The gospels are books of literature, not history!

Lawdog said:
The four Gospel writers, whose names are given, Scholarship to the contrary is all merely specualtive. tradition is more trustworthy.

If Paul did not know Jesus, then how did he recognize him on the way to Damscus?

M*W: Paul was an epileptic. He had an epileptic seizure, fell off his horse, and saw a bright light and had a vision. Seeing a bright light is common in an epileptic seizure. Some of the greatest religious minds of history were epileptic. It has been scientifically proven. Paul saw nothing.
Lawdog said:
Those dates were assigned by protestant scholars, whose motives are questionable, and so the dates can be debated. They could have been re-written in 70 as well.
this is extremely doubtful for many reasons one of them being, we know in 66-70 AD. the roman's destroyed jerusalem, the temple and city, at this time many jews were flogged, many pretended the were jesus, brother betrayed brother, etc we know this because, josephus recorded the events.
jerusalem was quite in 30 AD, but in 70 AD, things changed.
because of this, we can compare the gospels to known facts, to verify if they were written before or after 70 AD.
13: 1 As He [Jesus] was going out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, "Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!" 2 And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down." 3 As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew were questioning Him privately, 4 "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?"

it states that jesus foresaw the destruction in 66-70 AD, this wont be a problem for you, because you believe in the miraculous, however for the sane this is highly improbable, this just shows us that the writers must of written the gospels on or after the romans destroyed jerusalem, so it seems the writers have put words into jesus mouth.

Lawdog said:
The fact that they contradict each other is proof that its an eyewitness account!
no it's proof, nobody was there to witness anything, the gospels are also plagiarized word for word.
which go'es to show that, the writers were either, copying from the same text, or written by the same person.
Lawdog said:
Then why do the eye-witness gospels not count as historical evidence?

What eye-witness Gospels ?

Mark never met Jesus - according to Christian tradition he was merely Peter's secretary.

Luke never met Jesus - according to Christian tradition he was merely Paul's companion (and copies from G.Mark, showing it was not by an eye witness.)

Matthew copies from G.Mark, showing it was not by an eye witness.

John is very late and tells a different story.

According to modern NT scholars -
NOT ONE of the Gospels was by an eye-witness.

Indeed NOT ONE SINGLE BOOK of the NT was written by any eye-witness to Jesus.

Iasion said:
What eye-witness Gospels ?

Mark never met Jesus - according to Christian tradition he was merely Peter's secretary.

Luke never met Jesus - according to Christian tradition he was merely Paul's companion (and copies from G.Mark, showing it was not by an eye witness.)

Matthew copies from G.Mark, showing it was not by an eye witness.

John is very late and tells a different story.

According to modern NT scholars -
NOT ONE of the Gospels was by an eye-witness.

Indeed NOT ONE SINGLE BOOK of the NT was written by any eye-witness to Jesus.

M*W: Of course there were no eye-witnesses. Jesus only exists in the minds of the deluded.
Cris said:

The Q research, probably the most comprehensive on the history of the gospels, puts the first gospel, Mark at around 85CE, Mathew at about 95CE, John at about 105CE, and Luke at around 125CE. Mark was the simpler and the original, while Mathew, Luke and John primarily copied Mark and added more imaginary enhancements.
I do not accept the Q research. There was no original Q manuscript.