"The Homosexual Agenda"

Romans 1:26-27
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
Matthew 19:4-5
Matthew 5:22
Matthew 8:5-13
Jude 1:7

All of these are good verses for you. Which one were you thinking of?

thanks for the links.. I really don't remember which verse it was.

Seems pretty clear cut IAW the Bible then.

Personally I'm really not too concerned about what goes on behind closed doors. I kind of figure it's their business.

but.. I do think these are hilarious ..lol


Romans 1:26-27
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
Matthew 19:4-5
Matthew 5:22
Matthew 8:5-13
Jude 1:7

All of these are good verses for you. Which one were you thinking of?

Is this in response to Cris's "I believe the gospels are totally silent on Jesus saying anything about homosexuality" comment? Because if so, none of them quote Jesus on homosexuality.

Matthew 19:4-5 is about divorce.

Matthew 5:22 has nothing discernible to do with homosexuality either.

Matthew 8:5-13 doesn't seem to have anything to do with homosexuality either.

None of your other references were quotes from Jesus.
Is this in response to Cris's "I believe the gospels are totally silent on Jesus saying anything about homosexuality" comment? Because if so, none of them quote Jesus on homosexuality.

Matthew 19:4-5 is about divorce.

Matthew 5:22 has nothing discernible to do with homosexuality either.

Matthew 8:5-13 doesn't seem to have anything to do with homosexuality either.

None of your other references were quotes from Jesus.

This isn't the place to discuss controversial Christian theology, so let's toss out 8 and 5 which are debatable because of the use of two terms used ("raka" and "pais". We are not experts, but there is debate on those two.

Now, 19 doesn't come right out and say it, but it does clarify the system that was setup to procreate, which is male and female.
at the beginning, the Creator 'made them male and female' and said 'For this reason man will leave his father and mother, and be united with his wife; and the two will become one flesh.

This is out of context, but the point is that Jesus affirms that the Creator made a male and female to be married. And later Paul affirms that every man should have lots of sex with his wife and part only for prayer. And this is to keep from fornication.

1 Chorinthians 7:1 - 7:5.
None of your other references were quotes from Jesus.

Seriously, are you kidding? When one quotes gospel from the Bible, it's almost always Jesus's words. In these three cases, they are Jesus's responses to questions or requests. 19 was the one I was looking for, but I threw in 8 and 5 because I didn't know about them.
A modern US self-described "conservative" is someone who thinks "the homosexuals" have an agenda, and "The CEOs" do not.

In the Bible, the bankers come in for a lot more condemnation, explicit and interpretative both, than the homosexuals. But modern Christians do not seem to feel the need to conceal their roles as bankers, if any. Go figure.

jayleeuw said:
Seriously, are you kidding? When one quotes gospel from the Bible, it's almost always Jesus's words
Paul, the founder of the modern Christian church, was not Jesus - Paul never met Jesus. Neither did any of the other definitely known authors of any part of the Bible.
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Paul, the founder of the modern Christian church, was not Jesus - Paul never met Jesus. Neither did any of the other definitely known authors of any part of the Bible.

Are you serious? I said, "When one quotes gospel from the Bible, it's almost always Jesus's words." What part of gospel and Jesus does Paul apply to? Why did you bring this up and how does it apply to anything? There are only a few books in the Gospel, none of which are authored by Paul.
"gay agenda" sounds sinister and evil to your average Christian. so, it makes the issue easy to understand, which is also good for your average Christian - too much thinking make Homer head hurt.... this in turn sells commercials and makes the presenter fat and rich.

Get rich or die trying. No one said how. That's the American way.
....What the hell is this agenda? In the 25 years of my being alive (and gay), did I somehow miss the post-it note?


maybe you got kicked out of the organization for not being gay enough and didn't get the memo? :shrug:
Here we go again:

Gay people, well, gay people are EVIL, evil right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?

Are we clear?

How can anyone be afraid of a group with

an agenda

You think terrorists get together and say

Let's decide what the next item on our agenda is.

But people with itineraries should be watched.
Here we go again:

Gay people, well, gay people are EVIL, evil right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?

Are we clear?


Is that you, Mr. Garrison?
Seriously, are you kidding? When one quotes gospel from the Bible, it's almost always Jesus's words. In these three cases, they are Jesus's responses to questions or requests. 19 was the one I was looking for, but I threw in 8 and 5 because I didn't know about them.
By "your other references" I was talking about all the non-gospel references that you gave that didn't quote Jesus.
jayleeuw said:
Are you serious? I said, "When one quotes gospel from the Bible, it's almost always Jesus's words." What part of gospel and Jesus does Paul apply to? Why did you bring this up and how does it apply to anything?
Of your seven quotes: two were from letters by Paul, one was from the Old Testament, and one from a letter by a guy named Jude who did not quote Jesus either.

The only gospel you quoted was Mathew.

So nothing to the point from gospel or Jesus - and that is not surprising, since Jesus said nothing to the point, and the gospels don't deal with it directly.