The Honor of Seppeku


Why would it be so important, to be responsible for your actions, to such an extent?

What is the honor of Seppeku?
I believe it is couched in the idea of the honour of removing your hateful, flawed presence from the eyes of others.

Honour is a tricky thing.
I believe it is couched in the idea of the honour of removing your hateful, flawed presence from the eyes of others.

Honour is a tricky thing.

so to observe bushido and then combine the western beliefs of being born bad (of/with sin), would that mean each should honorably discharge as kaishaku upon each child, to maintain honor of the family?

lot's of tricky items within beliefs but i find the personal responsibility quite enlightening. :p
so to observe bushido and then combine the western beliefs of being born bad (of/with sin), would that mean each should honorably discharge as kaishaku upon each child, to maintain honor of the family?

Some ideas simply don't combine well.
so to observe bushido and then combine the western beliefs of being born bad (of/with sin), would that mean each should honorably discharge as kaishaku upon each child, to maintain honor of the family?

lot's of tricky items within beliefs but i find the personal responsibility quite enlightening. :p

i don't think you need to add in bushido, Christianity leaves open the following sacrifice.....

A very loving person, not wanting innocent to become corrupt, kills babies right after they are baptized/christened
so they go directly to heaven. I mean, what could be better?
None of them has a chance to be tempted by Satan.

Of course this person knows he will go to Hell, which is where the sacrifice comes in.

But he can rest assured that he reduced the number of souls that ended up in Hell. 1 goes to hell and many others that would have become corrupted do not.
Why would it be so important, to be responsible for your actions, to such an extent?

What is the honor of Seppeku?

You could also see it as taking responsibility for fate, since often the 'failure' was not a 'failure'. Loss to overwhelming forces, for example.
Some ideas simply don't combine well.

and Doreen is proving the point

ie... which belief to question; the idea of being born bad (down right stupid) or the idea of honor unto death? (responsible to existence of one's self with absolute intent)
i don't think you need to add in bushido, Christianity leaves open the following sacrifice.....

A very loving person, not wanting innocent to become corrupt, kills babies right after they are baptized/christened
so they go directly to heaven. I mean, what could be better?

removing the belief, each is born bad!

None of them has a chance to be tempted by Satan.
each is just as capable as any satan.

ie... false witnessing is EVIL!

Of course this person knows he will go to Hell, which is where the sacrifice comes in.

note the difference? in seppku, the individual is personally responsible for their actions, in other beliefs (like you representing) each is not responsible for what they do, and some satan did it....

huge difference!

But he can rest assured that he reduced the number of souls that ended up in Hell. 1 goes to hell and many others that would have become corrupted do not.


what is hell?

is that the place where a mind wonders when having no clue and suffering the whole time?
and Doreen is proving the point

ie... which belief to question; the idea of being born bad (down right stupid) or the idea of honor unto death? (responsible to existence of one's self with absolute intent)

Neither. They are for the individual to decide, so long as they intrude upon no one else.
doreen, have you ever read genesis?

Gen 3:22

And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

that was the day of choice

since then, each is responsible

and to follow the rules, it is easy

believing someone is controlling you, is being controlled by them
Neither. They are for the individual to decide, so long as they intrude upon no one else.

makes sense...... believe as you will

(but in that; no false witnessing (causing a loss to the common) just because you can)

ie..... notice the honor of seppeku: they maintain them 'beliefs' and follow the rules as absolute; kind of being honorable to ANY god!
makes sense...... believe as you will

(but in that; no false witnessing (causing a loss to the common) just because you can)

Define 'false witnessing', how you would identify same, and what steps should be taken against those who are guilty of 'false witness'.
Define 'false witnessing', how you would identify same,

stating something as true which is not

ie... claiming someone walked on water and not seeing it, is a lie!

any can believe what they want, but to say i believe in Jesus and he walked on water, so i have my proof; is WRONG!

sure any can believe it, but witnessing is the wrong.... you can believe what you wish that substantiated YOUR belief, but NON, not a ONE has a right to false witness, just because others do, period!

and what steps should be taken against those who are guilty of 'false witness'.

that is a tough one

me personally, if someone knows they are wrong, then of compassion, they must can seek to be forgiven by them harmed

God will not, does not and never forgives as what each do, does exist and does live. It is that each can HOPE what they did, does not live on beyond what they did. (ie... a lie can live for thousands of years and harm many for generations)

WE the people are who impose to existence 'good and bad' as nature never does evil (in choice)

what to do with the bad?

i cannot wish, and all will "wake up" and i also know many will not forgive

God is of time; each bad will fade to extinction over HIS time but be certain, what was seen in them old works, will be as horrid as it was said (brother against brother, nation against nation; it will be beyond ugly and in many ways, i wish not to see any of it)

ie.... that means you best hope i am wrong as much as i do!
Isn't ritual suicide honorable, because your family won't be burdened with someone who has committed such a dishonorable act. So you are sparing your family's honor right? Or have I been watching to many movies?
any can believe what they want, but to say i believe in Jesus and he walked on water, so i have my proof; is WRONG!

How do you know?

me personally, if someone knows they are wrong, then of compassion, they must can seek to be forgiven by them harmed

And what if they continue to hold beliefs that are wrong, in your opinion? What if these beliefs are harmful? Say, if someone thinks someone else walked on water or something.

God will not, does not and never forgives as what each do, does exist and does live. It is that each can HOPE what they did, does not live on beyond what they did. (ie... a lie can live for thousands of years and harm many for generations)

How do you know this? What if I consider your belief in an eternally angry God false witness? In fact, it is: you have not witnessed any such God.
How do you know?
simple common sense

ie... did you see it? NO... then you can't be on the witness stand!


And what if they continue to hold beliefs that are wrong, in your opinion?
see the example of the last couple thousand years.

the divide, the wars, the abuse of 'lying'

What if these beliefs are harmful? Say, if someone thinks someone else walked on water or something.
then a lot of people will continue to drown until the doo doo hits the fan

ie.... the mount falls, then people will realize much of what was said, is/was deep in poppy cop

galileo was just recently vindicated after almost 500 yrs of BS......... and the ONLY reason was, the LIE could not be covered any further.

How do you know this?
common sense.....

life's that evolve, continue

them that didn't went extinct

pretty basic

What if I consider your belief in an eternally angry God false witness?
i never said what you just did.......

i am looking at reality....... Hitler is dead, right...but many still hate em because of what HE did WHILE upon the earth, even to this day......

not a human being you ever even heard of that had their action UNDONE from existence.......

In fact, it is: you have not witnessed any such God.

that is where you are wrong; i know existence itself is GOD (my creator, my father, the boss, the final judge, the beginning/ending.... etc etc etc....)

that means, all that is, is him and all knowledge, works, magic, miracles, stars, galaxies, life and death is within, of and is HIM itself.

you may think god is some separate entity in some far away places; i don't

i read the literature of all four corners of mankind and see, they all have been pointing at him the whole time and like Einstein himself, i found the conclusion;

"i believe he is the garden, and i have been trying to catch him at his work"

I do not witness, holding GOD as some thing, i see GOD in all that is, and we just within HIS existence defining ITSELF.

ie..... i can actually claim, "my" God created all Gods within the body of mankinds words.
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simple common sense
Except that common sense isn't the best guide to reality.

ie... did you see it? NO... then you can't be on the witness stand!
If you don't know that you should keep quiet.

galileo was just recently vindicated after almost 500 yrs of BS.........
"Recently vindicated"?
Where the hell have you been for the last few hundred years?

i never said what you just did.......
Bishadi said:
God will not, does not and never forgives as what each do
simple common sense

ie... did you see it? NO... then you can't be on the witness stand!

Hmm. Okay.

see the example of the last couple thousand years.

the divide, the wars, the abuse of 'lying'

Okaaay - and what then? What if these people - who apparently hold whatever belief because they are liars - keep on lying? What to do with them? And which ones are lying?

common sense.....

life's that evolve, continue

them that didn't went extinct

pretty basic

That doesn't answer my question. How do you know there's a God and that He's as vindictive as you say?

that is where you are wrong; i know existence itself is GOD (my creator, my father, the boss, the final judge, the beginning/ending.... etc etc etc....)

No, you don't: you just suppose He exists. You haven't got any proof for Him, or any proof that He's as mean as you say He is. Have you witnessed this God of yours? When? Where? What's his pants look like?

In seem to be bearing false witness, according to your rules. Frankly, they seem a bit specious in the believability department: you're bent out of shape because you say that a man can't walk on water, but then you seem to think that it's more believable that God can create everything, including people who can't walk on water and deer that eat fish heads. Your disapproval is a bit selective for being so vehement.
Hmm. Okay.

Okaaay - and what then? What if these people - who apparently hold whatever belief because they are liars - keep on lying? What to do with them?

don't ask me, as i would not protect a criminal either

And which ones are lying?
any false witnessing

That doesn't answer my question. How do you know there's a God and that He's as vindictive as you say?
God is the "existence" i experience, that i can witness. (all that i can experience)

And existence is not a HIM/HER separate entity holding a grudge yet any action imposed to existence is upon it (God)

who is 'vindictive' but a human being?

No, you don't: you just suppose He exists.
Sorry charlie......

i know mother nature, personally (so do you) (you will eat, sleep, breath, live and die, within)

You haven't got any proof for Him, or any proof that He's as mean as you say He is.

sure, what i experience............ nothing more, nothing less. (each is equally capable)

Have you witnessed this God of yours? When? Where? What's his pants look like?

in all that is....... I witness existence 'everyday'!

In seem to be bearing false witness, according to your rules. Frankly, they seem a bit specious in the believability department: you're bent out of shape because you say that a man can't walk on water, but then you seem to think that it's more believable that God can create everything,

all that you see, is within Mother nature (existence) and you should know by now that life EVOLVED (just witnessing your own evidence) and that all that exists, is associated, as well anything and everything that is of existence is what you have to witness during your period of choice

i never said God was some dude on a thrown in some far away place with lightning bolts his hands (them created images)

i see GOD as 'all mass, all energy and all time".............and you know that too!

including people who can't walk on water and deer that eat fish heads. Your disapproval is a bit selective for being so vehement.

i don't do magic

either evidence has causality behind it, or the occurance is not understood


i don't believe anyone has the right to represent what they cannot define

so i can define GOD, as all of existence and support it with not only reason but a gazillion renditions within beliefs/literature/theology

and the funniest part of it all, is the truth, the underlying principle, the combining frame mathematically came from seeking 'the light'

(what energy itself is and how life exists upon mass); the light

ie.. that is what brings it all together..... light is the energy between all mass....

mass is just energy in time

and the process of how mass, energy (light) and time (the trinity) associate (the transition) is definable in math (the last word)

and i claim, to comprehend the math of how the trinity works is how to realize the 'name of God' (the defining of the process)

as it truly is EQUAL to all MANKIND!