The God 'spot' in the brain

Leo Volont said:
And why is it your insistence that I am hallucinating and not "Dreaming, visioning, introspecting, and meditating".

You say that angels came and talked to you. Unless ya were asleep or high, it sounds to me like ya were halucinating.

Leo Volont said:
You seem to be projecting upon me the worst possible interpretations you can think of...

The worst possible interpretation I could think of is you being Bush. Trust me.

Leo Volont said:
beating square pegs into round holes just to insult me.

Ya flatter yerself.

Leo Volont said:
That makes you neurotic. Maybe you should see a Mental Health Professional about YOUR problem.

I am affected by neurosis, any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria or neurasthenia, arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears, but without psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations?

Um . . . Okay, go ahead and think that.
You say that angels came and talked to you. Unless ya were asleep or high, it sounds to me like ya were halucinating.

Could be a number of conditions, temporal lobe epilepsy being on top of the list.
That and affectation, of course. I'd put my money on affectation.
Athelwulf said:
You say that angels came and talked to you. Unless ya were asleep or high, it sounds to me like ya were halucinating.


Or meditating... or in a trance...

You need to read Huxley's "Altared States of Consciousness" before you assume that everything beyond your uneducated comprehension must be pathological.
Athelwulf said:
I'm confused about yer usage of "affectation".


he means that I am just saying it for effect, that I am being disingenuous... making it up.

Yes, I try to present things for the greatest possible effect, but I don't lie about the essentials of what I experience.

It would be dangerous for me to lie. For instance, there are people out there who actually know about how things work in the Spiritual Realm and would easily catch me in a lie. Likewise, if I stick invariably to the Truth, they will discern that too. So, no, I'm not lying. Besides, there is no money to be made in this, so what do I have to lie about?
invert_nexus said:
Could be a number of conditions, temporal lobe epilepsy being on top of the list.

I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga now for over 30 Years. I send the Energy up to my head and exert a pressure right there at the Temporal Lobe... so I suppose you are partially correct; however, you still can't account for the coherent and meaningful Nature of my Visions, can you?
Leo Volont said:
And why is it your insistence that I am hallucinating and not "Dreaming, visioning, introspecting, and meditating". You seem to be projecting upon me the worst possible interpretations you can think of... beating square pegs into round holes just to insult me. That makes you neurotic. Maybe you should see a Mental Health Professional about YOUR problem.
1 : to affect with visions or imaginary perceptions
2 : perceive what is not there; have illusions

1 : A daydream; a reverie.
2 : A state of abstraction; a trance.
3 : A wild fancy or hope.
4 : To conceive of; imagine.

1 : A mental image produced by the imagination.
2 : The mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being.

the main reason leo, is highlighted.

1 : Contemplation of one's own thoughts, feelings, and sensations; self-examination.[ then keep them to yourself, else you will look like a lunatic)

1 : To reflect on; contemplate.( as above )

nobody but you project the worst possible interpretation, it's your imagination not ours.
That makes you neurotic.( not us, we make no imaginary assertions) you should see a Mental Health Professional about YOUR problem.
I wouldn't call it a "spot", but I think humans did evolve a capacity for unquestioned religious belief. This might have happened quite recently when direct plant based sacrements associated with shamanism fell out of favor. Religion is like a self-catalyzing reaction that adapts itself to us while adapting us to it. In a sense, forums like this one serve to strengthen the power of religion by helping it evolve to explain (or dismiss) emerging truths revealed by science, in the same way anti-bacterial soap helps form more resistant bacteria.

Behavior is influenced by evolution. It makes sense that the printing press and modern communication technology, along with the increased lifespan made possible by medicine provide a medium for evolution in this direction. It's like the very first ants struggling to develop their rigid social structure that would enable them to act like one super-organism. Unfortunately, it leaves little room for rebels and competition from other systems. It's the most virulent religions that rise quickly. Let's hope that they will also burn out just as quickly like a plague, and that it won't also take out the whole species with it.
for simplicities sake i hone it down to two problems. 'science'/State AND religion. THe most dangerous muthafuker on the planet right now is BushWCo. there we have the perfect example of a literalist Christ-Skull&Bonesman with his hands on skin melting, and Nature poisoning technology!
The God spot in our brain? I've never heard of that one, however I've hit the "OH!!GOD!!" spot when I play with the G-Spot of my girlfriend!. :D ;)

Never mind me I was just bored!. :eek:

Behavior is influenced by evolution.

And vice versa. Something I wanted to touch on earlier but forgot.
Baldwinian evolution. Not Lamarckian.
Think dolphins and you'll see how behavior effects evolution.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Assuming the scientific claims are true, and there really is a God 'spot' in the brain, why is it that everybody's belief about god so diverse and archaic?
Because what we call "God" is infinite.

Seems to me this God 'spot' would have evolved along with humanity. If we do have a natural God 'spot' in the brain, does this mean that atheists' brains are not working properly (mine included)?
No, it just means that you are different. That "spot" is either repressed or simply deactivated for the moment. Life style might be a cause for that.

Further, how does the God 'spot' explain declining Christianity worldwide?
God is not necessarily Christian. Their are many "gods", which explain basically a single one, which is really hard to comprehend logically, thanks to the infinite nature of such a being.

Has the God 'spot' run its course and is evolving out of the human brain?
I think the God "spot" is actually necessary for our survival. If it wasn't for it, we would never had made laws. It kinda makes us less competitive and more co-operative (which is why we can consider that we are in the "armagedon"- translated as "revelation"- since we are more competitive than co-operative at the present moment).

Is the God 'spot' unnecessary like the appendix, little toes, and wisdom teeth?
Nope. It is necessary...

Those are my opinions. Not necessarily true.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Assuming the scientific claims are true, and there really is a God 'spot' in the brain, why is it that everybody's belief about god so diverse and archaic?
Because what we call "God" is infinite.

Seems to me this God 'spot' would have evolved along with humanity. If we do have a natural God 'spot' in the brain, does this mean that atheists' brains are not working properly (mine included)?
No, it just means that you are different. That "spot" is either repressed or simply deactivated for the moment. Life style might be a cause for that.

Further, how does the God 'spot' explain declining Christianity worldwide?
God is not necessarily Christian. Their are many "gods", which explain basically a single one, which is really hard to comprehend logically, thanks to the infinite nature of such a being.

Has the God 'spot' run its course and is evolving out of the human brain?
I think the God "spot" is actually necessary for our survival. If it wasn't for it, we would never had made laws. It kinda makes us less competitive and more co-operative (which is why we can consider that we are in the "armagedon"- translated as "revelation"- since we are more competitive than co-operative at the present moment).

Is the God 'spot' unnecessary like the appendix, little toes, and wisdom teeth?
Nope. It is necessary...

Those are my opinions. Not necessarily true.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Assuming the scientific claims are true, and there really is a God 'spot' in the brain, why is it that everybody's belief about god so diverse and archaic?
Because what we call "God" is infinite.

Seems to me this God 'spot' would have evolved along with humanity. If we do have a natural God 'spot' in the brain, does this mean that atheists' brains are not working properly (mine included)?
No, it just means that you are different. That "spot" is either repressed or simply deactivated for the moment. Life style might be a cause for that.

Further, how does the God 'spot' explain declining Christianity worldwide?
God is not necessarily Christian. Their are many "gods", which explain basically a single one, which is really hard to comprehend logically, thanks to the infinite nature of such a being.

Has the God 'spot' run its course and is evolving out of the human brain?
I think the God "spot" is actually necessary for our survival. If it wasn't for it, we would never had made laws. It kinda makes us less competitive and more co-operative (which is why we can consider that we are in the "armagedon"- translated as "revelation"- since we are more competitive than co-operative at the present moment).

Is the God 'spot' unnecessary like the appendix, little toes, and wisdom teeth?
Nope. It is necessary...

Those are my opinions. Not necessarily true.
Godless said:
...I've hit the "OH!!GOD!!" spot when I play with the G-Spot of my girlfriend!
Very interesting. Is this the G-Spot in the brain? Maybe that's why TruthSeeker posted in triplicate. Religious orgasm?
Religion helps survival in the same sense that a peacock's tail helps it's survival. It shouldn't be necessary, but the arm's race among males (driven by the females) dictates that the larger tailed males get mates. So, in a Godless society, belief in God wouldn't help at all, but once the religious culture is established, it would help you very much, giving you the benefits of an extended family.
Religious orgasm?

Well it does seem like it!!

When tickling a woman's G-spot the (Oh!!God!!) screams and yells get going,
It may prove that not only may god be in your brain, but may also be stimulated in the Grafenberg-spot hence the G-Spot; which make women extremely religious orgasms by yelling "Oh!!! God!!" Don't stop!. Where would we be without god in an orgasm? what would you yell, if you had not learned of the concept of god?. Jesus!! seems to be very popular after the stimulation as well :D

PS; sorry for geting off subject there W*M. Then again it's all harmless fun. For finding those certain "spots" of the human anatomy.

Someone asked were or whom made such claim of "The god spot in our brain?" here's a tid-bit;

There ya! go I hope I make amends of earlier posts. :cool: ;)

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