The Importance of psychic endeavoure


There exists an importance to psychic endeavours inept and in-born into the individual when existing.
The point that I wish to make here in this thread, is that taken apart and examinend, for whatever reasons or purpose(s), the psychic or individual rather, in question--- the one who is "taken apart" and examinend, the one who is destroyed for the sake of learning; for the sake of the world or whatever other cases there could be (yes this is complicated), is something that implies a necessity to the existence of psychic phenomon. Taken apart and examinend,--- an individual,-------------- there is no end in sight.

Consider for a second the world around us. This is what God is all about: The Universe. God. The existence which we theists have yet to really prove or get around to explaining.

Once again a thread devoted to my purposes of proving or making valid some claims remotely similar to what is common ground to me now "telepathy."

I am not asing for a puny debate by insignifigant thinkers that undoubtedly will post and undoubtedly will post rightfully :D But, I wish to rather make a point and see how these thinkers will do I suppose.

I have gone through a hell of a lot and found out that there exists a common ground between people. This "common ground" is nothing but the existence of what can potentially be more.

Common ground taken to the extreme?
What about live feed?
Is not life feed (from a radio broadcasting live for example) subject to change and time subject to varations in how the events of the past were in accord to how they are in the present?

IMO this sufficientates claims of telepathy and sustainable success to use QQs claims, and makes it possible to see that, first of all, "telepathy" is far too easy a term to denote and work out.

Without the "Importance Of Psychic Endeavours" we have nothing but what is ceased to be believed in, nothing, but what is actual reality being confronted in our daily lives.
I recall (hopefully correctly) that there was a time in the 1950's where the US was very interested in harnessing 'remote viewers' so we could spy on our enemeies. I recall something to the effect that it was widely believed by the US government that the Soviets were far ahead of us with applied psi. The results of many years and millions of dollars of investment was that the phenomenon they were trying to harness didn't exist.
lol. I had thought when writing that, that I would have made sense but apparently it was taken out of context and probably rightfully. However, this does not matter.
It's been stated time and time again. Mediums, Clairvoyants and Psychics are either knowingly being fraudulent or they suffer from a delusion so grand that certain others fall for it as a truth. They aren't the only people like that, those that believe in Religions suffer much the same.

There are certain Axioms of truth that seemingly can not be stated enough:

1: In this world exists Scammers, Fraudsters, Liars, Cheaters and Thieves. This people thrive on misinformation, misnomers, superstition and delusional conspiracies that people fall foul of.

2: Scientifically there is currently no Natural method for Telepathy to exist. It's not seen in the animal kingdom anywhere and as much as we like to make out we are different from animals, I'm afraid we are all bound to Darwinism... learn to live with the fact your related to Monkeys.

In essence this means for Telepathy to exist means it has to be created Artificially which in turn means anyone claiming to have these powers don't and are more likely to be deluded test subjects to projects that are violating the Nuremberg code. (test subjects aren't asked to volunteer and don't have the safety restrictions applied by the Nuremberg code like the ability to walk away from the project should the adverse effects become too much.)

3: The entire "superstition" that mediums had any form of power came about because of Victorian Parlour games. this is what the Middle and High Classes did instead of watching television or surfing the internet back in those days. Obviously a number of "street urchins" only too well rose up to exploit these tendencies for a cash profit and that's still the case to this day.

Basically what your post boils down to stryder, is that telepathy doesn't exist.

My opinion is that it does, only that we have inadequate wordings to provide for it's existence.
The defination of telepathy is what?
Can anyone but me provide this?
1: Telepathy is the tranfer of information of one mind to another mind without sensory data.

Yes. Without sensory data clearly that would be impossible.
Maybe not. What is telepathy but something related to sensory data?
Perhaps it is the regular language that must be communicated for us... allow me to define "regular language":

Language unhindered. Language in it's base state with no objections or obligations. ........... Language which is pure.
Mine is convluted obviously but, my point remains the same still.
Bah. If you can figure out what I mean by regular language then good for you. Every one of my words hit at this and emply a firm necessity to the existence of my claims.

Telepathy is a reality as far as goes the existence of the universe.

The monkeys themselves communicate telepathically to small degrees. There exists relationships and connections between others which if destroyed as I have said can be tremendously anxious and thus, psychic. There are few terms which would allow something like that to be valid.
Previous Sensory Deprivation Tests prove that telepathy does not exist naturally. Subjects used for prolonged periods of time in deep underground caverns lost track of what time of day it was and obviously had no clues to any media related stories (like who's in government, what wars were or were not being waged etc) All it proved was that the subjects imaginations tried to fill the sensory void making them seem delusional in regards to some of their thoughts (similar to how loneliness can effect some peoples mentality).

As for Monkey's, They are emotional much like man and a variety of other animals are. emotions are chemical balances that when out of balance can run rampant. The loss of a loved one can be suggested by their absence which is an intellectual conclusion coupled with emotion generates a yet greater outcome. It's not Telepathy you see in them but intelligence.
"Out of the multitude of our sense experiences we take, mentally and
arbitrarily, certain repeatedly occurring complexes of sense
impression... we attribute to them a meaning - the meaning of the
bodily object. Considered logically this concept is not identical with
the totality of sense impressions referred to; but it is an arbitrary
creation of the human (or animal) mind. On the other hand, the concept
owes its meaning and its justification exclusively to the totality of
the sense impressions which we associate with it"

--(Albert Einstein)

The differing qualia states and the mind's "I" are nonalgorithmic
processes - according to Penrose and others. If true, then the brain is
a type of "quantum computer". Quantum mechanics is modeled on infinite
linear spaces. But nonlinearity, nonalgorithmicism and nonlocality
would all be intertwined within the universal quantum computer, not
necessarily being an infinite space. For all intents and purposes, this
universal quantum computer is equivalent to a gigantic self aware mind
- qualia state - consciousness.

The hypothesis is that Sub-space is a non-metric space with specific
properties, such, that all points on a metric space are at the same
point on sub-space, where the sub-space is in immediate contact with
all points of the space-time metric. All events on subspace generate
event ripples with curvature of constant radius, that overlap -
intersect with other "circular" events. These events define the metric
of space-time in accordance with Mach's principle. Space is a
perception of separation between objects, events, phenomena i.e.
reference points, because the concept of length, or distance interval
is intimately connected to the notion of an event, which is irrevocably
intertwined with space-time.

An event is observed to be an occurrence or "happening" at one point in
space and one point in time. A complicated phenomena, can therefore be
analyzed in terms of a series or succession of individual events. The
first event in the sequence is the initial happening. The sequential
events/process spreads out as it evolves by contact with other events.

The speed of a physical[massive] object moving at constant velocity,
can only be defined in terms of another physical object. Each object's
path becomes a sequence of events and the information of those events
expands outwardly at the speed of light, with a closed curvature of
constant radius. Events can only occur with respect to past events, due
to the finite propagation speed of light. Space has no meaning if there
are no events happening in it. All past event light-curves contain all
future event light-curves. The metric of spacetime is therefore defined
by events, such, that the events generate the metric of space-time.

Because all points on the space-time metric are the same point on the
sub-space and as events continue to overlap and evolve, certain
invariant redundancies appear and re-appear. These redundancies are
known as the "laws of physics" and they are the inevitable consequence
of the geometric "invariance" properties of the continual "event
overlap" process. Thus the observed macroscopic Lorentz invariance.

When events A and B overlap - intersect, then, if the laws of physics
for point A - must hold for point A on the space-time metric, then they
MUST also hold for point B. Also, if the laws of physics for point B -
must hold for point B on the space-time metric, then they must also
hold for point A.

Thus non locality is explained.

When two events intersect, a third event is produced. Specific events
can only be characterized with respect to other events and those
overlapping of events can only occur within the metric of
antecedent[past] events on the space-time metric, due to the fact that
the propagation speed of light is finite.

When the new event, X, is produced via the overlapping of events A, B,
C, ... D,... then the new event is the combination of the informational
states of A, B, C,...D,...

Therefore the laws, and constants, of physics can evolve with time. The
new laws that are derived, must still be logically consistent with the
previously derived laws.

By definition, sub-space is a non-linear space[noise] that allows
deterministic signals and fluctuations to emerge and be sustained via
stochastic resonance. It is an An infinite tower of strange looping -
self similar turtles without the paradox.

Consciousness is the inevitable combination of the information
processing/computation of the universe with the apparent "non locality"
of sub-space.

Telekinetic phase synchronization occurs when the human psyche
manifests a trans-temporal[ostensibly non-local] self referencing
feedback loop with the apparent "outside" world/environment. This
phenomena is essentially a stochastic resonance effect, where extremely
weak deterministic signals become amplified via nonlinear noise

Small "self deterministic" perturbations in the phase synchronization
occur from within the psyche itself and consequently become amplified
manifestations, beholden to the biologic will OF the psyche itself. Of
course, these strange psychic effects are extremely difficult to
linearize into specific localized phenomena that would satisfy the
strict criteria of the James Randi million dollar prize, due to the
poor establishement of subcortical/limbic to outer cortex communication
pathways. Alas, humans are only just at the beginning of their
evolutionary journey.

Due to the everpresent *one point* of sub-space connection to *all
points* of the metric space, there is no actual mind separate "out of
body" experience, because all points of space-time are the *same point*
in sub-space. Though it is possible to shut down specific regions of a
brain[and thus consciousness] with highly concentrated electromagnetic
radiation, in effect, separating the cortex from the sub-cortex,
inducing a coma for any particular "remote viewer" via
scalar[longitudinal wave] technology.

This is the best work or study of psychic endeavoure I've seen. The existence of the author of this is open to question.Apparently, the mind is said to exist at individual points in metric space but share a single point in sub-space. Where the mind's "I" is indication of quantum behavior, which is modelled on infinite linear space. Russell Rierson as the author goes by, who's existence is unknown, has written extensively. THe information may or may not appear to make sense, but it is definitely worth a look.
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Thanks for the once refreshing post CC! Stryder although he may appear to make sense on occasion, has failed to remotely touch the opening posts statements which imo excede s ome of what was written in the quantum physics paper you've stated agove. Saddly this is the truth and thank you for bringing it to mind!

My point with stryder was to take the individual and subject him not to sensory deprivation such as in caves and some such things as this but to subject him to sensory destruction. As is the case with many individuals in the world one being myself; struggling with sensory data and the information provided which is very similar to the mind sharing a minds eye with the relator or reflector as I would word it here. I have had experiences whereas the air duster that some people take into their lungs expand, and, I am afraid that I may "non locally" (sic) kill them. This is a realistic fear is my point. However subject to skepticism it may be.

Therefore, as I know the material youo've suggested is there and understand it I have no real necessity upon reading it.
Oh please...
Scalar technology?
Telekinetic phase transition?
By definition sub space is... blah blah blah
It's all specious self-sustaining (within its own little community of deluded woo woo) crap without an ounce of verifiable evidence.
Who's more the woo woo? The Woo wooer or the one who complains about woo wooing?

OIL: You fail to realize that this is nothing which "requires" evidence.
Go sit on a dumpster.
It doesn't require evidence?
So it exists only because you want to believe it does?
Like this "scalar technology" or "sub space".
They make things up and then pretend it's real so they can use the pretend stuff to justify more pretend stuff.
Small "self deterministic" perturbations in the phase synchronization
occur from within the psyche itself and consequently become amplified
manifestations, beholden to the biologic will OF the psyche itself.

This is not "woo-woo" "without evidence" written material.
And it's exactly what my opening post so clearly and effortlessly states in the first sentence.

Besides, I doubt you've seriously considered (sic) any of this.
I listed exactly why it's woo woo stuff:
Scalar technology is woo.
Sub space (especially with the properties ascribed to it) is woo.
Telekinetic phase transitions are woo.
That article in CC's post is complete and utter bullshit.
It's a deluded fabrication.

Please "self-deterministic perturbations in the phase synchronisation"??
What is this, any word with more than two syllables is automatically authoritative enough not to need a factual background?
Who's more the woo woo? The Woo wooer or the one who complains about woo wooing?

OIL: You fail to realize that this is nothing which "requires" evidence.
Go sit on a dumpster.

No evidence required, eh? Bunk!!!! That means unicorns and pink elephants are real also - if no evidence is required. Shouldn't that also include Santa and the Easter Bunny????

Short and to the the point: anything that is REAL has evidence to prove it's existance.:bugeye:

I honestly believe that the statement, "...this is nothing which "requires" evidence." is about THE stupidest thing I've ever heard of!!!!
I listed exactly why it's woo woo stuff:
Scalar technology is woo.
Sub space (especially with the properties ascribed to it) is woo.
Telekinetic phase transitions are woo.
That article in CC's post is complete and utter bullshit.
It's a deluded fabrication.

Please "self-deterministic perturbations in the phase synchronisation"??
What is this, any word with more than two syllables is automatically authoritative enough not to need a factual background?

Wow... you're cool.... hands down.........


Okay. So scalaar technology is "woo".
Subspace is woo? Since when is subspace woo? Not like I know much about it but,--- isn't this parapsychology? Free to discuss the attributes given to us and not to dismiss any of the claims of its existence? Subspace may well be proof of the particles which individuals exude; although as I've said, I know next to nothing of sub space...

In the least however the article that I quoted from and my quote,

Small "self deterministic" perturbations in the phase synchronization
occur from within the psyche itself and consequently become amplified
manifestations, beholden to the biologic will OF the psyche itself.
Is the closest known explanation scientifically written that is, or "woo woo" written if you have it, of psychic endeavor I have yet to see. And I write about it myself too if you haven't noticed in the OP.

It is more about pain to me and the reality confronted.

Can you wrap your head around this quote from my perspective?
If not I see that you should see a physicist such as Quantum Quack.... where the hell is he.... I invited him to this thread.

And yes self deterministic existences of such things as photons electrons; exactly what I described with the air duster. It's a step ahead at least Oil. Pardon, I have always considered you to be Oil. Oli
No evidence required, eh? Bunk!!!! That means unicorns and pink elephants are real also - if no evidence is required. Shouldn't that also include Santa and the Easter Bunny????

Short and to the the point: anything that is REAL has evidence to prove it's existance.:bugeye:

I honestly believe that the statement, "...this is nothing which "requires" evidence." is about THE stupidest thing I've ever heard of!!!!

Sorry but in this case I require no evidence.
Sorry but in this case I require no evidence.

Let me put it plainly, then. No one cares if YOU don't require any evidence - but the rest of us require it in order to accept the possibility that it might be true.

And just because YOU think or want it to be real is nothing. Zero. You can also think Santa is real - but that's YOUR problem, not anyone else's.
Wow... you're cool.... hands down.........


Okay. So scalaar technology is "woo".
Subspace is woo? Since when is subspace woo? Not like I know much about it but,
Because the properties he's ascribing to sub space are, in fact, totally fictitious. What he's using is one of many postulated possible spaces and taking it as proven and real.
Then he's using the speculation to build unjustifiable extrapolations and taking those as factual...

Subspace may well be proof of the particles which individuals exude; although as I've said, I know next to nothing of sub space...
It could be, IF sub spcae actually exists - it's a mathematical construct, another form of geometry....

Is the closest known explanation scientifically written that is, or "woo woo" written if you have it, of psychic endeavor I have yet to see.
The problem being that it's a pseudo-scientific explanation, based on unwarranted extrapolation of unproven thinking.

It's a step ahead at least Oil. Pardon, I have always considered you to be Oil. Oli
Nah, I'm afraid that it's a massive step backward if you're after validation.

Okay, I'll fall for it.
Why Oil? Just a misreading early on?