The Incompetence Syndrome, Mind Control. By ETI

craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
This was discovered during some research into the ancient writings of the Jews, that there would be a disease that would strike the earth in the so called “last days”. It is like a human computer type virus. It is highly selective in its subtle attack of the human memory and cognizant abilities.

This “incompetence syndrome” was first noticed back about spring of1997 during the Clinton administration of the US. Today this “human virus” has trickled down till it is at managerial levels of most all governmental, religious, scientific and general businesses world wide.

Has any one else noticed this peculiar change in what we would call competency levels of those in “charge”?

What a weapon!
It's goverment policy that in order to have peace one must sacrifice competence for mediocrity. Our Politicaly Correct policy is an attempt to show everybody is the same and any show of excellence or superiority is to be put down immediately less somebody is offended. Affirmative action is a perfect example of dumming down america to avoid social conflict.
craterchains (Norval said:
at managerial levels of most all governmental, religious, scientific and general businesses world wide.
What a weapon!

the usa is not = the earth
guess you have to re-read the original post.

considering your entire post is supported by one very weak assertion (which applies only to the US) then Avatar is completely correct. Adding 'world wide' to the end of a sentence doesn't make it better.
As I said, DURRING the admin by that pres.

This Incompetence Syndrome was first noted, like I said, and I was contacted by an advisor to that admin of the US and asked what I knew about it. I was told during that meeting that it had been noted in the Pres. of the US, the cabinet, and in several other first world countries around the world. Bluntly blurted out by this person during the discussion was that “they act like they have no common sense“, They can’t make decisions anymore.

This is the same time that all the world leaders spokespeople no longer told the media anything about WHY medical exams were being done.
craterchains (Norval said:
This Incompetence Syndrome was first noted...
Do you know any history whatsoever? Stupidity in power isn't a new event. It's been here since we've been writing.
As this was several years ago that this Incompetence Syndrome was first noted and subsequently discussed with me by a presidential advisor I have watched it work it’s way downward till even burger king employees have it. (as persol seems committed to demonstrate)

Now that is what I call population control. What would you do if confronted with a far superior force that could do this to the entire earth’s population? What would you do if confronted with a far superior force capable of wiping life off the earth with out ever having to even come into the solar system?
with me by a presidential advisor
Well perhaps you can provide a name then... I thought not.

Just because you noticed 'it' a couple years ago doesn't make it new. The fact is, this thread isn't really about anything... and you want to try and support your no existant opinion by pretending that a 'higher source' told you about it.
Craterchains, I think you might be onto something.

I do sometimes think, have people really become incompetent and cannot think any more, or has humanity always been like this. I honestly cannot imagine how people could be so dumb naturally. Interesting indeed.
Look, Nero made his horse a General, so I don't think stupidity in government is anything new.

The populace have consistently shown their idiocy by following reigious leaders.

Even worse, some people believe little green men abduct us.

There's no shortage of daft folk.
i dont know how relevant this is but

it has been said that sometimes our government actually BRINGS in drugs and chemicals into this country from elsewhere and releases them in hopes of "Dumbing the Nation" or smartly put, in hope of creating the "Incompitence Syndrome"
this is not just illegal drugs such as cocaine, but also legal drugs like ritalin and that kind of shit.

you can also conspire that some of the unusual CHEM Trails released over large metropolitan areas may have chemicals (and who knows what else) that are slowing our evolutionary process, effecting our immune systems, and also, creating the Incompitence syndrome.
i dont care to discuss chem trails here because it will end up thwarting the thread. so i will not respond to questions about chem trails.

other examples of the incompitence syndrom may be closer to you than you think.
think about Media and Television, with all of their propaganda. it must be noted that propaganda was used in Germany to brainwash its peoples.
our Media in the united states is so 'IMCOMPITENT', for lack of a better word. firstly we have THOUSANDS of reality shows now, as if we DO NOT HAVE LIVES OF OUR OWN. this to me seems like an attempt to takes peoples lives and give them a replacement life they can watch on TV. it also persuades many people to think similarily to the TV show. (this can be good, as in attempts to bring ET awareness to the world... but it is used negatively to engrain IDEALS and MENTALITIES in your conscious and subconscious)

we then have the FACT that we ARENT GETTING ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS FROM OUR PROCESSED FOODs. although this is not a biggie, it relates nonetheless. Processed foods do not have certain elements found in fresh food, and these missing elements can be very helpful to Humans and the Health, and their evolution.

i am not saying all of these are CONSPIRACIES, but simply stating that THEY MAY ADD TO THE INCOMPITENCE SYNDROME.

think about it

take care all
Sorry persol, but your answer was deleted by the fish.
Yes BBH, peter is well known as a false concept as it defeats it's self.

There are many factors of this that are unique to IS making it easily recognizable. The syndrome is markedly apparent in almost all societal elements. Bluntly stated; those with “good hearts” don’t seem to be infected.
There are many factors of this that are unique to IS making it easily recognizable. The syndrome is markedly apparent in almost all societal elements. Bluntly stated; those with “good hearts” don’t seem to be infected.
Would you care to even attempt to show what makes this new? Your 'good hearts' comment amounts to "good people aren't lazy". Very circular logic.
Persol There Is Never Going To Be Another Post By Me To You In Any Of These Forums. I Dont Like You, Most That Are Here To Discuss These Topics Dont Like You, We Have To Tolerate You. So Never Expect A Post Back.
Well that's nice... really, but I'm still going to post to you. Now, if you want to have no integrity then fine... but otherwise would you please attempt to backup your statements?

Otherwise, please point me in the direction of what the point of this thread actually is.
zonabi said:
to show your incompitence.

and its working.

man, i can swear i typed this message in already, cuz i remember my catchy one-liner.

Yes, Zonabi, I saw your post, I have even seen several posts disappear, for example, do you remember the One Question?
It is gone now isn't it?