Well, I must be sexist.
I believe women are different to men in many ways.
That's not sexist, that's just biology.
I believe women are suited more to some jobs, men more to others.
That IN AND OF ITSELF is not sexist. "Therefore women shouldn't be combat soldiers" IS sexist.
I believe women should be feminine and men should be masculine.
That is sexist - you are trying to impose your values on others, and it's no more OK than someone else expecting you to be something you don't want to be.
I love looking at good looking, sexy women.
That's fine! Other people prefer looking at strong, smart women without fake hair, boobs and faces. To each their own.
I believe men are better than women in some things. I believe women are better than men at other things.
True, but that's true because some PEOPLE are better than other PEOPLE at things. I know women who are much better athletes/daredevils/competitors than you will ever be, and I know men who make great dress designers and primary caregivers for their children. Everyone is different.