script called 'The Third Eye for The Matrix'. There were also some non-fiction books that came out in the late 80s that used the title 'the matrix' these books were about the true nature of reality and to do with gestault souls and the manipulation of the human race.
I think the matrix film also owes alittle to dark city, alot of similarities there, and of course the scenes where the humans are being harvested by the machines are pure Giger. Im sure you can trace the movie's origins to even more sources if you wanted, and the main premise of the human race being toyed with by something much higher, is as old as civilisation itself.

I think the above is far more likely than the movie being a direct plagerisation of your life.
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I ask you to define the matrix. Than tell you I'm Neo. :)
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