The Jews' 20 Bad Traits

the topic was not the Qur'an, but those who enterpret it

particularly those that are considered 'mainstream'. i did not sample a guy who's sitting in a cave in Afghanistan

what i pointed out is that the very-mainstream elements, of those countries friendly with Israel, are saying this.

if a KKK guy would say some bullshit about blacks, you could dismiss it as 'well, it's typical of KKK because they're racists'
but if the Pope, or the leader of the Anglican Church says this, we have a problem...

you've yet to condemn the Mufti's bullshit, Flores
are you being an idiot on purpose?
Actually, that's my question to you.
it goes without saying that it is false, as he paints all Jews with the same disgusting brush and then says that the Qur'an "proves it"
Ah. I see. So racist propaganda that you are not prepared to support in any substantial way is necessarily true?
you're not condemning the Mufti, but you're condemning me for responding to this, and even entertain the idea that his propaganda may be true!
I'm not condemning you for responding; I'm very disappointed in the dishonesty of your response, though, and do not consider it educated, well-intended, or substantial. I make this judgment based not only on the inadequacy of your topic post in response to the Mufti, but also in light of your consistent history of posting this sort of racist trash.

Additionally, of course that list is true; but what you fail to account for is that it's true for any of the Abramic monotheisms, as well as just about any other religion.

Fabrications falsely ascribed to the ultimate reality? Preference for lies? Disobeying self-affirmed standards? Misleading? Hypocrisy? Wishing ill? Schedenfreude? Arrogance and haughtiness?

Fine. I don't see how that separates the Jews from the Muslims from the Christians from anybody else, except perhaps some Buddhists. In other words, great--someone has made a list of bad things about Jews; some think that's a reflection of Islam; the reality is that these traits are common to the current human condition.

The Pope himself responded to the faithful: The Church has apologized for persecuting scientists; the Church accepts Darwinism--it's quite obvious that Catholic dogma did not, over the years, find agreement with all Catholics.

Muslims are humans, too. It is only your racism that compels you to treat them otherwise.

In the meantime, you shouldn't go around baiting people for fights. You don't seem too rise to the occasion when you get one. Especially when it's not the one you're hoping to have.
the Mashiakh will come before you condemn any anti-Semetic filth
and you have the gull to call me racist.
You are a racist, Otheadp. There's no question about it. It's directly included in your arguments; it's implied by your arguments. You bleed your disgust for things not Jewish.
you are the poster boy for Racism Under the Guise of Liberalism
You're on.

I invite you to demonstrate that.

In fact, I even welcome the debate.

In the meantime, I suppose it's finally time to break out this piece of downright ugly propaganda:


This is a picture that is often used by neo-Nazis to depict the savagery of the Jews. What it shows is a rabbi sucking blood from a newly-circumcised penis.

Gripping, eh? Ugly, eh? There is actually an explanation behind this picture, Otheadp, but you're the one who wants to make these debates about all Jews, which includes vampiric fellatio.

Now ... as I understand it from Jews ... this picture has nothing to do with mainstream Judaism, and the defense is that what we see is an obscure practice not recognized by most Jews.

Your need to make these debates about all Jews, and your ill-advised use of spectacular propaganda images actually works to support the neo-Nazi assertion that Jews are all vampiric c@cksuckers.

So remember, you bloodsucking child molester, you are the one who wanted to make this about all Jews. If you wish to take a more reasonable stance regarding the Jews, two things of interest to you will happen:

• You'll find people a lot less repulsed by your racism
• You will no longer be undermining efforts by others to prevent posters--PM, for instance--from broadly slamming "Jewish" ideas

It's something you might wish to consider. I mean, I know approximately what he means when he writes a vague denunciation of "Jews." I don't agree with it any more than the abusive application of "Muslim" and "Islamic" to describe other atrocious behavior in the world. (Which is, as I read PM's posts, part of the point; but somehow our oft-bombastic friend has managed to be too subtle for many around here.) But it's hard for moderators or other posters to make the case that it's not about "Jews," but about "Israel," when a Jewish representative insists on making this about all Jews, that case is harder to make to critics of Israeli/Jewish political issues.

Additionally, it is your insistence that this is about all Jews which makes our discussion problematic; I actually don't believe that, but I'm deferring to the Jewish representative in the discussions on that. I found it quite odd that you exscind from Judaism those Jews who disagree with you, but nonetheless, when the rhetoric is about all of Israel, and Jewish supporters of Israel turn it into a race issue . . . you've brought that back to yourself.

Start facing honestly those parts of the Jewish heritage that you don't wish to represent you. It will ease your effort in carrying out these discussions, and will give your issues greater substance if you are perceived to be an honest representative.

At any rate, it's showtime, Otheadp. Paint me a poster boy.
look buddy
i'm not gonna indulge you in your self centered ego trip
and i'm not going to try prove a racist he's a racist as it is as futile as pissing against the wind
besides, i have better things to do than combing through your posts all day so i could cater to your ego

I'm very disappointed in the dishonesty of your response, though, and do not consider it educated, well-intended, or substantial.
and i'm very heartbroken over your nonapproval, though it wasn't unexpected

Additionally, of course that list is true;
he didn't say "some Jews" or "Israelis" or "some Israelis" or "only Zionists" or "only religious ones" or "only Likud"
he said Jews. that's plain and simple enough even for you to undersand
and you're giving him support
basically, that's all the 'proof' i need to expose you, although no exposing on my part is necessary as you do a fine job doing it yourself
me making it about "all Jews"?
who is it, do you suppose, is he talking about?

the reality is that these traits are common to the current human condition
with that i agree. but the Mufti, and not i, said this specifically about "The Jews"

it's finally time to break out this piece of downright ugly propaganda
what you "broke out" is not propaganda. this practise is common (although not too common)
now, saying that "all Jews" do it, would be propaganda

vampiric fellatio
now that, is propaganda, and a very hateful selection of words (more proof?)

now, while in my posts i condemn some Muslims, the ones who are trying to destroy me and hate my society, i respect Islam - the one that is not used as a justification for this
but you'd just love for me to say "all Muslims" wouldn't you? you bloody racist filth

you exscind from Judaism those Jews who disagree with you
an example would be nice
if you'll bring up Neturei Karta, i have a right to disagree with their philosophies, but not once have i said "they are not true Jews" or "they diviate from Judaism", although you'd love for me to say so
what the hell do you know about Judaism anyway, you dhimmi?

You'll find people a lot less repulsed by your racism
the racist is preaching me about racism! lmao!

I know approximately what [PM] means when he writes a vague denunciation of "Jews."
no buddy. you know exactly what he means, you heina

I don't agree with it any more than the abusive application of "Muslim" and "Islamic" to describe other atrocious behavior in the world.
there's "Muslim" and "Islamic", and there's "islamist" (notice the lower-case 'i')
that's where the distinction lies. Islam is "good", while "islamism" is the abuse of Islam. that is what makes me and so many others sick, although apparently you're just fine with it, and consider islamism and Islam as one and the same

our oft-bombastic friend
so he's "oft-bombastic". i wonder what you call the Mufti from the 1st post?
you remind me of Paula Zahn from CNN using a million and one words except "lied" when talking about Bush ("misled", "misstated", etc.)

it's not about "Jews," but about "Israel,"
more shit spewed out of your heina mouth
so now "all Israelis" is a fair target for racist vomit?
are you some sort of interpreter for PM? it's like when Bush says one of his bushisms, his spokespeople run out to 'translate' it to normal-speak

the thing is, Bush is probably a dislexic, while PM means every word he says, exactly as he says it, you damn apologist heina

Start facing honestly those parts of the Jewish heritage that you don't wish to represent you
more racism from you
man, i'm fuck*ng drowning in it by now

ok man, you've convinced me. i surrender. i'll be more honest. i accept the Mufti's judgement!
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