"The Great Flood"

What are you, an idiot?

A specific event wasn't remembered; details were probably lost or greatly exaggerated, resulting in considerable distortion of the facts. The only thing that the accounts now agree upon is a terrible flood of some sort.
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As of right now, you've been posting here at Sciforums for about four days. I'm relatively certain that you haven't spent those four days perusing all of ConsequentAtheist's posts and evaluating his intellect.

Not all insults are meant to be taken seriously, you dimwitted nuisance.

. . . please shut up . . .
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Common modesty prevents me from making the vote as to whether or not I'm an idiot unanimous.

As for the topic at hand, my point regarding the "specific event" posited by Ryan and Pitman is there is neither reason nor need to link Flood myths to some occurrence 3 thousand years earlier. To do so is, in my opinion, a classic example of the non causa pro causa fallacy.
Holy fucking gee whiz, threadjacking assholes. Let's snuff the namecalling for now and get back to this most interesting topic.

Noah is bullshit on a multi-platformed basis. Why?
Becuase his story loses its sanctitiy if you can trace it back to Sumerians, Assyrians and Babylonians.

Because it assumes the only animals saved were mammals.

Because his story negates the existence of parthenogenesis , homosexuallity, trasvetisism, and transexuality in the animal kingdom.

Because it negates asexual reproduction.

Because we'd have to grind down all the wonders of the world to have been made in little more than 4,000 goddamn years. That's why.
You'll find flood stories cross culturally- from the Tolemec(?) to the Aztec to the Greek to the Indian. All this makes Noah little more than a copycat.
I am not sure what strange and unusual arguments this discussion may have degenerated to but here's my two cents on the original topic.
Faith calls us to believe everything that is in the Bible. The Bible says that a great flood too place and so we are called to believe that. However, we have scientific evidence that in some cases "proves the Bible to be wrong." I would dissagree whith that. I think that evidence proves the Bible not to be fiction but simply to be figurative and metaphorical at times. Given that the writer of Genesis was probably not even aware that the world was a sphere, he may not have been able to tellif the entire world had flooded. Thus, we cannot trust him. Or can we? What about divine inspiration. Thogh he most likely did not see the entire world as it was covered with water, God may have directly or indirectly told him so.
Anyway, I being a faithful Christian feel bound to believing what I am told. I may question various statements however. Now I am not much of a chemist or volcanologist but I believe that the write chemical reactions may have made it possible for a lot of water to be formed. After all, billions of years before that, God had made the oceans. Who's to say that he could not at the time of Noah he could not make them larger.
Believe in what seems impossible yet take a closer look and see if it just is possible.
I think that evidence proves the Bible not to be fiction but simply to be figurative and metaphorical at times.

Proves figuratively and metaphorically the biblically figurative and meatophorical taste for lying

What about divine inspiration. Thogh he most likely did not see the entire world as it was covered with water, God may have directly or indirectly told him so.

Would it not have been easier if this god off yours layed off the selfish hoarding of know how and told these dreaming nomads about the world being round, about chemicals and elements and properties instead of having us spend thousands of years trolling like dumbos trying to scratch out natural laws on our own? Why all the games?
Originally posted by gendanken

Proves figuratively and metaphorically the biblically figurative and meatophorical taste for lying

Would it not have been easier if this god off yours layed off the selfish hoarding of know how and told these dreaming nomads about the world being round, about chemicals and elements and properties instead of having us spend thousands of years trolling like dumbos trying to scratch out natural laws on our own? Why all the games?

I think if you came out of your atheistic shell and thaught about it you would see the rason. why should they be told everything. Humans have been given the inteligence, reason, and intelect to solve their own problems and to figure things out with their own science and inventiveness. Just as many children are capable after they have matured enough to figure out the truth about Santa Clause. Their parents don't have to tell them right away because they don't need to be told. Eventually, the human race discovered on its own that the world was round. It did not need assistance in finding that out. It happened when it was meant to happen after it had matured.
Looks like we're all argued out.
The "winning" idea seems to be that there have been many locally large floods, and some have been turned into effectively "global" floods thanks to our then poor understanding of the size of the earth, and the inevitable distortions that creep in over a few thousand years of oral transmissions.
Anyone else wanting to go further than that has to go join the young earth creationists and start trying to prove that there was a global catastrophic flood a few thousand years ago.
But please, carry on discussing where and when for the large local floods, I'm interested.
Originally posted by Scooby Doo
If you had been able to fully comprehend my post, you would have seen that I said I had seen CA's posts at Philosophy Forums , where I have been a member under a different name for quite a long time.

The above being in reference to the following post.

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
No, he is anything but an idiot. I have seen CA's posts over at philosophy forums.

No attempt was made to differentiate between "philosophy" at this site and "philosophy" in another. Specifically, you didn't capitalize "philosophy" or "forums". Also, no mention of another name is included in that post..
. . . Perhaps you expected me to use my nonexistent clairvoyance to sense this unvoiced fact? There is no cause to post in different threads under different names, and I couldn't tell whether or not you meant another site.

[edit]Got rid of derisive verbiage . . .I think[/edit]
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Originally posted by Redoubtable
. . . You expected me to use my nonexistent clairvoyance to perceive this unvoiced fact?
Having written "I have seen CA's posts over at philosophy forums. ", he was doubtlessly expecting some minmal level of reading comprehension. Why not give the guy a break? He'll have far fewer such expectations as he becomes more familiar with you.
Originally posted by Scooby Doo
No, he is anything but an idiot. I have seen CA's posts over at philosophy forums.

ConsequentAtheist, there is nothing concerning other usernames in this post. There was no way I could've been certain about any inferences I had.

He stated "philosophy forums". Was I to think it was a reference to another site, or simply to "general philosophy" or "eastern philosophy"?

Look, Scooby, I'm sorry if this upset you, but you didn't have to take it so seriously.
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Says Justathaught
I think if you came out of your atheistic shell and thaught about it you would see the rason.

........and I think if you'd can the cannons you'd see just how silly it all becomes in a minute. Says you:

why should they be told everything. Humans have been given the inteligence, reason, and intelect to solve their own problems and to figure things out with their own science and inventiveness.

Just as many children are capable after they have matured enough to figure out the truth about Santa Clause.

hhmm....Given that this god of yours reigns from on high supreme, divine, almighty and absolute you would easily assume he's a bit of a wit, wouldn't you? Then how bright was of it of him to 'stop the sun' when Joshua asked him too?

Why go on about Methusellahs, Noahs, and Enochs reaching their 8 and 900's when life expectancies have always been as pathetic as they are now- with the bonus curiosity of there never having been any skeletal evidence of yestermen ever living that long?

Seems that either those ancient clerics were too mired in mischief to tie up loose ends, or this Jehovah of yours plays Santa Claus too. Which one is it?
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So ON with the show, shall we?

Anyone else wanting to go further than that has to go join the young earth creationists and start trying to prove that there was a global catastrophic flood a few thousand years ago.

Hmm. Yes and no. Creationists will have you believe any evidence against their little bible is planted. A better way to go about 'first cause' and everything after is to see that the Earth has matured via both catastrophism and uniformism. There are no absolutes.

Anway, it seems you folks didn't get what I said. Do any of you have any idea how rampant homosexuality is in the animal kingdom? Transexuality? all the 'twisted' sexual deviousness we've coined as 'sin' in our own species? Probably not.

How many of you even got what "parthenogenesis" was? One of you? two of you? or none?

This thread had such promise. Promise promise promise. We could've all ended up discussing the Arrarat anomoly, prank or no, but as always the roaches gather in a fevered push to insta-losophize mostly anything into a fight about philosophy. Gnats.
Originally posted by gendanken
Anway, it seems you folks didn't get what I said. Do any of you have any idea how rampant homosexuality is in the animal kingdom? Transexuality? all the 'twisted' sexual deviousness we've coined as 'sin' in our own species? Probably not.
Duh! Those are new discoveries. The orginal authors didn't know that. Rest asure that these issues will be addressed in the next revision. :D
Says dakawhatta
Duh! Those are new discoveries

"Duh" me again dear sir, and I swear on your nana you're going to be blacking and bluing soon.

The point was that The Deluge fails to take all this into consideration. Still want to 'duh' from the sandbox, deary?