The mark of the beast

The superstition that goes along wit the number 666 caused me grief when i was a kid...
due to the birthmark on my wrist.!!!

999??? :)

What is the mark of the beast?
It will have something to do with numerology at a guess.

Numbers play an important part in Judaic ritual practices and are believed to be a means for understanding the divine. A Mishnaic textual source, Pirkei Avot 3:23, makes clear that the use of gematria is dated to at least the Tannaic period. This marriage between the symbolic and the physical found its pinnacle in the creation of the Tabernacle. The Hebrew word for symbol is ot, which, in early Judaism, denoted not only a sign, but also a visible religious token of the relation between God and man. It is largely held by Jewish leadership that the numerical dimensions of the temple are a "microcosm of creation ... that God used to create the Olamot-Universes."[1]
".......And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Wit out bein able to buy an sell i woud have gone hungry;;; i was sellin coke bottles for 2 cents each befor i was in the first grade.!!!

If Jesus does come some day... i coud pass off my birth mark as a 666 an still be able to buy food an stuff... so i guess i got that goin for me.!!!

666...999... people see what they want to see i guess... i see a birth mark.!!!

Spooky, I just saw this on my windowsill:

When you squint an hold the pic of the ants at a 45 degree angle while movin it back an forth... it looks like a devil face.!!!
666...999... people see what they want to see i guess...

If 6 was 9

Yeah, sing the song, Bro

If the sun refuse to shine
I don't mind, I don't mind
If the mountains fell in the sea
let it be, it ain't me
Alright, 'cos I got my own world to look through
And I ain't gonna copy you

Now if 6 turned out to be 9
I don't mind, I don't mind
Alright, if all the hippies cut off all their hair
I don't care, I don't care
Dig, 'cos I got my own world to live through
And I ain't gonna copy you

White collared conservative flashing down the street
Pointing their plastic finger at me
They're hoping soon my kind will drop and die
But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high, high
Wave on, wave on
Fall mountains, just don't fall on me
Go ahead on Mr. Business man, you can't dress like me
Sing on Brother, play on drummer

-Jimi Hendrix
Trevor Ravenscroft's book The Mark of The Beast is a sequel to his best-selling The Spear of Destiny.
Ravenscroft writes that the beast of the Apocalypse is actually Behemoth mentioned in Job 40:15-24.

Since the 17th century CE there have been many attempts to identify Behemoth.Some scholars have seen him as a real creature, usually the hippopotamus, occasionally the elephant, crocodile or water buffalo.The reference to Behemoth's "tail" that "moves like a cedar" presents a problem for most of these readings, since it cannot easily be identified with the tail of any animal. Some young earth creationists identify Behemoth as possibly a sauropod dinosaur, claiming that no other animal but a sauropod dinosaur has a tail that "moves like a cedar".
The belief that dinosaurs and humans lived together, however, contradicts the scientific evidence that the last of the sauropods became extinct about 66 million years ago when a large asteroid struck the Earth and that modern humans did not exist until around 50000 years ago.

Revelation chapter 13 talks about the two horned beast coming up out of the earth. Trevor Ravenscroft has identified this two horned beast as Behemoth. He calls this beast also as Ahriman, an evil spirit associated with the Spear.
Another evil spirit, writes Ravenscroft, is Lucifer, and according to him this is also in agreement with the Revelation: the 7 headed , 10 horned beast is the Luciferic power coming up out of the sea.

Thus, Ravenscroft has identified the beast, and he also counts the number of the beast: 666 is the year AD 666
he says.

Nevertheless, Ravenscroft does not tell us what is the mark of the beast. The question remains the same:
what is the mark of the beast? In order to be able to count the number of the beast, we should know
the mark.