The joys of life without God

KennyJC said:
So instead of now hiding behind the word 'conciousness', it is now 'I'?

Personality, thought, emotion, memories are all linked to the brain as well. I think that very well covers your vague use of the word "I".

Actually its what I have been talking about since the topic came up - although it still seems you are still not with me yet since personality, thought, emmotion and memories are all displayed from the platform of "I"
superluminal said:
Hmmm. Well then, let's just remove some key parts of your brain and see what happens to your "I".

thats my point - even a person with brain damage still has a sense of I - a dead person however does not
superluminal said:
Quit saying things that blatantly demonstrate your ignorance. It makes me feel bad for you.

1) What "axioms" are you talking about? An axiom is a fundamental statement that is taken as true without question or deeper proof.

2) Newtons laws are in no way "superseeded" by Einsteins. They are still perfectly valid under appropriate conditions (i.e. in any inertial frame).

Force as a fundamental was superceded by energy
Nickelodeon said:
In fact they sent man to the moon using Newtons Laws, as it was pointless using Einstein at such slow speeds. If it was wrong they would have missed the moon...
actually the word I used was superceded
lightgigantic said:
thats my point - even a person with brain damage still has a sense of I - a dead person however does not
No, I mean the loss of a "sense of self" that brain injuries can cause in many patients.
lightgigantic said:
Force as a fundamental was superceded by energy
No, this is jibberish. Force is still fundamental. The four fundamental forces are weak nuclear, strong nuclear, electromagnetism, and gravitation.

A bit of science education on your part would be very helpful to your cause. You at least would be able to use real physical concepts and warp them to your agenda.
superluminal said:
No, this is jibberish. Force is still fundamental. The four fundamental forces are weak nuclear, strong nuclear, electromagnetism, and gravitation.

A bit of science education on your part would be very helpful to your cause. You at least would be able to use real physical concepts and warp them to your agenda.

But for the sake of a more efficient equation they changed the fundamentals they worked with - I am not sure where you are going with this BTW since physicists choose to work with Lagrangian mechanics as opposed to Newtonian mechanics for very obvious reasons
lightgigantic said:
as long as one is alive they still have a sense of "I"
And your evidence for this is... ?

Ever heard of "Persistent Vegetative State"?
Patient is very much alive - but no discernible awareness whatsoever - with no response of any kind to any stimuli (except possibly pain stimuli - and then any reaction is just instinctual rather than conscious).
Please tell me where their sense of "I" is.
Sarkus said:
And your evidence for this is... ?

Ever heard of "Persistent Vegetative State"?
Patient is very much alive - but no discernible awareness whatsoever - with no response of any kind to any stimuli (except possibly pain stimuli - and then any reaction is just instinctual rather than conscious).
Please tell me where their sense of "I" is.

You could use the same argument to discredit a persons account of the experience of dreaming
lightgigantic said:
You could use the same argument to discredit a persons account of the experience of dreaming
:rolleyes: Brain activity can clearly be seen to increase while dreaming.

Now please, answer the question that was put before you rather than try and sidestep.
careful sarkus, the questions too hard, for lg, he'll put you on his ignore list.
Sarkus said:
:rolleyes: Brain activity can clearly be seen to increase while dreaming.

Now please, answer the question that was put before you rather than try and sidestep.

*non-religious question*
Does an increase in brain activity during sleep always denote dreaming?
samcdkey said:
*non-religious question*
Does an increase in brain activity during sleep always denote dreaming?
I don't think so, as some will just be reaction to the environment - e.g. the body gets too hot so the body turns over etc - which will most likely cause an increase in brain activity (but I'm not a doctor, so couldn't say for sure).
I don't even think there's any agreed definition of what "dreaming" is, other than an increase in brain activity during sleep (REM stage).
lightgigantic said:
But for the sake of a more efficient equation they changed the fundamentals they worked with - I am not sure where you are going with this BTW since physicists choose to work with Lagrangian mechanics as opposed to Newtonian mechanics for very obvious reasons
Oh come on LG. You don't know a thing about science, and what physicists do or why. Lagrangian mechanics has been around since Lagrange - late 1700's and has nothing to do with your previous statements re Newton and Einstein. Smoke screens using technical (and inappropriate) terms don't help you.
samcdkey said:
*non-religious question*
Does an increase in brain activity during sleep always denote dreaming?
Yes. BTW, I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
superluminal said:
You have a ruptured anuerism in your brain? I'm afraid you only have time for one more short post...

Nah, sciforums has inured me to bh's of the worst kind :p