"The Homosexual Agenda"


Valued Senior Member
Where do these crazy religious freaks (mainly the evangelical Americans) get this idea that there is some "Gay Agenda"??? I heard it on the radio a few weeks ago when it was said on the program 'Focus on the Family'... "The homosexual agenda is to kick heterosexuals out of the military".

Look, here it is again...

Wildmon said a few minor issues remain, and AFA will continue to bring these to the attention of PepsiCo. “We feel we have made our point," he said. "Boycotts have been a last resort for us at AFA, and the PepsiCo boycott was started to address issues of concern to us – especially the promotion of the homosexual agenda in the culture. AFA will continue to challenge major U.S. companies to remain neutral in the culture wars rather than to use their resources to promote controversial issues.”


What the hell is this agenda? In the 25 years of my being alive (and gay), did I somehow miss the post-it note?

Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth.
Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth.

Nice to see you are once again wasting time and space here in the SciForums community, troll.
I agree with PieAreSquared, his personal views on the matter are sensible. It will destroy the Earth.
OMG---Looks like it's happening now ;-)

not like it's something new MZ...so who's wasting space???..:poke:
It's the same as when people talk about "white America" or "the black community" or "Evangelical Christians". It's not that all gay, white, black or Evangelicals in the country feel the same way about all issues, but rather it's various political organizations that claim to speak for/look out for the interests of these various groups. And a lot of people assume that these organizations really do represent the average [insert group member here].

When people say "homosexual agenda", what they typically mean is the agenda of some particular politician, activist or group of activists.

Homosexuals are not monogamous.
Neither are heterosexuals, and neither is a large portion of the animal kingdom. You do realize I hope that more heterosexual marriages fail than succeed and mainly because either one or both partners find other partners.

So what's your point?

They want to destroy the institution of marriage.
You appear to have this backwards. Gay's are fighting extremely hard to have marriage extended to them as well, i.e. they are fully in support of marriage and want it to continue.

On the other hand the militant AFA is trying very hard to restrict and limit marriage. In this regard they are significantly closer to destroying marriage than anything currently being pursued by the Gay community.

It will destroy marriage.
You appear quite confused here.

It will destroy the Earth.
Hardly. Over 50% of all marriages fail so it isn't a particularly successful institution from the outset. And now that women are becoming increasing independent and have their own careers, the need for them to get married is in decline.

And note that nearly 50% American adults are not married and the trend for the past 40 years indicates that is increasing.

http://www.unmarriedamerica.org/Census 2000/marital-status-adults-trends.htm

BTW I am a sponsor for unmarriedamerica - I simply and deliberately follow an independent and single lifestyle, as do an increasing number of people.

There is significant social pressure from many to force marriage when it isn't really needed. If the institution of marriage does fail then this will likely be a good thing and certainly not the end of the world.
you obliviously didn't google the quote....lol

here let me help

These are James Dobson's words not mine. From over 5 years ago.

It's no more new news than Fred Phelps's BS. or the countless others

I hate to say this, but here's a reality check. Most interpretations of the Bible state that homosexuality is an abomination. It is the most cut and dry topic in the Bible because there are four or five references on how the scripture is anti-homosexual. One event in particular is even repeated almost word for word. So, it is easy to target homosexuals as a Christian because there is no ambiguity like some other supposed sins. The Christian agenda I was shown when I was one was complete fire and brimstone for unrepentant homosexuals. But that was then..It still ticks me off when a Christian homosexual ignores his/her own scriptures and is ignorant to the words of those few references to being homosexual. I mean it's straight out of Jesus's mouth how it is unnatural. The homosexual agenda is a rumor started by Christians who think they are charged to change the world.

Shout out to all those Christian soliders! If no one will do the work for God, it won't get done!

Can I get an Amen?
I would like to see a list of the verses..because my understanding is that there really is only one verse.

I mean it's straight out of Jesus's mouth how it is unnatural.
Where? I believe the gospels are totally silent on Jesus saying anything about homosexuality.
Romans 1:26-27
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
Matthew 19:4-5
Matthew 5:22
Matthew 8:5-13
Jude 1:7

All of these are good verses for you. Which one were you thinking of?
In nature, as it pertains to humans, a certain percentage will be born homosexual. It is a minority and people need to be educated about this and the psychology behind it, primarily for and from males.

I have five brothers and one of them is gay, who happens to be the closest to my age, and to be honest the things non-religious people say about homosexuality and homosexuals will surprise you. But that has changed a lot since i was in high school, as far as outright discrimination due to people being more educated on the subject. They certainly didnt get these feelings from religion though because like i said they had no interest in religion.
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In nature, as it concerns to humans, a certain percentage will be born homosexual. It is a minority and people need to be educated about this and the psychology behind it, primarily from males.

I have five brothers and one of them is gay, who happens to be the closest to my age, and to be honest the things non-religious people say about homosexuality and homosexuals will surprise you. But that has changed a lot since i was in high school, as far as outright discrimination due to people being more educated on the subject. They certainly didnt get these feelings from religion though because like i said they had no interest in religion.

Years ago there was a discussion on this subject.


I was appalled at first by the title Heterosexuality Is Unnatural. After some debate I came to realize that what the poster was saying is that with humans and with nature, sexuality is natural. Gender preference is partially chemical and also something nurtured. The thing is, when it comes down to it. How do you know if you are heterosexual if you've never tried a same-sex partner? I bet we'd find about half of the population prefer one sex, and the other half the other sex. I know us guys will do anything short of a fish if we were pressed to it and had no other reason to not (such as self-respect or morals).

Humans are sexual beings, not a speck different than in nature and in nature there are the same range of tendencies as we find in humans.
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I know for sure that i am a heterosexual and i am sure that the OP is confident that he is a homosexual. If the question is: Why am i heterosexual? tbh, i cant really answer that.

Prison is different and dont know where you get "The boys there love homos and hate pedophiles."

Maybe you should spend more time reading and learning.