The Importance of psychic endeavoure

Early mis-reading, you know...

That and the rational idiot sub-title; I caught on to oil like fire on to ice.
I'm not sure exactly how it works but instantaneous communication would certainly not take place across normal Euclidean space but below it. Where information and matter (like physical brains) are interacting without regular physical means. A higher dimension like the 4th perhaps is where the mind recognizes "innate" or unsourced communication. This seems to be the highest level of communication possible in the known universe and what it is needed for is yet to be known.
"Out of the multitude of our sense experiences we take, mentally and
arbitrarily, certain repeatedly occurring complexes of sense
impression... we attribute to them a meaning - the meaning of the
bodily object. Considered logically this concept is not identical with
the totality of sense impressions referred to; but it is an arbitrary
creation of the human (or animal) mind. On the other hand, the concept
owes its meaning and its justification exclusively to the totality of
the sense impressions which we associate with it"

--(Albert Einstein)

The differing qualia states and the mind's "I" are nonalgorithmic
processes - according to Penrose and others. If true, then the brain is
a type of "quantum computer". Quantum mechanics is modeled on infinite
linear spaces. But nonlinearity, nonalgorithmicism and nonlocality
would all be intertwined within the universal quantum computer, not
necessarily being an infinite space. For all intents and purposes, this
universal quantum computer is equivalent to a gigantic self aware mind
- qualia state - consciousness.

The hypothesis is that Sub-space is a non-metric space with specific
properties, such, that all points on a metric space are at the same
point on sub-space, where the sub-space is in immediate contact with
all points of the space-time metric. All events on subspace generate
event ripples with curvature of constant radius, that overlap -
intersect with other "circular" events. These events define the metric
of space-time in accordance with Mach's principle. Space is a
perception of separation between objects, events, phenomena i.e.
reference points, because the concept of length, or distance interval
is intimately connected to the notion of an event, which is irrevocably
intertwined with space-time.

An event is observed to be an occurrence or "happening" at one point in
space and one point in time. A complicated phenomena, can therefore be
analyzed in terms of a series or succession of individual events. The
first event in the sequence is the initial happening. The sequential
events/process spreads out as it evolves by contact with other events.

The speed of a physical[massive] object moving at constant velocity,
can only be defined in terms of another physical object. Each object's
path becomes a sequence of events and the information of those events
expands outwardly at the speed of light, with a closed curvature of
constant radius. Events can only occur with respect to past events, due
to the finite propagation speed of light. Space has no meaning if there
are no events happening in it. All past event light-curves contain all
future event light-curves. The metric of spacetime is therefore defined
by events, such, that the events generate the metric of space-time.

Because all points on the space-time metric are the same point on the
sub-space and as events continue to overlap and evolve, certain
invariant redundancies appear and re-appear. These redundancies are
known as the "laws of physics" and they are the inevitable consequence
of the geometric "invariance" properties of the continual "event
overlap" process. Thus the observed macroscopic Lorentz invariance.

When events A and B overlap - intersect, then, if the laws of physics
for point A - must hold for point A on the space-time metric, then they
MUST also hold for point B. Also, if the laws of physics for point B -
must hold for point B on the space-time metric, then they must also
hold for point A.

Thus non locality is explained.

When two events intersect, a third event is produced. Specific events
can only be characterized with respect to other events and those
overlapping of events can only occur within the metric of
antecedent[past] events on the space-time metric, due to the fact that
the propagation speed of light is finite.

When the new event, X, is produced via the overlapping of events A, B,
C, ... D,... then the new event is the combination of the informational
states of A, B, C,...D,...

Therefore the laws, and constants, of physics can evolve with time. The
new laws that are derived, must still be logically consistent with the
previously derived laws.

By definition, sub-space is a non-linear space[noise] that allows
deterministic signals and fluctuations to emerge and be sustained via
stochastic resonance. It is an An infinite tower of strange looping -
self similar turtles without the paradox.

Consciousness is the inevitable combination of the information
processing/computation of the universe with the apparent "non locality"
of sub-space.

Telekinetic phase synchronization occurs when the human psyche
manifests a trans-temporal[ostensibly non-local] self referencing
feedback loop with the apparent "outside" world/environment. This
phenomena is essentially a stochastic resonance effect, where extremely
weak deterministic signals become amplified via nonlinear noise

Small "self deterministic" perturbations in the phase synchronization
occur from within the psyche itself and consequently become amplified
manifestations, beholden to the biologic will OF the psyche itself. Of
course, these strange psychic effects are extremely difficult to
linearize into specific localized phenomena that would satisfy the
strict criteria of the James Randi million dollar prize, due to the
poor establishement of subcortical/limbic to outer cortex communication
pathways. Alas, humans are only just at the beginning of their
evolutionary journey.

Due to the everpresent *one point* of sub-space connection to *all
points* of the metric space, there is no actual mind separate "out of
body" experience, because all points of space-time are the *same point*
in sub-space. Though it is possible to shut down specific regions of a
brain[and thus consciousness] with highly concentrated electromagnetic
radiation, in effect, separating the cortex from the sub-cortex,
inducing a coma for any particular "remote viewer" via
scalar[longitudinal wave] technology.

This is the closest I have seen any one discuss what I have called "zero point theory " that comprehesively explains the physics of mental or mind entanglements, the laws of inertia, hyperspace travel and dimensioanal collapse. The theory will also explain why it is virtually impossible to evidence in a way that science is familiar with. Especially given the current acceptance and worship of photon theory. [ the existance of the photon has yet to be proved conclusively also ]
The theory also opens the door to a comprehesive TOE which includes self animated life forms as part of it's wholistic requirement.
Congratulations to the author of the above quote!
Psychic ability should not come as a surprise. Dr. Walker, a renowned physicist in his field of research states that psychic ability is actually predicted by quantum mechanics. And this should be tested thoroughly, even for the slightest glitch.

The mind is a subspace, in the sense in exists not in spacetime itself, but does contain its own imaginary realm of freedom; which was first recognized by Arthur Eddington, naming them conscious spacetime theories, and are still a current research.

This ''imaginal realm'', as it has been called by Prof. Penrose and Prof. Goswami, even Dr. Wolf, is a place where probability curves operate. Considering,


Which is always positive.


Just yeilds another conjugate, that cannot be negative unless b=0.

The postulation is that in the subrealm, answers like this square and makes things happen. In extreme cases, we might be talking about psychic phenomena.
If I was a physicist, I would probably seriously appericate that post. Can you sum that up a little bit for us who can't understand it?

In other words, the mind doesn't exist in spacetime, but it [projects] the outside into a three-dimensional phenomena illuminated by the neural networks of the physical brain.

Because of this, the stuff we see, the space void, and sense of time passing, solid objects in the midst of the aether, is in fact strange ''second imaginary dimension,'' of space. It is tied to matter somehow, the very nature of how it does, is still up for speculation. There is of course, a universal theory of the relationship between matter and mind... the mind-body problem.

In this imaginary dimension, we must assume their is also information. Information is required in relativity theory, rather than quantum theory, so any quantum theory needs to have a theory of information, whatever the conditions. It is said, that information rushes past us at superluminal speeds, totally etheral, non-corporeal waves of information, collapsing upon an eigenstate, and popping into reality.

These waves might also take form in the imaginal realm of the mind. It also has strong implications of the ''Collective Consciousness,'' theory of neuroscience and psychological studies.

The waves collapse, and make a thing real. IN THE math above, one wave is represented by (a+bi) and the other (a-bi), which would represent an Echo Wave |E,t1> and an offer wave <t2,O|, and they would clash together, and square, to produce their value. I prefer this theory to answer for how matter has mass, than rather applying for the general Higgs Mechanism.

Psychic ability, would require these functions. Some kind of strange, sub-phenom of action, that defies normality. Actually, perhaps they are quite normal, and its just how un-hightened sense of magic that has been lost on us over the years of evolution.

I'll just ask you a few things, before i cut this short...\

... ever sat there, and knew the phone was going to ring, and it did?
... ever went to say something, and your partner says it also?
... ever walk down the street, feel the urge to turn around, and someone was staring at you?

I ask you to consider, that psychic ability, or abilities are common, and we don't recognize them, because we have lost the knowledge to not only recognize them, but harvest them for personal use.

Is it a coincidence that evidence has found to place animals of all kinds to evacuate an area of land, birds, pigs, rabbits, horses, dogs, anything, leaving it desimated of presence, hours before a catastrophy strikes the place? How did they know?
Psychic ability, would require these functions. Some kind of strange, sub-phenom of action, that defies normality. Actually, perhaps they are quite normal, and its just how un-hightened sense of magic that has been lost on us over the years of evolution.

I'll just ask you a few things, before i cut this short...\

... ever sat there, and knew the phone was going to ring, and it did?
... ever went to say something, and your partner says it also?
... ever walk down the street, feel the urge to turn around, and someone was staring at you?
You don’t actually remember the times where you think about someone or the phone in general and it doesn't ring. I can assure you it happens quite a lot.
So how long before the phone rang were you thinking about it? One minute,ten minutes, one hour? Did you think of a couple of things afterwards and then the phone rang? These coincidences are often a result of selective thinking. We are 'programmed' to make links and find patterns.

Consider how many things you think about during the day. Consider how many times you speak, or think about saying something. Perhaps two people were prompted to speak about something by following similar thought processes. Perhaps something in the background triggered those thoughts. ect. ect.

If these coincidences happen occasionally its probably not that suprising as you only remember the coincidences and your ability to indentify them in the first place is questionable. If you say 'they happen too often', then how do you know that? You have done a rough statistical analysis in your head with unreliable data.

This explains what I mean.'s_law

I ask you to consider, that psychic ability, or abilities are common, and we don't recognize them, because we have lost the knowledge to not only recognize them, but harvest them for personal use.
… and century of testing to confirm the existence of these abilities has produced nothing reliable.

Is it a coincidence that evidence has found to place animals of all kinds to evacuate an area of land, birds, pigs, rabbits, horses, dogs, anything, leaving it desimated of presence, hours before a catastrophy strikes the place? How did they know?
Animals evacuating an area before a catastrophe strikes is no surprise at all, even if it is long before humans notice. Their survival depends on their monitoring of the environment. Hours before? Hmm show me this evidence please.

I ask because I have heard the claim made before. In the disasters that I have checked, many animals have died.
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