The Hard Problems Of Consciousnes - One of the best cases for Intelligent Design

"Unless you can show consciousness can not have evolved".

"Evolution" presumes no Intelligent Design.
Consciousness is immaterial. Matter, is material. So, how does something as immaterial as consciousness evolve out of something as material as matter?

We know that mater in itself has no consciousness.

The Theory Of Evolution does not presume the existence of intelligent design & does not presume the nonexistence of intelligent design. Consciousness is material. It is not only produced by the brain & affected by the physical body but it is in the brain. Consciousness is in the material physical body. We know matter does have consciousness, of course.
The Theory Of Evolution does not presume the existence of intelligent design & does not presume the nonexistence of intelligent design. Consciousness is material. It is not only produced by the brain & affected by the physical body but it is in the brain. Consciousness is in the material physical body. We know matter does have consciousness, of course.

"Consciousness is material"
"We know matter does have consciousness, of course"
"Matter is material"

I guess there is a problem in your argument. Consciousness is immaterial. It has no substance. Its metaphysical.
"Consciousness is material"
"We know matter does have consciousness, of course"
"Matter is material"

I guess there is a problem in your argument. Consciousness is immaterial. It has no substance. Its metaphysical.

It is in the physical material body therefore it is obviously & simply material.
Since Quantum Mechanics and Bells Theorem have disputed existence of anything "material" I guess your argument of materialism has no support

If nothing material exists, trying to argue that consciousness is immaterial as opposed to the material body is quite silly, at best. Keep guessing.
If nothing material exists, trying to argue that consciousness is immaterial as opposed to the material body is quite silly, at best. Keep guessing.

Materialism has always been seen as the most obvious state of reality. So, one has to compare the true state of reality against the presumed but wrong state. Materialism is an delusional view of reality. And if reality as it were is immaterial, what are the implications? Of course its staggering.
Materialism has always been seen as the most obvious state of reality. So, one has to compare the true state of reality against the presumed but wrong state. Materialism is an delusional view of reality. And if reality as it were is immaterial, what are the implications? Of course its staggering.

Then why do you claim consciousness is immaterial as opposed to the material body?
You aren't answering the question.

I am denying materialism So. That answers it. I start with Materialism because its the normally accepted notion of reality and matter. I.e Cartesian Dualism. Mind=consciousness and Matter=Material. So, I start with comparison of consciousness as Immaterial as compared with what is taken as material. Then having distinguished both, then, I argue that even that which is taken as "material" is not material as such, but immaterial. The, I united both, by claiming that no material thing exists, but rather, all is consciousnesses. Does that answer your query?
Do you not see the implications? If reality is immaterial, and consciousness is immaterial then, reality is consciousness. And nothing exists but consciousness.
logical fallacy: up distributed middle.
Your argument is the same as saying: if dogs are animals, and cats are animals, then dogs are cats!
And I hope you can see how this is fallacious?
logical fallacy: up distributed middle.
Your argument is the same as saying: if dogs are animals, and cats are animals, then dogs are cats!
And I hope you can see how this is fallacious?

Yeah. Really stupid of me.
Professor Charmers eh? lol!

So how does the irreducibility of consciousness entail it was designed and built up from reducible components? The claim of consciousness as designed contradicts its property of being a sui generis holistic phenomena.

Design comes from Consciousness. Consciousness is primary. Consciousness manifests the reality we apprehend and examine. But our tools of analyzing this reality is limited by sense experience, since these are all the tools we have.
The bible claim for the formation of the universe and the rise of man, corresponds to the basic time frame science has documented as connected to the rise of civilization. If we combine this science data with the bible claims, one explanation that allows for consistency between science and religion was a new version of human consciousness, able to transcend its pre-human past. I define the transition between pre-human and human in terms of consciousness and not DNA, with human starting at civilization as the bible implies.

The old pre-human consciousness of being nomads, hunters, herders and gathering was not the same as those who stopped against the inertia of eons of prehuman instinct and habit. A new human conscious awareness was born. This change in the mind is consistent with science dating and the needs of civilization. The new human had will power and choice enough to overcome the inertia of instincts. The bible speaks of this change.

The time scale of Genesis, is also consistent with the science proven invention of writing. The bible says, in the first sentence, in the beginning was the word and word was god; writing. It is so obvious it is hard for the biased mind to see on both sides of the spectrum. What writing brings to the table, is knowledge with a level of collective consistency never seen before, which cannot be done with spoken language, alone. The theories and inventions of the time, due to the new mind of consciousness, were being documented; crystallization of knowledge and invention. There is a new way to agree with a new level of accuracy.

Consider the importance of the invention of writing. In these discussion forums, one is often asked to provide quotes for proof. Why is a written statement so important for credibility? Say no written proof was needed or rather no written proof was available (before writing was invented). There is no way to create a consistent standard or to tell lie from truth. It will all be about here say and politics, but not science.

The universe beginning as formless and void is implicit of this creative, yet unable state of transition human consciousness, where there is no way to document consistency; brooding. When the word appears, and the word was God (fear of god is the beginning of wisdom), a vision of reality can crystalizes out in the minds of the new humans, allowing the cooperation needed for civilization; universe forms.

Genesis is not about the physical world, but the world as seen by a new type of consciousness. The new mind is not stuck in the flux of instinct perpetuating sparse traditions and inventions, but is now connected to a building flux that is crystalized out in writing and learning.

The bible starts with ancient science and then the writing shifts to laws of good and evil, bringing death into the world. As science it was good and still in paradise, but after the fall, writing changes to the subjectivity of politics since bad laws and traditions cast in stone were harmful to the collective psyche. This is still true today with science documentation good and politics more self serving.

You need to read the bible story critically.

(1) "Creation Day" was not "Day" as we know it, since the Sun and the Moon, which makes the "day" as we know it, (Time it takes for the earth to half-rotate) was created on the fourth "Creation Day"

(2) God, being Almighty, infers that he cannot get tired, or succumb to fatigues so as to "rest"

(3) Man, in Genesis 1:26-29. was not Adam. Remeber this Man, was the Image and Likeness of the Triune Majesty of God. So Man, in Genesis 1:26-29, was a Trinity, just like God. But when Adam became"like us" God was angry.

(4) God transcend time. Therefore, Time, and the period of creation does not constrain God.
All three essays are taken from one Chapter of a manuscript am developing. Its still 'Work in Progress" But I had an urge to send some provocative parts to the owner of the blog "500 Questions About God" Am not claiming to be a scientist or a specialist in any field of science. But I just wondered in this field driven by my curiosity about Religion and Science. My investigation had led me to conclude that Consciousness is Primary. Everything else is secondary.

If you want to avoid ridicule, I suggest you take on board what you have been told, about your misconceptions about the supposed need for an "observer" in quantum mechanics.

It's bunk.
If you want to avoid ridicule, I suggest you take on board what you have been told, about your misconceptions about the supposed need for an "observer" in quantum mechanics.

It's bunk.

I do not mind ridicule and I do not want apologetics. Radical ideas, have always a tendency of provoking indignation especially for those who cannot afford the courage required to think "Outside the Box" Its takes guts, even to sound foolish, (like Galileo) to the conservative
I do not mind ridicule and I do not want apologetics. Radical ideas, have always a tendency of provoking indignation especially for those who cannot afford the courage required to think "Outside the Box" Its takes guts, even to sound foolish, (like Galileo) to the conservative

Ah yes, the Galileo gambit. It's taken a while, but here it comes at last. I know, we are all closed-minded members of a priesthood etc………….

Best of luck with your paper.