the last days of fear


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member

i thought this video was interesting because it addresses religious concepts without mentioning religion. as a christian, these concepts are right in line with what it says in the bible, but i would imagine they're also in line with what is taught in some way within most or all of the world's major religions.

at the same time "we are what we think (or believe)" is not just religious rhetoric anymore; it's actually backed up by science and history.

so i was wondering...can we all agree on this? :p

i thought this video was interesting because it addresses religious concepts without mentioning religion. as a christian, these concepts are right in line with what it says in the bible, but i would imagine they're also in line with what is taught in some way within most or all of the world's major religions.

at the same time "we are what we think (or believe)" is not just religious rhetoric anymore; it's actually backed up by science and history.

so i was wondering...can we all agree on this? :p

The video clearly had religious undertones. But it could just as well be a promo for the coming anti-christ as much as the coming Messiah Jesus. Even though it stamped the Big "I AM" at the end.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That didn't answer anything.

What do all those fields support?

that we are what we think.

certainly we can all agree that there IS a way to love each other and live in peace. we just have to realize it, and desire it.

i get the impression that many people just don't desire it.
The video clearly had religious undertones. But it could just as well be a promo for the coming anti-christ as much as the coming Messiah Jesus. Even though it stamped the Big "I AM" at the end.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

well that should be easy to determine shouldn't it? if the answer is freedom and the love of god, then it's the christ. if the answer is a new religion, technology, and/or political system, then it's the antichrist.
that we are what we think.
Really? Because I've had university classes in quantum physics, and I don't recall learning anything like that. Can you explain specifically what about quantum physics indicates that we "are what we think"?
at the same time "we are what we think (or believe)" is not just religious rhetoric anymore; it's actually backed up by science and history.

so i was wondering...can we all agree on this? :p
I think I'm a squirrel, but does that make it so?
I'm branching out, squirrels are better climbers. I found it hard to pay attention to the video, it was so preachy and new agey. Sure, human thought to a large extent controls what happens in the world, but we can never get everyone to work towards the same goals, especially when religion gets in the way. Fear alone will save us from complete destruction, and even that isn't a sure thing.
We talked about that movie, didn't we? It's a bunch of nonsense. You have to wonder why religious people would attach themselves to one of the least publically understood areas in physics, while ignoring the quite well supported scientific facts of evolution.
I'm branching out, squirrels are better climbers. I found it hard to pay attention to the video, it was so preachy and new agey. Sure, human thought to a large extent controls what happens in the world, but we can never get everyone to work towards the same goals, especially when religion gets in the way. Fear alone will save us from complete destruction, and even that isn't a sure thing.

fear is the very reason we can't get it together.

not only do our thoughts determine our current perception, but they also determine what we can become. they have a quantum affect, a chemical affect, a neurological affect, and those are all accumulated and passed down via genetics and generations.
We talked about that movie, didn't we? It's a bunch of nonsense. You have to wonder why religious people would attach themselves to one of the least publically understood areas in physics, while ignoring the quite well supported scientific facts of evolution.

it's not nonsense.

what facts of evolution am i ignoring?
Maybe not you, but it's kind of strange. Any scientific notion that aligns with religion is accepted immediately, but anything that contradicts it is shunned. "What the Bleep Do We Know" is a bunch of unscientific new age propaganda.
this area of physics may be least understood, but i have heard physicists say that they are sure that parallel universes exist, they just don't know much about them. but the premise is, that if you were to have two parallel universes that are exactly the same and all other things remaining constant, and you change one thought (it could belong to anyone), that over time, the addition, or deletion, or alteration of that one thought would manifest to two entirely different universes.
Maybe not you, but it's kind of strange. Any scientific notion that aligns with religion is accepted immediately, but anything that contradicts it is shunned. "What the Bleep Do We Know" is a bunch of unscientific new age propaganda.

but it is scientific. biology, physics, neurology...those are all sciences.

also, i'm not aware of any scientific notion that contradicts what i believe.
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what this...
Please explain exactly how the double slit experiment indicates that "we are what we think," because I certainly don't see it. The double slit experiment indicates that particles also have a wave-like nature. What is that supposed to have to do with consciousness?

Also, the video clip got stupid toward the end, when it started talking about the electrons "knowing that they're being watched" and "deciding to act differently." No physicist thinks that electrons are aware of anything or decide anything. At best, that's just a silly anthropomorphism, like when you say "it look like the weather decided to cool down today." You don't actually think that the weather has decided to do something. At least, you shouldn't think that...
Please explain exactly how the double slit experiment indicates that "we are what we think," because I certainly don't see it. The double slit experiment indicates that particles also have a wave-like nature. What is that supposed to have to do with consciousness?

Also, the video clip got stupid toward the end, when it started talking about the electrons "knowing that they're being watched" and "deciding to act differently." No physicist thinks that electrons are aware of anything or decide anything. At best, that's just a silly anthropomorphism, like when you say "it look like the weather decided to cool down today." You don't actually think that the weather has decided to do something. At least, you shouldn't think that...

what you're saying is NOT what the experiment showed.

what the experiment showed is that on a quantum level, there exists a spectrum, if not an infinite number of possibilities, and what is actually determined depends upon an observer.