The Life of Brian...

Repo Man: that was highly steriotypical AND wrong. Mum was in a monty python club at uni and my partner LOVES monty python. So maybe Orleander doesnt get it, i would suggest that this has more to do with country of origion than gender. Americans seem to have a lot of trouble with english humor.

If I say that, on average, men are taller than women, and then you say that you know a number of women who are over six feet tall, it doesn't change the fact that the average height of men is greater than that of women.

By far in my life's experience, the Monty Python fans I've known have been men. I have known a few women who liked them (such as a cousin of mine, who shares my warped sense of humor), but they have been rare gems. My anecdotal evidence may not be scientific, but it has been borne out by my own observations, and those of other Monty Python fans I have known.

Men and women are different, and like different things. How many men do you know who enjoy reading romance novels?
your right about that and that most science fiction fans are men. In the case of british comedy though i would have to say my belife is country of origion makes more difference than gender. Australians, NZ ect all get british comerdy but only a few Americans i have spoken to are able to apreciate it
Everything Monty Python is. :D
That's what's so great about them.

Of course there is the surface sillyness with the dick and fart jokes, but there is brilliant social commentary and irreverence beneath everything.
I am a beleiver that God has a sense of humor too. I am watching right now ''Monty Pythons, The Life of Brian,'' and it's really blasphemous. I remember watching it when i was yonger... but someone gave me the DVD for christmas, and that's me just sitting down to watch it again...

... have you seen it, and do you find it disturbingly wrong?

I watched it. I am a monty python tradgic. :) I love their sence of humor.

One thing you should note. In one of the very first scenes one of the star actors is listening to the Real Messiah's Beatitudes speech with a group of people, they are very far away from Jesus and cannot hear Him clearly and end up getting it all wrong with funny results.

So the movie quickly establishes that their Brian is not the Messiah Jesus. Once that distinction is made then all the rest is just comedy.

I loved the final scene and the song they sang. I often sing it to myself after a hard day visiting forums like this. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
''So the movie quickly establishes that their Brian is not the Messiah Jesus.''

Yes... I kinda got that.
Adstar wouild have you believe Monty Python endorses Jesus Christ as the real Messiah. Not so. The viewer is led to believe that Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people on a mountainside. They show a person dressed and groomed just as if he stepped right out of the frame holding the stereotypical picture of Christ himself. I saw the scene as a mockery of Christianity. Blessed are the cheesemakers
Adstar wouild have you believe Monty Python endorses Jesus Christ as the real Messiah. Not so. The viewer is led to believe that Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people on a mountainside. They show a person dressed and groomed just as if he stepped right out of the frame holding the stereotypical picture of Christ himself. I saw the scene as a mockery of Christianity. Blessed are the cheesemakers

I did not say that monty python was endorsing anything and i know you will look upon things so as to conform with your intent. Of course the glimpse of Jesus was a caricature of the accepted view of Jesus having long hair and stuff. But it did make a distinction between Jesus and brian.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
In our local cinema bibles were on sale. They sold faster than popcorn and ice cream to people who wanted to know the truth.

Critics who did not see the film were not aware of its subliminal evangelizing.
the only thing thats right is "life's a peice of shit" however, death is shittyer