the holy grail

It must look nice and not be too expensive. And you shall place a second shrubbery next to it but slightly higher up with a little path running down the middle.... and you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with....


Taking me back Anti-Flag, taking me back.
Ok, so I googled this a little and found:

This hurt my brain to read even some of it.

Considering the fact that there is more than one blood type.

But I agree that religious people don't think about these things, because they really don't want to know, your not supposed to question it. You might find answers that don't line up with reality.

It is all based on magic and faith. Although they don't consider it magic which is kind of funny because they sure have a problem with that word. Maybe because if you start thinking about other claims of magic it starts to sound like what they are proposing.

I know that you have claimed to not follow the religious, the preacher per se, but where I get confused with you is that you believe in god (ok) but use the bible as the source of at least some of what you are proposing. Ie that we are all sinners and were born with sin and were born in need of cleansing.

If the bible is bs, which I claim it is. Do you believe in dinosaurs ?

Then it's not the word of god and therefore all of the stories are human creations. IE, jesus was just a man.

wow, i just read that link. i swear, i have never heard anyone speak like this before. one thing i don't understand is when he talks of the blood of the male passed down to generations and not the female. is that true? i didn't think it was.

i don't know about his suggestion that there's some holy chalise of perfect blood sitting up in heaven somewhere either. that seems a bit mystical to me. i've been told other things, and i would love it if someone who knew a thing or two about genetic engineering would post in this thread.

actually, no offense to you my friend jpapple, but i would love it if ANYONE would post in this thread!

typical...someone offers up something a bit more concrete and substantial than the typical religious whooey, and you all cower. :p

may i make a plea? this is not something i came up with. this message was dropped into my head. i have gone through hell to be able to stand here today with this message (and this is only part of it). please don't ignore this.

oh, and jpapple, i expressed my thoughts regarding dinosaurs in the dinosaur thread. :)
wow, i just read that link. i swear, i have never heard anyone speak like this before. one thing i don't understand is when he talks of the blood of the male passed down to generations and not the female. is that true? i didn't think it was.

i don't know about his suggestion that there's some holy chalise of perfect blood sitting up in heaven somewhere either. that seems a bit mystical to me. i've been told other things, and i would love it if someone who knew a thing or two about genetic engineering would post in this thread.

actually, no offense to you my friend jpapple, but i would love it if ANYONE would post in this thread!

typical...someone offers up something a bit more concrete and substantial than the typical religious whooey, and you all cower. :p

may i make a plea? this is not something i came up with. this message was dropped into my head. i have gone through hell to be able to stand here today with this message (and this is only part of it). please don't ignore this.


Ah Lori,

I linked to it because he mentions some of the ideas you had mentioned. It was one of I am sure many.

But I think the guy is a whack job, sorry.

First of all there are many blood types not one which is what he is getting from the bible, and I linked to Wiki so you could compare what he is saying with the reality. "Blood types are inherited and represent contributions from both parents. "

So back to the question of whether the bible is bs, because that is where you are getting the idea from in the first place. That he was born without sin etc etc.

If Jesus was just a man then the idea is just fantasy and is expecting magic to be a part, the very thing that you are chastising the religious for.
oh, and jpapple, i expressed my thoughts regarding dinosaurs in the dinosaur thread. :)

I know those are your thoughts but it is not a silly question. You can't both believe in creationism and all else that goes with the bible which is supposed to be the word of GOD and at the same time claim we evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and long before that dinosaurs roamed the earth.

It is a question to separate out the creationists from those who don't believe in the literal words.

The reason it is an important question for you is that you keep referring back to the bible for ideas about god and I am saying that if the bible is BS than what does that say about your ideas ?

So you claim to know there is a god, so what god is it ?

I am not saying it has to be any religions version of god, in fact I am sure of that. But still, what god or who's god is it that is connecting with you ?

Anybody who answers yes to I believe in dinosaurs or I believe in evolution needs to re-examine why they believe in god, not do they believe in god.

There is no way to have a rational conversation with a creationist unless you just want to talk about the weather.
What we need most of all, IMO, is an evolution of consciousness towards the idea of the possibility of a world where peace and love, in the Greek sense of agape, are regarded as normal. Further, where sharing of the Earth's bounty is done on an equal basis to all people acoording to their need (not their greed). Then we'll be a step or two closer to attaining the grail of perfection by our own efforts...:)
You didn't read what I posted in the dinosaur thread did you?

Those questions are not mutually exclusive. It is irrational to think that the bible is the entire recorded history of mankind or the earth, and that idea is not subtantiated anywhere in the bible. As a matter of fact I gave several examples that contradict that idea in the thread. One I left out was how was nod populated with the wives of cain and or abel?

And whether you actually believe what the book says is kind of irrelevant here. You can still grasp an if then correlation between the blood of christ and the communion ceremony.

Even if you were to equate god with the laws of nature you could see my point.

My point being...


Why do we destroy ourselves and each other and our planet? Why is there so much pain and suffering and lonliness and sickness and abuse?

I'll give you some reasons...greed is definitely #1. Sloth, gluttony, wrath, pride, envy, lust. A disconnect. A lack of knowledge. A blatent disregard for knowledge. Lies! Hate! A blatent disrespect for the greater good. The exploitation of EVERYTHING! The cost? Death and destruction!

This all boils down to a lack of communion, even if it were with the laws that govern this universe, and with each other, even if you reference my humble description.


Even with all of our science. Why doesn't anyone consider that this could be rectified?!
What we need most of all, IMO, is an evolution of consciousness towards the idea of the possibility of a world where peace and love, in the Greek sense of agape, are regarded as normal. Further, where sharing of the Earth's bounty is done on an equal basis to all people acoording to their need (not their greed). Then we'll be a step or two closer to attaining the grail of perfection by our own efforts...:) music to my ears!

So the question is what will cause this shift in conciousness, because if you look at all of recorded history, and the world today, it is nowhere in sight.

2nd question...why is that?

You didn't read what I posted in the dinosaur thread did you?

Those questions are not mutually exclusive. It is irrational to think that the bible is the entire recorded history of mankind or the earth, and that idea is not subtantiated anywhere in the bible. As a matter of fact I gave several examples that contradict that idea in the thread. One I left out was how was nod populated with the wives of cain and or abel?

I did, and it was the typical dancing and hand waving to avoid the lack of details in the book. And if you want to use the book as a basis for ideas then you have to consider it's lack of detail. It is certainly to those who believe that Jesus is our savior the word of god.

It starts out explaining creation. Hello, what is genesis. I asked that as well with no response.

My issue is not with those who believe in god, but with those who constantly refer back to the books of nonsense to qualify their belief.

And whether you actually believe what the book says is kind of irrelevant here. You can still grasp an if then correlation between the blood of christ and the communion ceremony.

No it's not, when you keep referring to it. The blood of christ for example, is straight out of the book.

Even if you were to equate god with the laws of nature you could see my point.

Totally different.



Why do we destroy ourselves and each other and our planet? Why is there so much pain and suffering and lonliness and sickness and abuse?

For the most part we have done a pretty good job of not destroying ourselves. If you watch the news every night it is full of negative stories because that sells. Your not looking at all of the good that most people do everyday. We had the capability of destroying almost all life on earth 60 years ago. Didn't happen and we are doing everything we can to make sure it doesn't.

A few bad apples doesn't make us all bad. You claim that all people are bad or genetically deformed is not valid.

Much of the bad that has happened to mankind is due to ignorance. That has not been helped by a variety of things, over running resources attribute to that. People having to many kids they can't pay for. In the old days most of them died, now we can keep them alive. Is that bad ?

I'll give you some reasons...greed is definitely #1. Sloth, gluttony, wrath, pride, envy, lust. A disconnect. A lack of knowledge. A blatent disregard for knowledge. Lies! Hate! A blatent disrespect for the greater good. The exploitation of EVERYTHING! The cost? Death and destruction!

This all boils down to a lack of communion, even if it were with the laws that govern this universe, and with each other, even if you reference my humble description.


Even with all of our science. Why doesn't anyone consider that this could be rectified?!

First of all science isn't going to solve the fact that people have these tendacies at least still because of evolution. We have learned over thousands and thousands of years to get yours or else someone else will take it. It is how we have come to survive as a species for so long. It's not bad, it's not good, it's the way it is.

In fact without those tendacies, we wouldn't have made it to where we are.

I don't disagree that we have to find ways to find common ground ( communion ) and we are.

Your appealling to magic to save us. Blood of christ and all that.

I am saying our only hope is to keep fighting the good causes and fight for peace. Ignorance is the biggest hinderance to that.

The more we know about each other the better chance we have.