The Greatest Effect


I would have enjoyed seeing various Central and South American cultures thrive. Or any culture that respected science instead of strung it to the rack.

And then I'm wondering if maybe you're just a little closer to the Organization than you like to let on. After all, I didn't think much of my post even would apply to you, based on what you post. Of course, when I said that "Christians around the world are ill-represented in the modern day", well, what's wrong with that? Are you objecting to the idea that this horrible image that Christianity inspires in so many people isn't proper?

If people like you, who shrug off the pulpit when you vote ... who make your decisions based on a lifetime's worth of information filtered through the standards of one book ... well, if you were to tell all of these obnoxious people botching the promise of Christianity to shut the hell up and sit the hell down ... maybe it would be a little more clear to the rest of the population that the visible face of the Christian spectre is wrong.

Or, I suppose you could just sit around and say you're being oppressed and disrespected.

The question was what was the biggest conspiracy? I'll try to compress the answer to one sentence for you and you can tell me what you think:

The conspiracy which has had the largest effect on modern society is the removal of voice from the individual Christian and placement of such authority within the institution, as this has resulted in some of the least Christian, most horrifying human conduct ever known.

That's it. That's all there is to it. What the hell is wrong with that, I don't know. Unless you think the snake-oil pulpit-stroking thieves are what Christianity is about.

Christianity has a huge potential. But shifting its authority from "individuals" (like, oh, say, YOU) to the "institution", I think the most part of that potential evaporated. That's why the "crimes" of the past are important. They show what institutional dominance has won for Christians: bitterness, divided societies .... Hell, the institutions still have armed conflicts over who is or isn't Christian.


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
2 Boris
You know what, we both have biased opinions. and as you wrote and I quote:

"what you are, and what you feel, does not a full description of reality constitute. You should try to ponder the possibility of alternative perspectives, just as vibrant and viable as yours, but perceived through another person's eyes (literally)."

2 666

Being spiritually blind will keep you from knowing many things. Turn on your T.V. watch the 700 club there are many sources that lead to evidence do a search on Christianity and healing.

As far as opening my eyes, you should be careful because there is only ONE GOD and ONE TRUTH and Everybody has access to it not just me.

The church wasn't designed to control, so if it does then it isn't a church of God. The church is for fellowship, praise&worship, and spiritual growth.

There is a call for everyone wether you believe or not. You make the choice to answer or ignore it.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Apocalypse- The 700 Club. Was the one with the preacher who got caught getting BJs by a hooker in a sleazy motel, or was that the one with the preacher who locked himself in a tower and claimed that God would kill him if the flock didn't cough up a million bucks? Apparently you watch religious television, forgetful of your bible's warnings about "those who preach on street corners". These high-profile types are a greater abomination than any homosexual could ever be (unless we're talking pedophiles and zoophiles). They stand before their altars of gold wearing thousand dollar suits and sporting jewelry that could make the Queen of England cry, and yet it is not enough. In the name of their god they want you to send more money, more money, more money. With crocodile's tears they beseech us to forgive them their sins...each and every week. Some even claim to be able to heal the sick, claiming for themselves powers reserved for a messiah. They are everything your scriptures warn you against. They are the seven deadly sins incarnate, exhibiting none of the virtues. And yet the faithful still follow these serpents, taking the fruit they offer and biting into its sweet, juicy temptations, purchasing for themselves one week's worth of forgiveness. In the end, the faithful die and are buried in the graves of paupers, while the false prophets ascend gloriously on golden escalators to their ill-gotten rewards, mourned by their willing slaves.

I'm no Christian, but if you truly want to honor your god, turn off your TV. Read your bible with your family. Worship in private like your bible tells you to.

How can you say I am spiritually blind, just because I don't hold the same beliefs as you?
I have done my own looking into the so called healings, although not on T.V. i find books to be more informitive and sitmulating than the T.V. I have found that the accounts of "healings" do nothing to prove themselves. Account after account inferences that can only lead you to assumptions. So here we are at the same point these descusions allways end up at, in the next post I'll proboly hear somthing along of the lines of you need to have faith or becuase you don't belive in god you can never see. Once again I leave the door open for an answer that dosen't run back to the warm fuzzy blanket of avoidance and faith.

As far as your statment about there only being one God. Well thats your belief and I will give you that, but when it comes to there only being one truth thats a whole diferent story. You obviously never studied or understood Frames of Reference. For example,
get hold of a spring and with a light source being directly over the spring. Holding the spring so that it is on end observe how the shadow makes a holow circle, this is your first frame of reference. Now turn the spring on it's side the shadow will appear as a wave, this is your second frame of reerence. Next pretend you can not see the spring directly, but can only see the shadow. At first you would be correct in saying that it is a circle. After turning it you will be correct in saying that it is a wave. I hope that you can now understand how there can be two correct truths, and how I can see something total diffrent when I look at Christianty. In this case we would both be correct in saying that we are both blind.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited October 30, 1999).]

I was actually reading through this thread to see why it died out. Not that that's important, or that I'm trying to revive the thread, but I came across one of your posted responses to Apocalypse and it cracked me up. If you don't mind, I thought I'd take a poke at it and see what your answer is:

"These high-profile types are a greater abomination than any homosexual could ever be (unless we're talking pedophiles and zoophiles)." (Oxygen to Apocalypse; 10/30/99)

I laughed for several minutes. By what definition (English, Latin, or otherwise) does "homosexual" even begin to include pedophiles and zoophiles?

That is the same as saying: "...greater abomination than any Christian could be, unless we're talking about Buddhists and Witches."

Anyway, it made me smile, made me think. Finally, it made me laugh once it set in. Thank you for the wonderful throwback to the chilling '92 general election. :)


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)

[This message has been edited by tiassa (edited November 11, 1999).]
You know, I thought about that after I posted it, but was just too busy to do anything about it. Of course, with Affirmative Action, even a homosexual can be a zoophile or a pedophile! (jk)

Thank you for validating the notion that I am human. I was beginning to wonder. :D