the last days of fear

As for disassociating from some people because I don't like what they wear. I don't do that. Not necessarily. Some people wear short shirts but still have dignity and God's awareness. Wearing short shirts doesn't make them automatically bad. What I would avoid are people who make fun of religion, revelations and God. Because these are not going to help you make the good things God likes. In fact they might guide you off road.

Belief means loving God. All earthy things come after that love. Love God and make the good things He wants (and avoid gazing at minimally clothed women) you will be happy. Prophet of God said (and I am sure you have it also in the Bible): whoever leaves something for God (i.e. avoid looking at a strange woman), God gives Him a better thing. God gives Him a satisfaction of the heart that no other earthy thing can give. Tested and works perfectly, praised the Lord :)
God wants us to look at minimally clothed women. If he didn't, he would have covered them with fur.
i assumed that if light was necessary for observation that it was a given. i don't know what it takes to observe an electron in this way, but i assumed it wasn't a giant plastic eyeball on a stand.
Here is my layman's understanding.

Light shows properties of being both a wave and a particle, a wavicle if you will. The only way we can measure it (aka - "look" at it) is to throw another wavicle at it. This obviously has an effect on it. It's not that difficult of a concept.