The legal status of religious rituals

As a certain famous Canadian prime minister once said (famous in our country at least), the government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. As far as governments should be concerned, marriage and relationships only matter for taxation purposes. Usually, married couples and their kids get a tax break, while single adults get a higher share of the burden (I guess it's the government's way of punishing lonely people who can't find a decent partner).

There is one further issue though, which is that secular law takes precedence at all times, no exceptions. Religious law cannot be used as an excuse to violate someone's secular rights, nor is an individual allowed to sign away these rights even if they wanted to out of personal conviction. If you're doing a male/female split of assets, and the only consideration is that one party is male and the other is female, then it's a 50/50 split by default, tradition be damned.