The Life of Brian...


I am a beleiver that God has a sense of humor too. I am watching right now ''Monty Pythons, The Life of Brian,'' and it's really blasphemous. I remember watching it when i was yonger... but someone gave me the DVD for christmas, and that's me just sitting down to watch it again...

... have you seen it, and do you find it disturbingly wrong?
"Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it, so always look on the bright side of death."

"Do we have a wegionaire named Norticus Maximus?"
HEY monty python is a serious topic

It deals with all the important issues

Like "the machine that goes BING":p
sorry i had to put that in:p

Oh and the building that atacks other buildings, what was that again?
If you honestly expected to find anyone offended by Monty Python's The Life Of Brian here, I don't think you know Sciforums very well.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who is offended by it deserves to be offended.
why is it that scientists and unistudents flock to D. Adams and Monty Python?

its actually quite WEIRD but if you shouted "whats the meaning of life?" at uni MOST people would shout "42!"
"Always look at the bright side of life...ta-dam, ta-dam,ta-dam"
I am a beleiver that God has a sense of humor too. I am watching right now ''Monty Pythons, The Life of Brian,'' and it's really blasphemous. I remember watching it when i was yonger... but someone gave me the DVD for christmas, and that's me just sitting down to watch it again...

... have you seen it, and do you find it disturbingly wrong?

it is more accurate than the passion of christ
I only found a few parts funny in those movies. I am not sure which one it is but they were talking like women and were stoning ppl? that was funny.
Repo Man: that was highly steriotypical AND wrong. Mum was in a monty python club at uni and my partner LOVES monty python. So maybe Orleander doesnt get it, i would suggest that this has more to do with country of origion than gender. Americans seem to have a lot of trouble with english humor.