The Incompetence Syndrome, Mind Control. By ETI

craterchains (Norval said:
Persol There Is Never Going To Be Another Post By Me To You In Any Of These Forums. I Dont Like You, Most That Are Here To Discuss These Topics Dont Like You, We Have To Tolerate You. So Never Expect A Post Back.

Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring anybody that disagrees with you just shows how weak your arguments are and how incapable you are of defending them.

Refusing to contemplate you are wrong, is called dogma, not science.
craterchains (Norval said:
As I said, DURRING the admin by that pres.

This Incompetence Syndrome was first noted, like I said, and I was contacted by an advisor to that admin of the US and asked what I knew about it. I was told during that meeting that it had been noted in the Pres. of the US, the cabinet, and in several other first world countries around the world. Bluntly blurted out by this person during the discussion was that “they act like they have no common sense“, They can’t make decisions anymore.

This is the same time that all the world leaders spokespeople no longer told the media anything about WHY medical exams were being done.
Im very certain they tracked you down and talked to you, the world does not revolve around you , and furthermore half of the claims you make in any situation are claims and only claims, you have no proof to back it up, you never have felt the need to pull up decent proof that cant easily be explained by anyone else ever since you started your damn extraterrestrial war thread, which was complete and utter bullshit as well, Maybe you dont quite understand the meaning of psuedo science, maybe you dont understand that it has absolutely nothing to do with conspiricies, or demon summoning or any other bullshit, the world is how it is by looking at it through a direct view, its your own god damn mind that distorts it for you, you obviously feel your all important though, since you badger other people on their threads about their own thoughts of beliefs. here is a post for you :

I have no doubt your going to call me ignorant, And so will your buddy, who is also incredibly stupid, im sure im "blind" just like anyone else who exhibits any kind of common sense.
The Incompetence Syndrome infects the ability to cross relate concepts along specific lines of reasoning. Not to be confused with obvious “denial tactics”. Also not to be confused with the normal inability to understand concepts beyond ones knowledge base. That is called ignoring the facts.

This is one statement that can only be ascertained as truth by on site investigation and questioning of the individuals involved, or those that were witness to the event. They are available to any that really want to know. The event took place in Olympia, WA, USA in the spring / summer of 1997. Check the whereabouts of the Sociology Advisor to the president for that time period. Any flights to the West Coast?
The dumbing of the world population is a fact and here is the explanation.

Rich people tend to be smarter than poor people, poor people tend to have more children than rich people so eventually there are many more dumb people than smart people making the overall average IQ lower.

Yes, it's true, the dumb shall inherit the Earth.
Norval said:
Yes BBH, peter is well known as a false concept as it defeats it's self.

Whether or not it is correct is actually largely irrelevant to this discussion. Incompetence in high offices is a long reported and well understood problem. Power is still largely hereditary - witness Bush/Bush Jr as a trivial example, and hereditary powers still suffer from the same problem they always did, namely Sometimes Even Smart People Have Stupid Kids.

Back when most countries were monarchies this was a well recognized problem and there were means of circumventing it, such as setting up a regency. However, most monarchies are gone, and the disintegration of monarchy is generally accepted as a failure of the system.

Even Lycurgus is recorded as saying that a bad upbringing would turn anyone into a lazy, useless parasite, and that would be a few thousand years ago.

Incompetence is an endemic problem for any intelligent species, not a recent trend.
Norval, do you any sources or evidence for this syndrome, I've been researching it online, and found nothing. I do not deny such a syndrome exist, because it's known US has mind control technology for a long time. You can get transmissions of these from television, in the form of infra-sonic imbedded messages that brainwash you, or from simple microwave transmissions, that you could not guard against.

You cannot just stop watching television, or stop using mobile phones, or going out, so there to nothing you can do about it. I guess in the end, it boils down to your natural intelligence and will power, and if you are very strong, they can't do anything to you. However, for most people, with below average intelligence, it's like stealing candy from a baby.
There are simpler and more effective forms of mind control. Willpower is not a defense.
Like, BBH?

Maybe will power is not a defence, but I have faith, it does defend, and I guess my faith can save me from any attempts from someone trying to control my mind. You have no idea how the powerful the mind can be, especially my own :)
Well, as an example, you are seriously considering in this thread that stupidity is a novel phenomenon, rather than an endemic part of the human condition. Miseducation is mind control, the oldest and most effective kind.

Q: How many people have been erased from history?
A: There are no recorded instances of this happening.

What's the real answer? Ten? Fifteen? A million? I guess we'll never know, because that's what "erased" means. A lie that outlasts memory and evidence is a lie that can't be disproved - and when someone lies to you this way, your faith will not help you, nor the purported power of your mind.
There are simpler and more effective forms of mind control.

What is more effective than subliminal messages hidden in television and microwave and infrasonic transmissions, that reach the entire population, and yet they are never aware of it.

What is more effective than certain mind control frequencies embedded with a thought that you will recieve, and be deceived into thinking, that the thought is yours, thus leading to actions, that you otherwise, would not commit.

These are the kind of mind control technologies in their posessions. It is very possible, this incompetence syndrome does actually exist, because I too am gobsmacked at how stupid the majority of the population has become.
However, I would like a credible source, before I accept it. It's not unfeasible however.
How about a lie like the existence of God? A lie propagated with a piece of paper, parlayed into a belief that the world is only a facade that hides vast powers?

How about a lie told so long ago that people consider its age to be proof of its veracity?

How about a lie so celebrated that even those who believe in their heart that it is a lie, still have to live in a world shaped by it?

People will go to their deaths defending a viewpoint that they cannot even produce evidence for... a church is a juggernaut waiting to be pushed this way or that, to crush everything in its path.

People are proud to be part of a religion, because they want to be the ones doing the crushing. They want to be the juggernaut, even if only its tiniest cog.

Even you, O Crazy one, are caught in the lie: how often have you said "You'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes... it's not a threat, I'm just saying." Your imprecations of genocide and the New World Order are no different from the apocalyptic screams of the Christians in 1 CE, "The world will burn! Any second now!"

Your ass is owned by the church... not any specific one, just the sum of them - the idea. Don't tell me about the power of your mind when you parrot the party line of the religious fanatic.
Even you, O Crazy one, are caught in the lie: how often have you said "You'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes... it's not a threat, I'm just saying." Your imprecations of genocide and the New World Order are no different from the apocalyptic screams of the Christians in 1 CE, "The world will burn! Any second now!"

So, because certain people have cried about the end of the world, it must mean the end of the world as we know it, will never happen? This is like the boy who cried wolf, because so many boys have cried wolf, you don't want to hear those cries today? You're generalzing, and that is exactly why you just said I am controlled by a church. When I am a self confessed atheist.

If you actually read up on all the evidence I presenting you, and every fact openly stated in the media today, and the fact, that mass genocides, deception and inhumane acts by governments is not uncommon, then you too, will see what is happening. The reason you are dismissing now, is simply because you cannot feel the grave risk, because it's not manifested for you to taste yet, but the catch 22 of your mindset is this; when it does manifest itself, it will be too late. Then I won't even have to tell you what's happening; you will know yourself.
Welcome to the MATRIX
It’s a real bitch, ain’t it? Good points Blue and Mike, yet this is only the beginning of the story. It’s just recently that this IS hit the earth though, the kind I am talking about. puts a man on the sun in 20 years.

Dr. T’Del was the guy that visited me, it was because of some other research I was doing at the time. I accidentally got into a forum back a couple of months before his visit. The forum turned out to be a think tank at a very well known institute of education on the West Coast. They found my answers to some of their questions they had posted interesting to say the least. By these actions and events I surmised later that what I had been investigating as “struck with blindness” out of the bible, indeed was what I call the Incompetence Syndrome.
craterchains (Norval said:
The Incompetence Syndrome infects the ability to cross relate concepts along specific lines of reasoning. Not to be confused with obvious “denial tactics”.
Ok craterchains. There are two possible options here
1) You haven't been serious to start with and are just messing with us
2) You are a complete hypocrite

You are still talking about this like it is some secret, grave, fact... yet only decide to talk in ryhmes. Please address the questions raised and take your head out of the sand.
The Incompetency Syndrome seems to be rampant in all walks of life.
craterchains (Norval said:
This was discovered during some research into the ancient writings of the Jews, that there would be a disease that would strike the earth in the so called “last days”. It is like a human computer type virus. It is highly selective in its subtle attack of the human memory and cognizant abilities.

This “incompetence syndrome” was first noticed back about spring of1997 during the Clinton administration of the US. Today this “human virus” has trickled down till it is at managerial levels of most all governmental, religious, scientific and general businesses world wide.

Has any one else noticed this peculiar change in what we would call competency levels of those in “charge”?

What a weapon!

CraterChains, Are there accompanying downloads of desirable ideas and attitudes, ( like free market ideology) into the minds of pols and opinion shapers to replace an older more rational matrix of ideas and assumptions?
CraterChains said:
This was discovered during some research into the ancient writings of the Jews, that there would be a disease that would strike the earth in the so called “last days”.

What's the citation for that source? What ancient text(s) for instance?
oh, you know, the ancient ones, really, really ancient,
they don't even have a name, the title couldn't be decrypted :eek:
Dr. T’Del was the guy that visited me
Any relation to Teal'c?

Wow, I'm beginning to understand, Norval is a wind-up merchant!

However, Incompetence Syndrome is real enough, I just don't get where Norval thought it extended down from government to burger king employees, when it evidently goes the other way. But the real cause of Incompetence Syndrome is two-fold: 1) the patently damaging educational theories and dogmas. I've been a leftist all my life, but I hate and detest that vile dogmas that have actively harmed a whole generation came in fact from liberal and hard-left origins. 2) And the second cause of Incompetence Syndrome is the wholesale youth-worship that started in the 60s and now pervades every area of the media and life in general, so that nowadays even our leaders are twenty years younger when they take the top job than they used to be.
Silas said:
Any relation to Teal'c?

Wow, I'm beginning to understand, Norval is a wind-up merchant!

However, Incompetence Syndrome is real enough, I just don't get where Norval thought it extended down from government to burger king employees, when it evidently goes the other way. But the real cause of Incompetence Syndrome is two-fold: 1) the patently damaging educational theories and dogmas. I've been a leftist all my life, but I hate and detest that vile dogmas that have actively harmed a whole generation came in fact from liberal and hard-left origins. 2) And the second cause of Incompetence Syndrome is the wholesale youth-worship that started in the 60s and now pervades every area of the media and life in general, so that nowadays even our leaders are twenty years younger when they take the top job than they used to be.

Incompetency Syndrome Example