The Last Minority


Registered Senior Member
It has become apparent that there is only one true minority in North America. When I say one true minority I say that because many of what we use to consider minorities don't really fit the bill any more. In the good ol' days we use to use the term to distinguish a group of people who were discriminated against by the public and, often, the media and/or government. This list once included blacks, Spanish, gays, women... basically everyone but white adult males. Unfortunately, I don't believe the word "minority" suits these groups anymore. No sir, not to the extent that it fits one other group. That is, the last true minority; drug users. No other group in days recently passed has been as discriminated and lied about by our government and media for years.

Allow me to begin with a few things that caught my eye after I'd already discovered this trend. To quote an article from the anti-drug side on the site

“I know from personal experience the negative consequences of smoking dope. In my first year of college I smoked it with two of my friends. All three of us flunked out. Unfortunately, my two friends became so addicted to dope that they ended up committing suicide. I was also involved in a very serious car accident with a high school friend. At 55 mph, we missed a telephone pole by two feet. My friend was driving and he was high on marijuana when he lost control of the vehicle. Been there, done that, and threw away the T-shirt. Marijuana is a terrible thing.”

Well that's just super. So because you had a dumb-ass for a friend marijuana is a terrible thing? Cool. So how many die a year from drunk driving? I guess then you'd agree if I said: Alcohol - It's worse than slaughtering babies.

A few quotes from the major mover "Parents: The Anti-Drug".
(1) "Smoking marijuana's is at least as bad as smoking cigarettes, and you already know how dangerous tobacco is to your health"
(2) "If you smoke marijuana, you could do things that jeopardize your future, like having sex or getting in trouble with the law"
(3) "Sometimes it makes people violent. Kids who use marijuana weekly are four times more likely to engage in violent behavior than those who don't."
(4) "More kids use marijuana than any other illicit drug by far"
(5) "Most kids who smoke marijuana don't make straight As. Research shows that kids with an average grade of "D" or below were more than four times more likely to have used marijuana in the past year as kids who reported an average grade of A."
(6) "The bottom line is clear: Marijuana trafficking and use is a big, often violent business. Have you and your kids made the connection between this dangerous drug and acts of violence committed against innocent people around the world?"

And now, the awkward replies:
(1) So you’re saying that if I smoke as many joints as smokers do cigarettes I’ll get the same problems they do? Oh mercy me, I best cut down on the 20 joints a day I smoke. Oh, wait, you say because I don’t use a filter it’s worse? You say that one joint is equal to 7 cigarettes? Gosh darn, I’ll have to cut down from the 3-4 joints I smoke a day then!
(2) If you drink alcohol… If you live in a city… If you step outside your door… Secondly, is there any proof that this is as a result of the drug? That is, any proof that any correlation found between marijuana users and “trouble with the law” or sex (???) is due to marijuana and not the individual’s personality?
(3) Again, drug or already in place personality? How about the fact that marijuana use is higher among poor neighborhoods. I suppose a poor neighborhood doesn’t have anything to do with the violence?
(4) For a reason. It’s the lightest.
(5) Again; pot or person – and – poor neighborhood.
(6) If pot was legalized the people behind it would be the government. Though, admittedly, the government is simply another form of criminal at times.

Perhaps by now you’ve noticed my major concern with the media and government unfortunately being the ones to teach young people about drugs. You see, the government is, contrary to some belief, intelligent. The people who run anti-doping campaigns are not complete idiots. They know one thing very well; marketing. Imagine yourself setting up an ad for the anti-drug community. What would make a good ad? Would you make an ad that gives the whole story? Surely you would not, because the whole story would include good experiences with drugs and the positive side of drug use. So the best idea is, what? That’s right, to only give one side of the story! The government’s job is not to give the truth, it is to give you the pieces of truth they wish you to know and then tell you it’s the whole puzzle.

Another major anti-drug gathering is the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. With a stated goal of ending drug use among American (and world) citizens, the Partnership is one of the largest organizations devoted to prejudice against drug users. In fact, the Partnership is one of the best places to see the policy of; “the truth we want you to know, and only that truth”. Here is an exert from their official information about the drug commonly known as shrooms (hallucinogenic mushrooms):
“When ingested, mushrooms produce a syndrome similar to alcohol intoxication sometimes accompanied by hallucinations. Once ingested, mushrooms generally cause feelings of nausea and other physical symptoms before the desired mental effects appear. The high from using mushrooms is mild and consists of distorted perceptions.”

Pardon me? Perhaps I missed something; “similar to alcohol intoxication”?? I would very much like to see one user or experimenter with mushrooms refer to the effects as similar to drinking beer! Secondly, where is the mention of the positive side of mushrooms? Why is there no mention of the commonly stated mind-opening or perspective-broadening caused by use of hallucinogens? Why, my friend? Because that would be giving the whole truth, and that’s never a good idea. In every drug’s section on the Partnership’s Information site there is a category listed as “long-term affects” which generally states the health risks involved in a drug. As there are no (known) health risks with mushrooms, it would seem right to simply put “no known health risks”. However, the Partnership would never do this. They, like the good little marketers they are, simply didn’t put a “Long-term” section. It merely looks like they just plum forgot!

The last point I would like to bring up is the one that initiated this whole sentiment in myself. My high school, which is a public school, recently handed out a “Drug Information” magazine. Featuring articles about drug use, the magazine’s stated goal was to “inform teens on the truth about drugs”. Allow me to sum up the magazine in one word; bullshit. Never have I laughed so hard as when I opened up the first page of this beautiful bounty of baseless claims.

The opening article discussed the nature of heroin production. It informed us that heroin was produced largely in Afghanistan and that the heroin production in Afghanistan supported renowned terrorist Osama bin Laden. It neglected to mention a few things however, such as that America supported said terrorist, or that the poppy-fields which one day produce heroin are the only way for a large amount of Afghans to make enough money to survive right now. This, though, caused little more than a chuckle to myself. My first big laugh came after the article, where the magazine presented (ready for this?) an “Ethics Test”. Let us forget the ridiculousness of this for just a second. The questions on the test (with possible answers of yes or no) were:
If I use heroin, am I supporting Osama bin Laden?
If I use heroin, am I supporting the destruction of my country?
If I use heroin, am I supporting the destruction of freedom?
If I know someone who uses heroin and do not report them to the police, am I supporting Osama bin Laden?
Below the questions it read: “While it is impossible to say ethics are objective, if you answered ‘yes’ to all these questions Congratulations, you have perfect ethics!!” I hope it is unnecessary for me to dive into the follies of this quote.

While the magazine was full of poor excuses for “informing teens” on the truth (such as “first-hand accounts” of teens who went straight from marijuana use to heroin addiction), there is only one more I wish to comment on. There was a two-page section of the magazine that it called an interview between a psychiatrist and three teens from Ontario high schools. At one point a teen says one of his brother’s friends once tried drugs. The doctor responds by asking if the brother did as well. The student’s reply: “No, his feelings were pretty much the same as mine. Why be a jerk?” The doctor then confirms the young boys opinion. Why indeed, Johnny. Later, one of the students asks the psychiatrist what drug use was like when he was young. Now, I would like to take a step back and analyze something here for a second. The current year is 2002. To have become a psychiatrist, the man would need to be at least, roughly, 25 years old. So let’s say the latest possible date he was born was 1977. But then again, what are the chances they give this important an assignment to some rookie? Reason would stand that it is likely that this great undertaking would be given to an established veteran. Say, someone around the age of 40-50? This would mean that the good doctor was born between 1952 and 1962 (roughly). Thus meaning the good doctor grew up during the late 60s to the mid 70s; an era which featured psychedelia, The Beatles and Timothy Leary. Now, back to the article. The question is posed and the doctor responds: “*Laughs*. Oh, the same as now, really. It was done by people on the fringe, it was never in the mainstream.” Drugs were never in the mainstream in the sixties and seventies? Hmmm, perhaps the good doctor lived on the mood. In a cave. Inside a cardboard box. With a rock keeping the cave shut.

With lies being told about the people and the products, only parts of the truth being told and both the government and public schools getting in on the act, it would seem our last true North American minority is drug users.
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How about smokers? They're decreasing in numbers (YAY) and are descriminated against all the time.
Drug users aren't Minorities, they are criminals. And I'd say homosexuals fit the description of a minority prett damn well, myself. The man (straight man) is ALWAYS trying to put us down. Won't recognize our marrages, and we get beaten and killed because of it, too.

At least Drug usage is optional, it's something you bring on yourself, so I don't see why there is any use in whining about it.
Originally posted by Mystech
Drug users aren't Minorities, they are criminals. And I'd say homosexuals fit the description of a minority prett damn well, myself. The man (straight man) is ALWAYS trying to put us down. Won't recognize our marrages, and we get beaten and killed because of it, too.
Whinging sissy. I (the man) don't give a damn about you. Give up on this martyr complex bollocks and do something productive. Fuggin wagemonkey idiots in this world...

It's taken billions of years for the human mind to get to its current state. The drugs you seem so fond of work by disturbing that state.

Similarly, it's taken billions of years for human lungs to reach their current state. Breathing carbon monoxide changes that state.

Personally I find that whatever effects you might experience from illegal narcotics can also be found through other means.

Since those illegal drugs are harmful (they function by disturbing the natural state of the body, by altering brain chemistry and such), and the effects can be reached by other means, this means you are indulging in self-harm with no purpose. Very clever.

And no, the "altering brain chemistry" bit does not suddenly and mysteriously make you a wise old Chinaman.
Drug users aren't Minorities, they are criminals.

Uh huh. Need I mention that homosexuality is criminalized in some of the 'States by the exact same logic that criminalizes drugs?


And thank you muchly for the post. I can't do more than say that I agree.
"Drug users aren't Minorities, they are criminals."

Because something is in the law it makes it not exempt from being a minority? Then gays never were one. And Jews in Germany, seeing as the law stated they weren't citizens, were not a minority. Great logic ya got goin.

"And I'd say homosexuals fit the description of a minority prett damn well, myself. The man (straight man) is ALWAYS trying to put us down. Won't recognize our marrages, and we get beaten and killed because of it, too."

The state no longer supports prejudice against gays. The state supports hardcore prejudice against drug users/drugs.

"Personally I find that whatever effects you might experience from illegal narcotics can also be found through other means."

It's blatantly obvious from the statement above mine that you have experienced said drugs. That you have done pot, shrooms, acid, salvia, coke and every other drug. I mean, only a gosh-darned fool would be daft enough to say that he finds he can experience the same affect as one thing when he hasn't tried that one thing.

"Since those illegal drugs are harmful (they function by disturbing the natural state of the body, by altering brain chemistry and such), and the effects can be reached by other means, this means you are indulging in self-harm with no purpose. Very clever."

1) There is a purpose. I enjoy it. Second purpose? It allows me (and I speak for myself and no others. I greatly support the side that almost all drugs are misused terribly - especially pot) to view new realities and I almost always leave a true drug experience with an interesting perspective that I (note the word 'I') would not have come up with sober.

2) Many drugs are not bad for you. One such is salvia. Another is shrooms. Had you read my whole shpeal I'm sure you'd have noticed the bit about shrooms not having health risks attatched to them.

3) See the last reply I made about being able to attain the same affects.

"And no, the "altering brain chemistry" bit does not suddenly and mysteriously make you a wise old Chinaman."

Hazaah. And now like the good little boy that you are you'll surely go find where I insinuated that or said it, hmm?

Adam, you seemed to have missed the point completely. With your own little narrow, sheltered view of drug use and drug users you have failed to understand what I'm saying. This is not about drugs. This is not about if I like tripping out on shrooms and want it to be legal. Fuck legal. Except for salvia it doesn't really matter whether it's legal or illegal. This is about state-sponsored prejudice. This is about our governments actively lieing to children and teens and calling it the truth. This is about me not wanting to be classified as a "jerk" or (in California I saw a commercial that basically just said, and I quote; "Only stupid kids do drugs.") as a "stupid kid" because I enjoy the benefits and detriments of drugs. Adam, in your personal vendetta you appear to have against drug users (as has appeared in almost every drug-related thread I've seen) you have consistently closed your eyes and uttered the same phrases without having a fucking clue what you're talking about. (And please, do not consider telling me that you've seen the affects of drugs on other people. That's like saying "I watched some porn, I got this sex thing down pat"). My suggestion to you, Adam, is to read before you write. To sit down and open your mind. Because as of yet I've not seen you do that. And for another time, you completely 100% missed the point of the post.

Oh, and: "It's taken billions of years for the human mind to get to its current state. The drugs you seem so fond of work by disturbing that state."

None of the drugs I have experimented with save cocaine (which was, I fully admitt and agree, a complete mistake. However, I never did it again) mess with my brain in any serious manner. I smoke about 1/8th the required amount of pot on average that has shown to lead to brain problems. And personally, I do not intend on smoking late into my life at all. Let's put it this way Adam; I seem to remember (and I may be wrong) you expressed the fact that you do enjoy alcohol. Take about how much damage the booze has done to your liver and that's not as much damage as the pot has to my brain.

Thanks Xev. I've been meaning to get this up for a while.
Originally posted by Xev

Uh huh. Need I mention that homosexuality is criminalized in some of the 'States by the exact same logic that criminalizes drugs?

Explain, Xev?
The last minority is not drug users. At on point in everyones life they have done drugs. I do one everyday, Coffee. Did you know that nutmeg if taken in a large quantity can get you high? Not like a Mary Jane high, but really high for at least 6 to 8 hours.

I believe the last minority to be people with Mutational Falsetto. (Speech problems)


It's blatantly obvious from the statement above mine that you have experienced said drugs. That you have done pot, shrooms, acid, salvia, coke and every other drug. I mean, only a gosh-darned fool would be daft enough to say that he finds he can experience the same affect as one thing when he hasn't tried that one thing.
I tried some, not all.

1) There is a purpose. I enjoy it. Second purpose? It allows me (and I speak for myself and no others. I greatly support the side that almost all drugs are misused terribly - especially pot) to view new realities and I almost always leave a true drug experience with an interesting perspective that I (note the word 'I') would not have come up with sober.
Purpose: you enjoy it. And to "view new realities". First, you can, as I said, achieve the results without external supplements. Second, you do not view new realities, you merely experience shifts in preception to to altering brain chemistry.

2) Many drugs are not bad for you. One such is salvia. Another is shrooms. Had you read my whole shpeal I'm sure you'd have noticed the bit about shrooms not having health risks attatched to them.
You missed my entire point. You exist because evolution has found a way to make you exist. You are what you are, physically. Part of that is your brain chemistry. Drugs which function by altering that brain chemistry are throwing off that balance of what you are. That alone is unhealthy. In other words, you indulge in self-harm for enjoyment. And I think if you would care to read anything from a first year psych textbook, you'll find that shrooms do indeed have negative health effects.

Hazaah. And now like the good little boy that you are you'll surely go find where I insinuated that or said it, hmm?
In my experience, kids who use drugs often have the idea that it alows them to see realities that others can not, when in fact all they are seeing is altered perceptions based on altered brain chemistry. Altered perception does not equal altered reality. Reality exists beyond you, not inside your head. This is why stoned idiots who think they can fly don't fly, instead they fall off and die.

Adam, you seemed to have missed the point completely. With your own little narrow, sheltered view of drug use and drug users you have failed to understand what I'm saying.
I think if you would care to explore beyond your idea of "drugs are good, mmkay" (if used wisely as prescribed by an incredibly knowledgable 16 year old), you might find that I base my views on: experience; research; and being a smart cooky. I understand what you're saying; but you're wrong.

This is about state-sponsored prejudice. This is about our governments actively lieing to children and teens and calling it the truth.
There is no truth from states. No real truth. Only lies built on real corpses.

Adam, in your personal vendetta you appear to have against drug users (as has appeared in almost every drug-related thread I've seen) you have consistently closed your eyes and uttered the same phrases without having a fucking clue what you're talking about.
1) I have a vendetta? If so, it is against voluntary stupidity only.
2) Me not having a clue what I'm talking about is entirely your assumption, Tyler. I'm very smart, I research well, and more often than not I'm 100% right.

None of the drugs I have experimented with save cocaine (which was, I fully admitt and agree, a complete mistake. However, I never did it again) mess with my brain in any serious manner.
Again, this demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge of the psychoactive effects of the drugs you have mentioned.

Let's put it this way Adam; I seem to remember (and I may be wrong) you expressed the fact that you do enjoy alcohol.
On rare occasions, yes. But then I fully understand the effects I am inflicting upon myself, and accept the price. From what I've seen, you do not fuly understand the effects of the drugs you use. If you did understand, and accepted the price, the great, go for it.

He has a vendetta against everyone, really. It's not restricted to drug users.

I'd give him my pity and not waste another thought on him, if I were you. He's really an insecure young man who makes up for his feelings of inadequecy around women and other people by pretending to be superiour to them. Inside, he knows that he's just another helot swallowing whatever he is told. However, this truth would be painful to aknowledge, thus he attacks anyone who differs in opinion from him. His responses to myself on the subject of sex and morality, and to any thiest or agnostic on the subject of God, are illuminating.

I've been in his shoes.

However, blatent idiocy offends me as much as it does you, so I think I'll be a hypocrite and respond to him:

In my experience, kids who use drugs often have the idea that it alows them to see realities that others can not, when in fact all they are seeing is altered perceptions based on altered brain chemistry. Altered perception does not equal altered reality. Reality exists beyond you, not inside your head. This is why stoned idiots who think they can fly don't fly, instead they fall off and die.

Where did Tyler claim that drugs allowed him to see alternate realities? Will you quote him?

The moral for criminalizing homosexuality and criminalizing drugs is the same:

"You can do with your body what I say you can do, not what you feel is consistant with your best interests. Why? Because I have the power and you don't"

He has a vendetta against everyone, really. It's not restricted to drug users.
Not everyone. I have a vendeattya against stupidity, as previously stated.

Where did Tyler claim that drugs allowed him to see alternate realities? Will you quote him?

Originally posted by Tyler

It allows me (and I speak for myself and no others. I greatly support the side that almost all drugs are misused terribly - especially pot) to view new realities and I almost always leave a true drug experience with an interesting perspective that I (note the word 'I') would not have come up with sober.
Read more carefully.

"I am the lightning" ~ Me.
Not everyone. I have a vendeattya against stupidity, as previously stated.

Nice evasion.

Read more carefully.

He says "new", not "alternate".

Read more carefully, indeed.

"I am the lightning" ~ Me.

If you're an overman, I'm the pinkie-sized fairy of the eradication of stupidity who rides about on the atomic unicorn of power.
I just read Tyler's first post.

Sorry if I repeat a lot.

Sadly, many teen awareness organizations use propaganda techniques that I learned when I was in 8th grade, thus making it blatantly obvious that they are showing only one side of the argument. I think though, they figure we already know most of the "bad" stuff about drugs.

And for those snippet facts; they are usually very biased to giving only what problems drugs cause. Obviously, when trying to get through to most teenagers, if you give one statement contradictory to what you are trying to prove, they will jump all over it and use it as an exuse. That may not be the case with some teens, probably the ones that are smart enough not to use illegal drugs. That may be the reason why they do that.

Many of my friends do marijuana a couple times a week and why? Because we live in a pretty rural area where there's nothing to do. Get kids involved in something they care about and they won't have to be doing illegal drugs to not be bored. I really like those My Antidrug:_____ commercials because they don't throw statistics at you or use blatant propaganda. And they give the right message, that is, if America's youth actually does something they won't feel like they should do drugs; which is true.

It's very sad that teens feel the need to do something bad for their health to not be bored. I'm sure you can find a "statistic" that says how many hours a day of TV or video games a drug-user watches. I say it's from boredom, when they use illegal drugs habitually.

And that "Ethics Test" is ridiculous. I'm sure most of your class was laughing too.

Nice evasion.
No, it's not actually any kind of evasion, nice or otherwise. It is simply what I wrote earlier.

He says "new", not "alternate".
Read more carefully, indeed.
Yay. Semantics.

If you're an overman, I'm the pinkie-sized fairy of the eradication of stupidity who rides about on the atomic unicorn of power.
Oh the joy of being stuck in a world where people make emotional judgements rather than assimilating facts and making informed decisions.
I think it's healthy to experiment with drugs when you're 17ish. But it can be dangerous too. I started with pot, then mushrooms, and before I knew it was popping Ecstasy every weekend. I realized how bad it had gotten and quit all drugs completely. But doing all those drugs REALLY opened up my mind. Mushrooms and E especially... Pot was just kinda "something to do". But I think it's only healthy if it's only a phase and the user doesn't take it too far, like I did...
The moral for criminalizing homosexuality and criminalizing drugs is the same:

"You can do with your body what I say you can do, not what you feel is consistant with your best interests. Why? Because I have the power and you don't"

So? So what? What will you do about it? Might pretty much does make right. Economical and military might. Moral might does nothing.

Same thing Michel Foucault and Friedrich Nietzsche did:

Analyze it.

You'll note that I never called it "wrong".

"Might makes right" is one of the stupidest statements invented. It so blatently contradicts itself (rights are almost by definition, not dependant on might) that I marvel to why it's still used at all.

It's more accurate to say that there is no right.
"I tried some, not all."

Out of curiosity, and I understand if you deny to answer, which ones and in what kind of frequency. I say the latter part because pot, as well known, often takes people 2-4 tries before it works at all and shrooms can often have one flub try.

"Purpose: you enjoy it. And to "view new realities". First, you can, as I said, achieve the results without external supplements. Second, you do not view new realities, you merely experience shifts in preception to to altering brain chemistry"

Can you prove the first part to me? I've never once heard of someone experience seeing a strawberry walk into the room and shake their hand without the aid of drugs or isanity. Secondly, the only term that describes it is a new reality. I realize that I did not literally leave the real world and was transported to a new one. If you can get your mind around it, I am not as dumb as a two year old. But, the only phrase to describe salvia is a new reality. I was unaware of the fact that I was sitting down in the real world. I was unaware of my sense of touch. When I reach out on salvia to touch what my hallucination makes me think I am looking at, I can feel it. I can smell it. But generally I am not touching anything at all but air. And if I do touch something, I'm unaware of the fact that I'm touching it. Like I said, it's always a shock when the trip ends and I find out I'm sitting down (or rolling on the floor, or in some odd body position).

"You missed my entire point. You exist because evolution has found a way to make you exist. You are what you are, physically. Part of that is your brain chemistry. Drugs which function by altering that brain chemistry are throwing off that balance of what you are. That alone is unhealthy. In other words, you indulge in self-harm for enjoyment. And I think if you would care to read anything from a first year psych textbook, you'll find that shrooms do indeed have negative health effects."

So? I fail to see what's wrong with indulging in self-harm for pleasure? I play hockey with injuries. I'm in a play where part of my actions cause me great pain each time I do them. But the pain is not what causes the pleasure. It is just a side-affect. Should I stop these things as well?

"In my experience, kids who use drugs often have the idea that it alows them to see realities that others can not, when in fact all they are seeing is altered perceptions based on altered brain chemistry. Altered perception does not equal altered reality. Reality exists beyond you, not inside your head. This is why stoned idiots who think they can fly don't fly, instead they fall off and die."

Yup, I'd say salvia let's you see realities that others cannot. They're realities that don't actually exist. But for those 5-15 minutes they exist in my mind. No other drug I've tried, I would say, in any way creates new realities in my mind.

"I think if you would care to explore beyond your idea of "drugs are good, mmkay" (if used wisely as prescribed by an incredibly knowledgable 16 year old), you might find that I base my views on: experience; research; and being a smart cooky. I understand what you're saying; but you're wrong."

Adam, I've never seen a word from you that would make me call you a smart cooky. Including spelling the word cookie correctly. Or using semi-colons correctly. Though, I've never seen you say anything that makes me call you a complete idiot. Anyway, the fact that you say my view is that "drugs are good" shows not only your arrogance but that you didn't read my entire first post.

"There is no truth from states. No real truth. Only lies built on real corpses."

The state no longer delivers racist, sexist or in other ways prejudice messages in the manner it once did; except in relation to drugs and drug use. And that is what the entire rant/essay was about.

"2) Me not having a clue what I'm talking about is entirely your assumption, Tyler. I'm very smart, I research well, and more often than not I'm 100% right."

You're also ridiculously arrogant. I've talked to few who disagree. However, you do have no clue what you're talking about. Almost every word you've said to me has related to the plus/minus of drugs and the side affects of drugs. The essay had zero care for these things. I believe I did a rant on those things long, long ago on sciforums. This one barely touched on those.

"Again, this demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge of the psychoactive effects of the drugs you have mentioned."

Go find me the bad side affects of salvia.

"On rare occasions, yes. But then I fully understand the effects I am inflicting upon myself, and accept the price. From what I've seen, you do not fuly understand the effects of the drugs you use. If you did understand, and accepted the price, the great, go for it."

Pot is bad for me. Acid is terrible for me (never done it). Shrooms are poison. Salvia is not dangerous. Hash is terrible for my lungs. Coke is disasterous to my brain and nose. Still, knowing the side affects: "you indulge in self-harm for enjoyment." -- right?

"Yay. Semantics"

Not at all. New realities implies that something creates them. Seeing as I'm talking about a drug, I figured any idiot with half a brain could figure out I meant the drug and my mind created the reality. However, I was apparently wrong.