The Hard Problems Of Consciousnes - One of the best cases for Intelligent Design

We are as mystified about the nature of consciousness as we are about the nature of the physical world,
We can only experience the physical world through the medium of sensory experience, but its existence is a better way of explaining its constancy in the large scale world, than dependence upon a God who has to mediate every action.

There is a difference in the nature of the world when we analyse it at an atomic and macroscopic level, but there is also a difference in dreaming and the waking state.

Even if you accept the premise that the world of conscious experience is all that exists, why would that necessitate a God?

Consciousness is a phenomenon that is expressed and experienced. We express ourselves while trying to make ourselves to be understood by others. we also express ourselves through our own creation. Therefore we cannot deny, that we express consciousness. We also experience consciousness using our sensory organs, which the Mind constructs the reality we wrongly perceive as objective, and out there. Since we use our mind to express and experience consciousness, it follows therefore, that there must be a mind, that is expressing the consciousness out there, which we have been perceiving wrongly as objective but which we know realize that its our subjective tools which are imposing the objectivity. This Mind, which has projected the reality we perceived as objective, which we now realize that its Unity, must also be in us. Therefore, there is a Mind in us, who is God, who desires us to experience Him in Unity, by affirming the Unity we have confirmed from QM. Therefore God in Us waits for Us, to acknowledge Him, by expressing ourselves as One Spirit, United, and True.
We express ourselves while trying to make ourselves to be understood by others.
Yes, awareness of others is as important a part of consciousness as awareness of self.
That is what makes us separate and individual.
Consciousness is a phenomenon that is expressed and experienced. We express ourselves while trying to make ourselves to be understood by others. we also express ourselves through our own creation. Therefore we cannot deny, that we express consciousness. We also experience consciousness using our sensory organs, which the Mind constructs the reality we wrongly perceive as objective, and out there. Since we use our mind to express and experience consciousness, it follows therefore, that there must be a mind, that is expressing the consciousness out there, which we have been perceiving wrongly as objective but which we know realize that its our subjective tools which are imposing the objectivity. This Mind, which has projected the reality we perceived as objective, which we now realize that its Unity, must also be in us. Therefore, there is a Mind in us, who is God, who desires us to experience Him in Unity, by affirming the Unity we have confirmed from QM. Therefore God in Us waits for Us, to acknowledge Him, by expressing ourselves as One Spirit, United, and True.

How do you expect to find evidence of God, if at all everything manifested is constructed by super positioned entities? The end of matter is also the Beginning of matter. And He is God!

I will quote again. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 21:1- 10
Yes, awareness of others is as important a part of consciousness as awareness of self.
That is what makes us separate and individual.

So, this is where Christianity and Science meets. In the recognition of the other person as the Image and Likeness of yourself , because there in fact no individualism but unity, and treating him as you would wish to be treated.

So, always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that’s the law and the prophets” Mathew 7:12
How do you expect to find evidence of God, if at all everything manifested is constructed by super positioned entities? The end of matter is also the Beginning of matter. And He is God!

I will quote again. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 21:1- 10

I do not expect to find evidence of any god. Whatever put that into your delusion?

You go on&on&on&on&on&on making claims you show no evidence for.

Revelation 21 is illusion.
So, this is where Christianity and Science meets. In the recognition of the other person as the Image and Likeness of yourself , because there in fact no individualism but unity, and treating him as you would wish to be treated.

So, always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that’s the law and the prophets” Mathew 7:12

I never heard of any god(s) who could behave that way.
I think that is highly unlikely.

No, it is completely accurate: DNA information is not transmitted consciously.

Lets follow William Paley's argument, that if you were walking along a path in the Forrest and suddenly you encountered a stone besides the path, if you were asked how the stone came to lie besides the path, you would most likely say you do not know. But if you encountered s watch, most certainly you would say that an intelligent being had something to do with it. For it takes a Watchmaker to make a watch.

A watch is a machined article. An organism is not.

So, we as Intelligent creatures figure out intelligence behind phenomena by some peculiar qualities to be found in anything that the intelligence had had a hand. Take for example a painting. A Painter leaves a signature on his painting. One also infers intelligence behind creation, inferred in the peculiar properties, to be found in nature. Take for example the Fibonacci numbers sequences in nature. Their peculiar properties infer intelligence.

Or, rather, the efficacy of structure.

You say that the information of DNA is not transmitted consciously. Okay. But you have to wonder about the curious aspects of the specification which take the characteristic of computer programing.

No, I do not. There is no such similarity. Furthermore, computer programs are also machined articles. Organisms are not.

So, who programed the genetic information to be found in the DNA a sequence which is specified, to create particular amino l acids which determine the proteins and its functions, which determines the character of the cell? You want to claim that all that happened by chance?

No, I claim that all that happened via natural processes. Some of this was chance, some selection and some of it latent evolvability.
I do not expect to find evidence of any god. Whatever put that into your delusion?

You go on&on&on&on&on&on making claims you show no evidence for.

Revelation 21 is illusion.

You have the right to remain asleep. You have the right to maintain your ignorance and reject your Savior. Anything you say, against God, will be used against you. "So I tell, you this, that for every unfounded word men utter, they will answer on judgments day, since its by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned” Mathew 12:33-37
I never heard of any god(s) who could behave that way.

That quote of from Christ, your Redeemer. He has purchased your Spirit with his body and blood. Every sin you commit crucifies Him. Every time you oppress others, you crucify the Christ. So, by helping others, you are helping God save the world. He is Logos, who creates for Man, a world unseen, according to Man's behavior. Now you know Him
You have the right to remain asleep. You have the right to maintain your ignorance and reject your Savior. Anything you say, against God, will be used against you. "So I tell, you this, that for every unfounded word men utter, they will answer on judgments day, since its by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned” Mathew 12:33-37

You do not have the right to make ignorant idiotic inane ASSinine ASSumptions about strangers. You do not have the right to go on forever making claims you will not support. I CANNOT say anything against something I do not know exists. YOU are condemned by YOUR unfounded words.
That quote of from Christ, your Redeemer. He has purchased your Spirit with his body and blood. Every sin you commit crucifies Him. Every time you oppress others, you crucify the Christ. So, by helping others, you are helping God save the world. He is Logos, who creates for Man, a world unseen, according to Man's behavior. Now you know Him

I neither have nor need any redeemer. I commit no sin & certainly have nothing to do with anyone being crucified. I oppress no 1. I cannot know any god until it gets up the courage to come out of hiding & show itself. Stop lying.
You do not have the right to make ignorant idiotic inane ASSinine ASSumptions about strangers. You do not have the right to go on forever making claims you will not support. I CANNOT say anything against something I do not know exists. YOU are condemned by YOUR unfounded words.

You are merely a supper-positioned photon disclaiming existence of Light.
That quote of from Christ, your Redeemer. He has purchased your Spirit with his body and blood. Every sin you commit crucifies Him. Every time you oppress others, you crucify the Christ. So, by helping others, you are helping God save the world. He is Logos, who creates for Man, a world unseen, according to Man's behavior. Now you know Him

As usual, none of that is relevant to my comment which you quoted. What are you smoking?
I neither have nor need any redeemer. I commit no sin & certainly have nothing to do with anyone being crucified. I oppress no 1. I cannot know any god until it gets up the courage to come out of hiding & show itself. Stop lying.

You are Okay. Our God, and your God does not need you to know him for you to be His follower. Most of those who will be saved, will also be very surprised! ;

34“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Mathew 25: 34-40

So, continue doing good, treat people right, and you do not need other Doctrines or Dogmas. Logos is a Commonsense God.
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You are Okay. Our God, and your God does not need you to know him for you to be His follower. Most of those who will be saved, will also be very surprised! ;
“Next, he will say to those on his left hand, “Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me no drink. I was a stranger and you never made me welcome. Naked, and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you did not come to help” Then, it will be their turn to ask; “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger, naked and in prison, and did not come to help you? Then he will answer, “I tell you most solemnly, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me” And they will go away, to eternal punishment and virtuous to eternal life. Mathew 25: 31-46.

So, continue doing good, treat people right, and you do not need other Doctrines or Dogmas. Logos is a Commonsense God.

Bullshit. I do not have a god & you give no reason to think there might be 1. I am certainly not a follower of any god despite your persistent delusion.

Your HolyBabble you are compelled to quote childish nonsense from is illusion.
Bullshit. I do not have a god & you give no reason to think there might be 1. I am certainly not a follower of any god despite your persistent delusion.

Your HolyBabble you are compelled to quote childish nonsense from is illusion.

Yeah you are right. Most of it is "Childish Nonsense" We are not supposed to "make sense" in this world, because the King we obey is in another world. So, I guess I understand you. You are right. It sounds gibberish
Yeah you are right. Most of it is "Childish Nonsense" We are not supposed to "make sense" in this world, because the King we obey is in another world. So, I guess I understand you. You are right. It sounds gibberish

I didn't say it sounds like, I said it is. No amount of your inane babbling will change that.

You do not understand me.
YOU do not have any way to know what I am. Again, your nonsense is not relevant to my comment which you quoted.

It does not matter whether you believe in God or not for God to love you, just the way it does not matter to your parents whether you believe they are your parents for them to be. God does not need us to believe in Him for Him to exist. He still will exists since He was here all the while..............while you were away.
It does not matter whether you believe in God or not for God to love you, just the way it does not matter to your parents whether you believe they are your parents for them to be. God does not need us to believe in Him for Him to exist. He still will exists since He was here all the while..............while you were away.

It is not required for you to not believe in gods for gods to not exist. Your belief does not prove anything & neither do your unsupported claims.