The Jewish Frumka

Whoever this woman being interviewed is seems uneducated.

Women who wore the burqa in the early 20th century were probably moving from Arab communities. It's clearly uncommon, and unaccepted.
SAM said:
But my question is why did showing skin become equated with being less modest? Whats the connection?
The lord's women are reserved to the sight of the lord.

Mark of status - and all men want status, demonstrated control.
I can see the status thingy, e.g. the stripping of Draupadi in the Mahabarata by her husbands' cousins where God provides her with a never ending sari to protect her modesty


But again, when did skin get equated with immodesty?
People can dress and move and do all they can to provoke members of the opposite gender to have sexual thoughts about them.

The Spirit of modesty is to not consciously dress or do anything with the intention to provoke members of the opposite gender to have sexual thoughts about them.

Someone with the spirit of modesty still wants members of the opposite gender to notice them but with the thoughts of Love and admiration for their humanity and dignity. They want the other to be attracted to them because of their personality rather then their sexuality.

A modest person does not want to be a sex object.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Somehow I feel that SAM's reason for noticing Jewish Frumka in Israel is to point out that there are most likely Arabian influence in Israel on the Jews...which brings us back to the whole sinister Palestinian vs. Israel debate.

Or am I thinking to deeply?
If I could get some one with a never ending sari I'd work....

You would work for a sin...

The point is not to take of the sari of the woman who is unwilling to take it of herself.

Like Nergal you will burn in ashes as result of greed ... from never-ending sari, tempted by money.