The Honor of Seppeku

Humorous, but in a discussion of Seppaku

it is as relevent showing photos of a Burning Man dance in the desert

during a discussion about Baltimore area Jesuit priests.
don't ask me, as i would not protect a criminal either

OK, so you consider these "false witnessers" as deserving of the same protection - or not-protection as...criminals. I'm getting a sense of theme here.

any false witnessing

And they are?

God is the "existence" i experience, that i can witness. (all that i can experience)

And existence is not a HIM/HER separate entity holding a grudge yet any action imposed to existence is upon it (God)

who is 'vindictive' but a human being?

I don't think you're reading me: how do you know what your God is like? Anything about your God? At all?

Sorry charlie......

i know mother nature, personally (so do you) (you will eat, sleep, breath, live and die, within)

No problem, Ren; but you don't know your God any better than anyone knows theirs. Your complaints about "false witness" are entirely arbitrary.

i don't believe anyone has the right to represent what they cannot define

But this is what you do: you don't know that God is a gazillion renditions or even one. How can you exclude - with an apparent punishment bent - one of the definitions of God, and then pretend to a comprehensive view of theology?
I think seppeku started out as a way to get out of being tortured to death. Pretty common around the world - even in Iraq to this day.

Weirdly enough there's some other form of seppeku, where someone would cut open their belly and then bandage it, then wait around to have an audience with their lord, show him he had cut his stomach and then be given his chance to bitch - then die. Now a days we use facebook I think? oh and vote... well then there's sciforums:)