The irrelevance of God

What is the driving force that propels you to criticize our believe ? do you get paid by the atheist society ?

People who have gone thru a bad experience generally have a burden to alert others about it. Former addicts become rehab counselers. Ex criminals may involve themselves with law enforcement. Ex-bigots may become minority activists. It's human nature to offer advice based on your own experience. To try to turn your own misfortune into something helpful. Why should it be any different with ex-theists?
Where do I sign up?
And there are much more , you should send your money so they can nurture more with their bullshit.
What famous people are atheists?

There are many atheist celebrities, including Marlon Brando (actor), George Carlin (comedian), Arthur C. Clarke (author), Michael Crichton (author), Richard Dawkins (author/biologist), Dr. Dean Edell (radio medical talk show host), Paul Edwards (philosopher), Antony Flew (philosopher), Billy Joel (musician), Michael Kinsley (editor/columnist/commentator), Paul Kurtz (philosopher), Richard Leakey (paleontologist/author), Michael Martin (philosopher), Kai Nielsen (author), James "The Amazing" Randi (conjurer/investigator/author), Ron Reagan, Jr. (talk host), J. Michael Straczinski (exec. producer of Babylon 5), and Teller (magician).
How many versions of a "magical invisible being who sits in the sky and who wants me to obey him" do I really need to go thru?
I couldn't really say. But if that's the version you believe in (in that, you believe "there can be no other" version), and it doesn't answer your questions, have you considered that sticking to your version might be the problem?
How many more versions of a delusion would I need to explore before being justified in calling it a delusion?
What if the delusion is that you think you know what God is, the problem is that you find this "knowledge" unsatisfactory? That is, you know you need to admit to yourself that you don't really know, but prefer to delude yourself that you do know, your unsatisfactory version fills some need after all?
I couldn't really say. But if that's the version you believe in (in that, you believe "there can be no other" version), and it doesn't answer your questions, have you considered that sticking to your version might be the problem?

I never said there were no other versions. I said that every version is an exemplification of the same basic delusion. Again, what about my Christian version of theism disqualifies it from being an example of theism? You seem to have something in mind. Perhaps your own personal experience?

What if the delusion is that you think you know what God is, the problem is that you find this "knowledge" unsatisfactory? That is, you know you need to admit to yourself that you don't really know, but prefer to delude yourself that you do know, your unsatisfactory version fills some need after all?

So I wasn't really a theist when I was a Christian? That when I believed in skydaddy it wasn't the right skydaddy or the right way of interpreting said skydaddy? Well maybe I don't understand unicorns correctly either. Or mermaids. Or centaurs. Maybe there's something about all mythical beings we haven't considered that would suddenly make them logical and convincing beliefs, eh? So why not just say we don't know if ALL these beings exist or not. Sorry, but I ain't goin down THAT slippery slope..
Magical Realist said:
So I wasn't really a theist when I was a Christian? That when I believed in skydaddy it wasn't the right skydaddy or the right way of interpreting said skydaddy? Well maybe I don't understand unicorns correctly either. Or mermaids. Or centaurs.
It's good that you can associate your experience of what you believe was theism with mythical beings, isn't it? You now think doubt is the rational choice.
It's good that you can associate your experience of what you believe was theism with mythical beings, isn't it? You now think doubt is the rational choice.

Yes..doubting the existence of unevidenced beings, including gods and unicorns, is rational. How could it be otherwise?
So I wasn't really a theist when I was a Christian? That when I believed in skydaddy it wasn't the right skydaddy or the right way of interpreting said skydaddy? Well maybe I don't understand unicorns correctly either. Or mermaids. Or centaurs. Maybe there's something about all mythical beings we haven't considered that would suddenly make them logical and convincing beliefs, eh? So why not just say we don't know if ALL these beings exist or not. Sorry, but I ain't goin down THAT slippery slope..

Has anybody actually witnessed unicorns, centaurs, mermaids, the tooth fairy, the flying spagetti monster or any of this other atheist bullshit? No? I thought not.

What about Jesus? Ascended masters? Beings of light? Angels? Demoniac entities? Dead loved ones? Yes? Well isn't that interesting. It makes me suspect that spiritual experiences are not fantasies.
Has anybody actually witnessed unicorns, centaurs, mermaids, the tooth fairy, the flying spagetti monster or any of this other atheist bullshit? No? I thought not.

What about Jesus? Ascended masters? Beings of light? Angels? Demoniac entities? Dead loved ones? Yes? Well isn't that interesting. It makes me suspect that spiritual experiences are not fantasies.

You've seen God? Wow..Go ahead then. Tell us what he looks like.
Magical Realist said:
Yes..doubting the existence of unevidenced beings, including gods and unicorns, is rational. How could it be otherwise?
Yes, sure. Since the aliens have not landed, it's rational to discount their existence.
But, why is this connected to some idea of God's existence? Whence the need for discountable rationalisations?
Yes, sure. Since the aliens have not landed, it's rational to discount their existence.
But, why is this connected to some idea of God's existence? Whence the need for discountable rationalisations?

You wanna believe the aliens we tell ourselves stories about and now have new age cults devoted to are real that's you're choice. But I wouldn't exactly say that was a rational one.
You've seen God? Wow..Go ahead then. Tell us what he looks like.

The ascended masters pay attention to me every once in a while. Five years ago they paid attention to me for several days in a row. They projected the Eye of Horus to me, which I mistook for "God", but was later corrected by a Christian who said that what I saw was not God, but this Egyptian god Horus, the "Eye of Horus". It was during that time that I experienced God as extreme power. I also got to see a "god perspective" looking down on the world.

I've had the ascended masters (and benevolent spirits) pay attention to me and people I was with while attending church and then on the way home from church. Last Sunday they paid attention to me and sent me healing to a situation in my life that seemed irreconcilable. Honestly, I think it's still irreconcilable, but it's not my fault, and I feel better about it.
Magical Realist said:
You wanna believe the aliens we tell ourselves stories about and now have new age cults devoted to are real that's you're choice.
No it isn't. You've chosen to believe that is what I was saying, so it's your choice, not mine. But I didn't say I choose to believe in aliens. Why the deflection?
The ascended masters pay attention to me every once in a while. Five years ago they paid attention to me for several days in a row. They projected the Eye of Horus to me, which I mistook for "God", but was later corrected by a Christian who said that what I saw was not God, but this Egyptian god. It was during that time that I experienced God as extreme power. I also got to see a "god perspective" looking down on the world.

I've had the ascended masters (and benevolent spirits) pay attention to me and people was with while attending church and then on the way home from church. Last Sunday they paid attention to me and sent me healing to a situation in my life that seemed irreconcilable. Honestly, I think it's still irreconcilable, but it's not my fault, and I feel better about it.

The mind can fabricate convincingly the sense of other presences. Mental illness and drugs do this all the time. The key question then becomes: did you ever actually see or hear the beings you ascribed all this attention to? Did you ever SEE God? That IS the subject of the OP afterall.
No it isn't. You've chosen to believe that is what I was saying, so it's your choice, not mine. But I didn't say I choose to believe in aliens. Why the deflection?

You implied we should believe in aliens even though we've never seen them. I'm assuming you espoused this belief. Unless you're in the habit of just speaking for someone else. That's what I'm getting the impression of. Why don't you talk about your OWN experience with God? Has he revealed himself in your life? If not, why are you defending a belief you yourself don't have?
The mind can fabricate convincingly the sense of other presences. Mental illness and drugs do this all the time. The key question then becomes: did you ever actually see or hear the beings you ascribed all this attention to? Did you ever SEE God? That IS the subject of the OP afterall.

I don't use hallucinogenic drugs. Any interaction I get from the masters is brief, intense, and can go months or years without any interaction at all; when I see or feel something, it is a projection from the consciousness of an ascended master. If I were delusional, then I would see them all the time; doesn't that make sense?

The name of the thread is: The Irrelevance of god. But it doesn't indicate which god?
I don't use hallucinogenic drugs. Any interaction I get from the masters is brief, intense, and can go months or years without any interaction at all; when I see or feel something, it is a projection from the consciousness of an ascended master. If I were delusional, then I would see them all the time; doesn't that make sense?

The name of the thread is: The Irrelevance of god. But it doesn't indicate which god?

Hallucinations induced by mental illness or even just by stress can come and go. Describe how these beings looked. Did they appear in your living room? Were they illuminated, transparent, or just like real people? When they spoke did the sound come from them or was it more of a voice inside your head? What do they tell you that is so important? Will they punish you if you ignore them?
Has anybody actually witnessed unicorns, centaurs, mermaids, the tooth fairy, the flying spagetti monster or any of this other atheist bullshit? No? I thought not.

What about Jesus? Ascended masters? Beings of light? Angels? Demoniac entities? Dead loved ones? Yes? Well isn't that interesting. It makes me suspect that spiritual experiences are not fantasies.

LOL. Sorry dude, no one has has seen those things and anyone who makes those claims are obviously fabricating nonsense or have mental disorders. I suspect the latter.
The ascended masters pay attention to me every once in a while. Five years ago they paid attention to me for several days in a row. They projected the Eye of Horus to me, which I mistook for "God", but was later corrected by a Christian who said that what I saw was not God, but this Egyptian god Horus, the "Eye of Horus". It was during that time that I experienced God as extreme power. I also got to see a "god perspective" looking down on the world.

I've had the ascended masters (and benevolent spirits) pay attention to me and people I was with while attending church and then on the way home from church. Last Sunday they paid attention to me and sent me healing to a situation in my life that seemed irreconcilable. Honestly, I think it's still irreconcilable, but it's not my fault, and I feel better about it.

No, you are not special. You have not been visited by the boogieman, it's all in your head. Please seek professional help.
I don't use hallucinogenic drugs. Any interaction I get from the masters is brief, intense, and can go months or years without any interaction at all; when I see or feel something, it is a projection from the consciousness of an ascended master. If I were delusional, then I would see them all the time; doesn't that make sense?

Yes, it makes perfect sense that you are delusional.