The Jews' 20 Bad Traits


Former Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee Head, Mufti 'Atiyyah Saqr, who in the past issued a Fatwa calling the Jews "apes and pigs", describes the Jews' 20 Bad Traits As Described in the Qur'an


or Islam Online (original article)

just a little excerpt:
1. They used to fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah.
2. They love to listen to lies.
3. Disobeying Almighty Allah and never observing His commands.
5. Hiding the truth and standing for misleading.
7. Hypocrisy.
9. Wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them.
10. They feel pain to see others in happiness and are gleeful when others are afflicted with a calamity.
11. They are known of their arrogance and haughtiness.

all the 'traits' are followed by quotes from the Qur'an and comments by the Mufti.

he says that Jews do have some good qualities, but the bad ones greatly outweigh the good ones
well, at least he is impartial :m:

Al-Azhar is a religious university in Egypt (a country that has had peace with Israel for 25 years) where the highest Sunni authority resides. this guy used to be the head of the Fatwa commity!

this is what the "mainstream" of a "friendly" country is like
what are the radical Muftis like? makes one wonder

so, dear Sunni Muslims, this guy used to be your version of the Pope, or something similar. what do you think about this? should you believe him? should you do something about this?

what about the non-Muslims?
the Mufti does have some convincing arguments in the there :m:
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It never ceases to amaze me how a religion can institutionalize hatred
It is ironic that when they are describing jews, they are describing themselves (if you look at the little excerpt).

I wonder how people can be so blind.
Muslims hate Christians, Jews & Hindus. But they love bashing & demonizing Jews the most.

Thanks to ISLAM?
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otheadp said:
before this gets closed down, can someone Muslim respond to this please?


you know, I used to like you, sort of think that you are okay....Why do you hate muslims so much? In a dire time of need when the jews were suffering from the holocaust and denied entry to the good old America. When they were fried all over europe in ovens, When their ships were circuling frantically around the Florida port sand noone gave them a hand, they felt safe in Palestine between the arabs....Go figure how they stab the only hand that was offered to them in the time of need.

otheadp, your prejudice have absolutely no basis. If it makes you feel happy, I have jews in my anscestors and through the motherline. Jews were always safest in the arabic world, they intermarried, held businesses, ect. The problem of the jews lies not in the fact that others hates them, it lies in the truth that they HATE ALL OTHERS INCLUDING THEMSELVES.

The problem is muslims characterize non-believers as satan or evil jinn, unworthy of life or respect.

no the problem is the jews themselves. i have no problem with jews its just the way some of the buisness men act.

it is a sad fact that jews have been persecuted EVERYWHERE they go. even BEFORE the revelation of the Quran. the Romans in the 2nd century kicked them out of their land. also they persecuted them, threw eggs and rubbish on them, made them wear pointy witch like hats.

we all no what Hitler did.

as hitler did these things NO ONE cared. the rest of the world let Hitler do his sick regime for over 5 years, it was only after Hitler started attacking countries the rest of the world relised they were under threat by Hitler so they had a war.

the only place were jews have ever been safe is in Muslim countires (not anymore, not after the jacked Palestine in 1947).

like i said about Business men, people were often jealous of Jews aswell becasue of the business power and becasue of the power alot of them are stingy (im not blaming the religon for this, im saying becasue of the power they have). did you realsie the own big buisnesses like Coke, Mcdonalds, Maks And Spencers, Nestle, The Times News, etc. every barcods with 729 is from israel.
spidergoat said:

The problem is muslims characterize non-believers as satan or evil jinn, unworthy of life or respect.

Bull shit back at you....and pile higher and deeper the brown sauce.

It's not my problem that you like to fish in mucky water and surround yourself with failure and dishonesty. If you have wished to see islam and muslims in the correct light you would have done so, but obviously, you are in this to confirm your ill conceptions and not to clear them.
Why do you hate muslims so much?
i have many religious Muslim friends. i don't hate them. only those who try to destroy me.

When [Jews] were fried all over europe in ovens, When their ships were circuling frantically around the Florida port sand noone gave them a hand, they felt safe in Palestine between the arabs
2 facts:
1) the Muslim authority in Palestine during WWII met Hitler, studied his Final Solution, and planned to build extermination camps in Palestine. it was no feeding hand, thank you very much
2) during WWII the Brits actually restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine. Jews had to be smuggled in for the most part by underground Jewish groups in Palestine and abroad

your prejudice have absolutely no basis
what prejudice?

Jews were always safest in the arabic world
1) in relative terms. anything is safer than Inquisition
2) only when they 'behaved' and paid their Jizziyah

i guess this explains or excuses the article i posted? :m:

every barcods with 729 is from israel.
??? please elaborate
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otheadp said:
i don't hate them. only those who try to destroy me.

You have surrounded yourselves with enemies..You have made up your own enemies from scratch. You love enemosities. You live on rivals, you flourish on disagreements. You think that peace is the equivalent of laziness and unproductivity. You live by the same rule that causes you to be victimized. Israel will never know peace and history will repeat itself. I pity you and your country.

otheadp said:
1) the Muslim authority in Palestine during WWII met Hitler, studied his Final Solution, and planned to build extermination camps in Palestine. it was no feeding hand, thank you very much

Never happened. You bite the hand that feeds you. Ultimate ingratitude...Typical.

keep dreaming up these scenarios and they may actually happen. Duel on negativity and incite hatred...Teach your kids that they are hated and that they are different. Put yourself on a pedestale and surround yourself with walls....The more you are united, the more you will stick out, the easier it is to eliminate you.

otheadp said:
2) during WWII the Brits actually restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine. Jews had to be smuggled in for the most part by underground Jewish groups in Palestine and abroad

Do you blame them? How would you feel, if we started allowing arabs to migrate to Israel in large numbers and impose their language and government.

otheadp said:
what prejudice?

That one right under your nose hairs. But your nose is very large to see it.

otheadp said:
Jews were always safest in the arabic world
1) in relative terms. anything is safer than Inquisition
2) only when they 'behaved' and paid their Jizziyah

Palestine never imposed Jizziyah on anyone. Many palestians are christians and they don't pay a dime extra. You imagination are wild, again, convince yourself that you are right at all costs, even if it means making up stories.
Bull shit back at you....and pile higher and deeper the brown sauce.
As a Jew, and a friend of several Israelis, I know for certain that we neither hate ourselves, or all others.
If you have wished to see islam and muslims in the correct light you would have done so, but obviously, you are in this to confirm your ill conceptions and not to clear them.
The problem is the correct light was more disturbing than I could have imagined. I recognize that there are many moderate muslims, especially in the west, that want peace and freedom of religion, but feats of mental gymnastics are required to do this and ignore the Koran, which says, among other things, not to befriend Jews.


no the problem is the jews themselves.
Black people were persecuted too, does that mean there is something wrong with them? Of course not.

like i said about Business men, people were often jealous of Jews aswell becasue of the business power and becasue of the power alot of them are stingy (im not blaming the religon for this, im saying becasue of the power they have). did you realsie the own big buisnesses like Coke, Mcdonalds, Maks And Spencers, Nestle, The Times News, etc. every barcods with 729 is from israel.
Did you know about the historical edict that no christian could lend money? Jews stepped into this business, and people resent them for it, does that make any sense? Somehow Jews, after making money through their own work, are supposed to hand it out to all the lazy people? Others are just as stingy, when you know how hard it is to make money, you don't waste it! Other words for it are effeciency, thriftiness, strategy. As a minority with limited power, money was important to have stability, and to care for their own people, since no one else did. Jews know the value of education, and as a result, have become successful businessmen, this is no different than what everyone else wants. It is incidental that some business owners are Jewish, plenty are not. Do I have to mention the number of Jews with Nobel Prizes, compared to their percentage of the population?
You love enemosities. You live on rivals, you flourish on disagreements. You think that peace is the equivalent of laziness and unproductivity. You live by the same rule that causes you to be victimized.

anti-Semitism thrives on sciforums, as it did in Palestine's mandatory / pre-mandatory period, just as it does in Israel's best friend-nation in the middle east (see 1st post)

you Duel on negativity and incite hatred...Teach your kids that they are hated and that they are different. Put yourself on a pedestale and surround yourself with walls....The more you are united, the more you will stick out, the easier it is to eliminate you.
i could refute your points easily, but what is most troublesome is that you say "you" ... i.e. "all of you Jews"

then you say (or imply) "because of these things that you do, you demonstrate those 20 traits"
or are you going to contradict yourself and renounce that racist islamist vomit that the former highest authority in the Sunni sect spewed? doubtful.

what prejudice?
That one right under your nose hairs. But your nose is very large to see it.

i'm still waiting -- "what prejudice", you racist sharmuta?

Palestine never imposed Jizziyah on anyone.
1) that's because there was never a kingdom / nation-state called 'Palestine'
2) we were talking about the Arab world in general imposing Jizziyah
3) we're talking about the Jews' 20 traits, not about palestinians... stay on topic
otheadp said:
i'm still waiting -- "what prejudice", you racist sharmuta?

The prejudice of your double life.. I can't expand too much on that because you're not worth it....It will be like blowing in a torn balloon. If you want to get a hint of what I'm talking about, consider your biggest fear.....What is your biggest fear? The fear of ALL ISRAELI JEWS.... It's death...because deep down you know that you are no more than maggot meat.

And you call yourself JEWS....meaning guided??? Isn't there a philosophical paradox or circular reasoning with someone who claim to be guided...How can a guided person need god's guidance afterall...You obviously don't need god, because jews believe that they are GOD...Don't you.

I don't need to callyou a racist Ibn Elsharmouta, because just calling you a jew is the biggest insult I can find in my dictionary....You on the other hand, brush up on your dragatory terminology, because your stupid arabic street language is not very impressive.
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i see some female mutilation is in order :D

i don't know whether this is funny or tragic... but this specimen in the post above is a bikini-wearing Muslim (i.e. on the bottom part of the fundie spectrum).

she is also an educated career woman

yet, her education and non-fundie-ness are completely non-factors when it comes to blood libels, racism, hate and prejudice against "The Jews"

it is frightening to imagine what's on the other side of the spectrum

[some graphic examples for those with weak imagination: 1, 2, 3]
otheadp said:
i see some female mutilation is in order :D

i don't know whether this is funny or tragic... but this specimen in the post above is a bikini-wearing Muslim (i.e. on the bottom part of the fundie spectrum).

she is also an educated career woman

I see absolutely no difference between you and a fundie muslim. You are all below pond scum...Ugly looking mutilated beasts.....So disfigured by your ideologies. There's nothing innocent or natural about you......And Any dirt that I get for allowing myself to further talk to below pond scum material is well deserved.
before this gets closed down, can someone Muslim respond to this please?
Perhaps you should reconsider the practice of intentionally attempting to start a flame war.

This topic is a fallacy; your argument doesn't address whether or not the Mufti's propaganda is true or false. It's just a springboard for more of your petty racism.

Good show, Otheadp. What the world needs now really is another poster boy for racism.

Take a bow.
intentionally attempting to start a flame war
are you being an idiot on purpose?

your argument doesn't address whether or not the Mufti's propaganda is true or false
it goes without saying that it is false, as he paints all Jews with the same disgusting brush and then says that the Qur'an "proves it"

infact, Tiassa, once again you expose your racism
you're not condemning the Mufti, but you're condemning me for responding to this, and even entertain the idea that his propaganda may be true!

the Mashiakh will come before you condemn any anti-Semetic filth
and you have the gull to call me racist.

you are the poster boy for Racism Under the Guise of Liberalism
otheadpinfact said:
your[/i] racism
you're not condemning the Mufti, but you're condemning me for responding to this, and even entertain the idea that his propaganda may be true!

Let's examine your logic, although I don't think there is any.

Are you saying that this fair play, that I can go right now and bring any exerpt out of a jewish rabbi or a Talmud and post for worthy discussion. Please do tell, because I have tons of questions about the Talmud....and I don't think there is enough space to post them all.

Grow up, shutting up for a while may speed up the process.