The historical Jesus didn't create a new religion!

Of course it will do good; the point is: we can't know much of history that we havent' lived through.

Sure we can. What makes you think we can't? Have you ever taken a history class? Have you ever watched a documentary on history? I mean, we obviously can't know every detail, but we can know enough to have a clear picture of the era or person in question.

Any "evidence" for any historical figure can easily be fabricated.

That's not even remotely true. There are millions of ways to detect hoaxes, as has been made evident by the fact that researchers and historians have summarily dismissed plenty of them.
Of course it will do good; the point is: we can't know much of history that we havent' lived through.

Any "evidence" for any historical figure can easily be fabricated. That's my point. So how do we seperate fact from fiction?
M*W: We also can't know the real truth about the history (current events) that we are living through. For example, did we really know what was going on in Vietnam as it was happening? No, we didn't. The news of the fighting in Vietnam was shoved down our throats at every newscast, but we didn't know until years later what was really taking place.

We heard the news about the death of Princess Diana, and we still don't know the truth for a fact today. We can only assume from the newscasts and biographies which may or may not be the actual events that occurred. We tend to form our own judgments of what we hear.

I believe history as we have learned it could all be a fabrication. I question everything I hear and everything I read. It's not about the truth that we believe is being told to us from someone else's viewpoint, it's what they don't tell us that holds the key to the truth of the actual events.
I believe history as we have learned it could all be a fabrication. I question everything I hear and everything I read. It's not about the truth that we believe is being told to us from someone else's viewpoint, it's what they don't tell us that holds the key to the truth of the actual events.

The detailed accounts of anything can be unreliable at times, which is why having several independent sources really helps. You assume too much when you say it could all be fabricated. That's nonsense, really.
The detailed accounts of anything can be unreliable at times, which is why having several independent sources really helps. You assume too much when you say it could all be fabricated. That's nonsense, really.
M*W: Let me clarify. I didn't mean that the entirety of history has been fabricated. I means bits and pieces of it may have been.