The irrelevance of God

No, it was the middle of the night. I woke up and there it was about 10' away. It was a black cloaked figure with a veltet mask. It was standing at the door. Not a shadow, not a dream, not a trick of light, not a human dressed in a cloak. It was an entity.

You woke up in the middle of the night and saw it, your mom saw it, your aunt saw it and a doctor saw it? How exactly could/did this take place?
So how do you know it wasn't just a human dressed in a cloak? Did you get up to investigate?

I couldn't get up. As soon as I became fully aware of it, I was paralyzed. I remember feeling the fear drain out of me, but then I couldn't move.

Balerion said:
If he describes his experience as "I saw a ghost," then yes, we are in a position to tell him it was not valid. You'll notice, however, I'm not telling him that he didn't see anything; I'm asking him what happened, and if he has explored any reasonable explanations.

The only reasonable explanation was that it was a sleep paralysis event.
However, I am not convinced that such events can be explained away as just a sleep disturbance. My mom and her friend were definitely communicating with something from beyond the physical.
I couldn't get up. As soon as I became fully aware of it, I was paralyzed. I remember feeling the fear drain out of me, but then I couldn't move.

You're not being forthcoming. This makes me question whether this actually happened at all.
In other words, it didn't happen, and you know it didn't happen, so you can't tell me the part of the story you know I'll blow a cannon-sized hole through.

It did happen. It was an exhilarating experience, far more amazing than the time I saw an octopus up close. And that's exactly why I don't trust you with the whole story because you are But I promise you, it was a real experience. Was it the angel of death? I don't think so, but I don't really know. It was a black cloaked supernatural entity that visited me. It changed my life. It changed my relationship to fear.

In any event, there probably is an afterlife. There probably are spirits who can present themselves in very creative ways. They probably visit people when they think it will do more good than harm. When they do visit human beings, it truly is a life changing experience;.
It did happen. It was an exhilarating experience, far more amazing than the time I saw an octopus up close. And that's exactly why I don't trust you with the whole story because you are But I promise you, it was a real experience. Was it the angel of death? I don't think so, but I don't really know. It was a black cloaked supernatural entity that visited me. It changed my life. It changed my relationship to fear.

In any event, there probably is an afterlife. There probably are spirits who can present themselves in very creative ways. They probably visit people when they think it will do more good than harm. When they do visit human beings, it truly is a life changing experience;.

Right, so it was a supernatural entity because you said so. That's the type of toddler logic we've come to expect from you, Maz.

You're not even consistent within your own delusion. This thing that paralyzed you with fear and made itself look like the angel of death (by wearing a mask, no less; an item one wouldn't think a requirement for a being capable of shape-shifting--an attribute, by the way, you've wholly invented without providing any rationale) was there because you're a good person? That makes no sense whatsoever. And if your conduct here is any indicator of the person behind the posts, you're a spiteful, petty human being. Hardly the kind of person deserving of a chuck under the chin by a good demon.

Anyway, I'm well aware that even you don't believe this nonsense. If you had any confidence at all in your story, you wouldn't be so fearful of sharing it. You won't because you know it'll get shot full of holes and you won't have this comfortable fantasy to fall back on. The same reason many other posters here are too afraid to share their own stories of faith, or even divulge what God they actually worship. Birds of a feather, huh?
Hmmm…One shouldn’t be ‘’afraid’’ to share their faith ''story'', here. I guess my question is when I read through some of these threads >> why are claims of paranormal experiences, being placed in the ‘proof of God’ category? (by some believers) :confused:
If he describes his experience as "I saw a ghost," then yes, we are in a position to tell him it was not valid.
Not really. Only if you assume, arrogantly, that your experiences--your reality--is the only true and valid one.
Not really. Only if you assume, arrogantly, that your experiences--your reality--is the only true and valid one.

Baleron is that arrogant. He stands outside the stone doors of mystery; unable to get inside, he throws a tantrum.
Hmmm…One shouldn’t be ‘’afraid’’ to share their faith ''story'', here. I guess my question is when I read through some of these threads >> why are claims of paranormal experiences, being placed in the ‘proof of God’ category? (by some believers) :confused:
wegs, I've been down this road before with people like Baleron. There are lots of exquisitely beautiful paranormal experiences that will never see the light of day because of people like Baleron. If it's that beautiful and amazing, it changes you very deeply. Baleron will be forbidden from ever seeing such things for the rest of his life. There is soul healing beauty privy to only a few.
Not really. Only if you assume, arrogantly, that your experiences--your reality--is the only true and valid one.

There's nothing arrogant about believing that ghosts are not real. It's a claim based on both evidence and the lack of it.
wegs, I've been down this road before with people like Baleron. There are lots of exquisitely beautiful paranormal experiences that will never see the light of day because of people like Baleron. If it's that beautiful and amazing, it changes you very deeply. Baleron will be forbidden from ever seeing such things for the rest of his life. There is soul healing beauty privy to only a few.

By "soul-healing beauty" you mean "so scared that I couldn't move?" You mean "It dressed as the angel of death to frighten me," soul-healing?

I'm just trying to get a read on how something that makes you piss yourself in fear is supposed to be a positive experience.
There's nothing arrogant about believing that ghosts are not real. It's a claim based on both evidence and the lack of it.
i agree with balerion here about implying arrogance. I don't think it is arrogant to say, "i don't believe that is possible." Why wouldn't it reasonable to say, "wow that sounds pretty crazy, show me a way this makes sense, or i am not going to believe." I don't think it is fair for people to say, "i can just call anything whatever i want, and you just have to go along because you weren't there, or you just wouldn't understand." There should be some fusion of actual data and interpretations that aren't data, so that we are rational while still allowing for our humanity and philosophy/religion. Or else we just apply data to the field that is appropriate, rather than hope for a fusion of criteria. We should avoid using the wrong criteria in the wrong area, this is also also why the bible shouldn't be used as scientific information."
By "soul-healing beauty" you mean "so scared that I couldn't move?" You mean "It dressed as the angel of death to frighten me," soul-healing?

I'm just trying to get a read on how something that makes you piss yourself in fear is supposed to be a positive experience.

Or why only a "few" can experience it.
No offense, but what does this have to do with God or "religion?" I don't get it. :confused:
By "soul-healing beauty" you mean "so scared that I couldn't move?" You mean "It dressed as the angel of death to frighten me," soul-healing?

I'm just trying to get a read on how something that makes you piss yourself in fear is supposed to be a positive experience.

I can't believe that you have no experience with fear; you really should get out more. In fact, why don't you try sky-diving; then, you'll understand.