The irrelevance of God

I was one of several people who saw the entity; did we all hallucinate? Are you a hallucination? I can't see you therefore I doubt your existence.

If you were all on drugs, sure. If not, then you were likely mistaken. How was it that you all jumped to the conclusion that it was God or some other supernatural thing you were seeing, and not just something normal, like people? Or were you the only one?
And I shall repeat for you -

Essentially to answer your question, we DON'T "know" whether someone has heard the voice of god or whatever

So, you don't know, yet you will state emphatically it was god, despite not knowing? How does that work?
Yes, very similar only this figure had a black velvety mask.

Well, I'm convinced. After all we do have Mazulu's gravity beam to prove his communication with space aliens. Who could doubt what he says? And it seems like this whole subforum is convinced too!. Amazing! Wow, good job Mazulu! BTW where did you get your moniker?
But, we know you're insane.

Yes, I think we all know that. But Mazulu does not understand we know that. Many play along with his insanity. They think he is harmless and so patronize him. Well it is all fun and games until someone gets their eye shot out. Mazulu is a strange unknown factor. He often erupts in threats and other insanities. The guy should be ... looked at.
Yes, I think we all know that. But Mazulu does not understand we know that. Many play along with his insanity. They think he is harmless and so patronize him. Well it is all fun and games until someone gets their eye shot out. Mazulu is a strange unknown factor. He often erupts in threats and other insanities. The guy should be ... looked at.

I'm not a threat and I'm not insane. Im just a tad
insulting to the rude people here. I am very nice to polite people.
I'm not a threat and I'm not insane. Im just a tad
insulting to the rude people here. I am very nice to polite people.

No you're not. You're incredibly rude and petulant to people who disagree with you, regardless of how polite they are.

Now answer my question to you.
Mazulu. You keep insinuating that you are insulting me, but somehow I never feel insulted. My main point was not to insult you, but instead to insult people that play along with your insanity.
No you're not. You're incredibly rude and petulant to people who disagree with you, regardless of how polite they are.

Now answer my question to you.

I don't mind if people diagree with me. It's not about disagreement, it's about abusive trolling from others. I won't tolerate it.

I will happily answer your question, please ask it.
I don't mind if people diagree with me. It's not about disagreement, it's about abusive trolling from others. I won't tolerate it.

Dude, please. You're not fooling anyone. The tantrums you've gone off on here have gotten you banned before.

I will happily answer your question, please ask it.

me said:
How was it that you all jumped to the conclusion that it was God or some other supernatural thing you were seeing, and not just something normal, like people? Or were you the only one?
Dude, please. You're not fooling anyone. The tantrums you've gone off on here have gotten you banned before.

I saw a black cloaked entity that could have easily been mistaken for the angel of death, except it wore a mask and showed no bones. It was the same entity that my mom and her friend were communicating with via seance. There was a paralysis component to it. My mom saw it, her aunt, her friend, the doctor in the other apartment, and i saw it. It was very very real.
I saw a black cloaked entity that could have easily been mistaken for the angel of death, except it wore a mask and showed no bones. It was the same entity that my mom and her friend were communicating with via seance. There was a paralysis component to it. My mom saw it, her aunt, her friend, the doctor in the other apartment, and i saw it. It was very very real.

Ohhhh, so it was a bunch of people seeing exactly what they wanted to see. Gotcha.
Ohhhh, so it was a bunch of people seeing exactly what they wanted to see. Gotcha.

You don't want t hear the answer to your question. You just want to disparage someone's truly remarkable experience. Yeah, you're a real atheist hero.
I saw a black cloaked entity that could have easily been mistaken for the angel of death, except it wore a mask and showed no bones. It was the same entity that my mom and her friend were communicating with via seance. There was a paralysis component to it. My mom saw it, her aunt, her friend, the doctor in the other apartment, and i saw it. It was very very real.

I'm curious, how do you know what "the angle of death" looks like?
I'm curious, how do you know what "the angle of death" looks like?
Angel of death
So, you don't know, yet you will state emphatically it was god, despite not knowing? How does that work?
I also state every day that my dog is such a sweet dog, attributing something beyond mere survival instinct to his behavior, but very very few people make a big stink about THAT and call it irrational, or not "reasonably defensible". I make a choice about my ideology, i am aware enough and intelligent enough to know that most of a person's philosophy cannot be chosen for them from the only rational version and nothing else, because when people are learned enough to know about a wide variety of perspectives, they can usually figure out a way to make any of them make sense. Like a lawyer who realizes one can argue for the prosecution or the defense, although they probably will have a verdict of their own to some degree. I find spiritual ideas suspect, just like a lot of other people do. The difference between me and a lot of other people is that i realize these choices aren't going to be made for me, unlike certain scientific ideas that are actually forced on me by empirical data.

and before anyone says (wynn), that this is much more important than the dog, i agree, but that doesn't change the process. I am doing the best i can with the information, and feelings, and experiences, i have.
You don't want t hear the answer to your question. You just want to disparage someone's truly remarkable experience. Yeah, you're a real atheist hero.

More like you just don't want the holes in your story pointed out to you.

But now I know where you get your crazy from. Your mom was contacting Death via seance?
I also state every day that my dog is such a sweet dog, attributing something beyond mere survival instinct to his behavior, but very very few people make a big stink about THAT and call it irrational, or not "reasonably defensible". I make a choice about my ideology, i am aware enough and intelligent enough to know that most of a person's philosophy cannot be chosen for them from the only rational version and nothing else, because when people are learned enough to know about a wide variety of perspectives, they can usually figure out a way to make any of them make sense. Like a lawyer who realizes one can argue for the prosecution or the defense, although they probably will have a verdict of their own to some degree. I find spiritual ideas suspect, just like a lot of other people do. The difference between me and a lot of other people is that i realize these choices aren't going to be made for me, unlike certain scientific ideas that are actually forced on me by empirical data.

and before anyone says (wynn), that this is much more important than the dog, i agree, but that doesn't change the process. I am doing the best i can with the information, and feelings, and experiences, i have.

The difference is that your dog exists and also seems to show affection that is more than just survival. Now if you think that perhaps your dog is God and that's why it's more than survival that might be more applicable :)
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and before anyone says (wynn), that this is much more important than the dog, i agree, but that doesn't change the process. I am doing the best i can with the information, and feelings, and experiences, i have.

And there are people who envy you. Ha ha.

Srila Prabhupada's analysis is that envy is "indirect appreciation." You only envy someone who has something better or does something better, not worse; hence, "spiritual envy" may simply mean straightforwardly and positively appreciating another vaisnava and expressing that appreciation.

There are various moods in the stage of love in separation called divyonmada. One of the symptoms is that the lover speaks irrelevantly, and this is called citra-jalpa. There are ten categories of citra-jalpa, and one of them is called prajalpa. Prajalpa, in turn, has four symptoms, and they are transcendental envy, disrespect, pride, and ridicule or taunt. The type of speech in which these four are present is called prajalpa. [This is not to be confused with the mundane prajalpa, nor can the other three be compared with their mundane perverted reflections. They are all pure and transcendental, and one who hears about them from the right source becomes purified from the influence of their mundane counterparts.]

Worldly people envy the pure devotee of Krishna seeing him as an expert on everything.

Sometimes people are looking for some utopia, where there is no envy, no problems and everyone is just smiling all day long, but even in the spiritual world there is competition, there is transcendental envy. Of course, it is not based upon hating someone, it is based on love for Krishna and the desire to please Krishna.

Also google "spiritual envy" and similar terms, plenty of that.