The Genesis Account and Science

I will wait to see what your further comments are; I have not read the original Hebrew, or arameic, or greek. I have read more than just teh KJV; in particular the NEB and the NIV - translations made by scholars from the best known ancient texts into modern English, avoiding the translation-from-a translation-from-a-translation problem that the KJV suffers from.

I await an answer to my question: how are the Sun and Moon already in existance in Gen 1:1, if Gen 1:16 talks about God creating them *after* everything else thusfar (including plants)?
No need. Even when I attended churches, the leaders were sane enough to have given up on believing Genesis as literal truth very early on in seminary. They'd all be on my side on this one.
No need. Even when I attended churches, the leaders were sane enough to have given up on believing Genesis as literal truth very early on in seminary. They'd all be on my side on this one.

river-wind you'll find that 96% of people on the earth couldn't make sense of the bible because they don't try to or aren't willing to dig deep enough to find the answers...

fortunantly there is about 7% that are willing to break open an encyclopedia to learn another language appropriately. Think about this river-wind for evolution and science in general there are hundreds of millions of teachers teaching billions but for the bible there are very few million and less of those are actually digging deep enough to answer the tough questions.

It makes the search to learn these things far far more difficult. Don't place this in the realm of sanity this has nothing to do with psychological disfunction this the realm of fact. And like treasure only the person willing to dig for it will find it. Its an Info Rush and treasure your very life. If those stakes aren't real enough for you...sit back and watch and be the man still left on the mountain right before it blows....

I'm saying look at the signs, get up and inform yourself. Theres people here willing to answer your questions, unlike Ophilolite. I had questions but I wasn't worth his time. He could take me or leave me and such is the attitude of many now. He want's to show off how big his is compared to mine. He was never intrested in helping anyone least of all myself and I knew this from start. He's a character in history that has been written for many times over, he's the inspiration of head strong and pompous, he'll swat the helping hand away to prove he can swim in quicksand.

What am I saying? Don't live on volcanos, be watchful, heed warnings, be wary of "knowing everything" and those who claim to. Recongnise reason when it's revealed because reason is the ability to yield.

"I live for the little known facts..."
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That is a good question NDS....I'll give you hint it's related to why Christians should not believe that the Earth was created in 6,000 years...

find a bible and look at the creation days...What happens after each creation day but one?

To Conintinue with Day Three:

"Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear.' And it came to be so. And God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he called Seas" Genesis1:9,10

As usual, the account does not describe how this was done. No doubt, tremendous earth movements would have been involved in the formation of land areas. Geologist would explain such major upheavals as catastrophism. But Genesis indicates direction and control by a Creator.

In the Biblical account where God is described as questiong Job about his knowledge of the earth, a variety of developments concerning earth's history are described: it's measurements, its cloud masses, its seas and how their waves were limited by dry land- many things in general about the creation, spanning long periods of time. Among these things, comparing earth to a building, the Bible says that God asked Job:

"Into what have it's socket pedestal been sunk down, or who laid it's cornerston?" Job38:6\

Like "socket pedestals," earth's crust is much thicker under continents and even more so under mountain ranges, pushing deep into the underlying mantle, like tree roots into soil.

"The idea that mountains and continents had roots has been tested over and over again, and shown to be valid," says Putanam's Geology.

Oceanic crust is only about 5 miles thick, but continental roots go down about 20 or so miles and the mountain roots pentrate about twice that far. And all earth's layers press inward upon earth's core from all directions, making it like a great..."cornerstone" of suport.

What ever the means to create dry land the Bible and Science once again agree and recognize it as one of the stages in the forming of the Earth.
The crust is thinner under the Rocky Mountains than it is beneith the great plains.

Where in the bible does it say that mountains have roots? I see a quote about a socket pedestal, but nothing that says that that the pedestal in question is a mountain. I see more modern people looking at scientific evidence not previously available, and saying "ooooh, THESE must be the pedestals"; but that sort of reverse rationalization is known as "the Texas Sharp-Shooter Fallacy"
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Gen 2:2
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

Does anyone else find the idea of God taking a nap a little odd?
Gen 2:2
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

Does anyone else find the idea of God taking a nap a little odd?

M*W: My guess is that god=sun went behind some dark clouds on the seventh day, so ancient man thought he might be resting... as in darkness. But, that's just me.
The crust is thinner under the Rocky Mountains than it is beneith the great plains.

In other words you'ved discovered an exception but Mountain crust depths are generally deeper than the surrounding area. At which point the Rocky Mountains display a similar or more shallow depth than the surrounding area. What do you suppose that means?

Incredibly this adds credence to theories that plates techtonic is a more "recent event than scientist would think. Why are the continents so much more deeply rooted than the ocean crust?

Where in the bible does it say that mountains have roots? I see a quote about a socket pedestal, but nothing that says that that the pedestal in question is a mountain. I see more modern people looking at scientific evidence not previously available, and saying "ooooh, THESE must be the pedestals"; but that sort of reverse rationalization is known as "the Texas Sharp-Shooter Fallacy"[/QUOTE]

I suggest looking up the scriptures I outline if you want further elaboration to exactly what the scriptures say word for word. Surfice to say...

A Socket Pedestal:The base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like; the part on which an upright work stands. It consists of three parts, the base, the die or dado, and the cornice or surbase molding.
In other words you'ved discovered an exception but Mountain crust depths are generally deeper than the surrounding area. At which point the Rocky Mountains display a similar or more shallow depth than the surrounding area. What do you suppose that means?

Incredibly this adds credence to theories that plates techtonic is a more "recent event than scientist would think. Why are the continents so much more deeply rooted than the ocean crust?
Because there is more mass there (where there is dry ground), which applies greater pressure to the mantle due to gravity. That I could find an exceeption invalidates the claim, does it not? If the mountains are supposed to be the pedistals, then finding one example where this does not coorelate to the actual state of the earth would suggest inaccuracy of the theory. Why would all mountains be pedestals......except for the Rockies?

I suggest looking up the scriptures I outline if you want further elaboration to exactly what the scriptures say word for word. Surfice to say...

A Socket Pedestal:The base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like; the part on which an upright work stands. It consists of three parts, the base, the die or dado, and the cornice or surbase molding.
Since you are the one making claims, the onus is on you to support them. If these pedestals are supposed to mean mountains, please provide the written passages int he Bible where this equation is made. If you can't , then I'd point you back to the Sharpshooter Fallacy of logical arguement.
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Hey, Saquist, check out Psalm 105:9, seems to be describing the Deluge. What do you think?

Psalm 105:9

9 the covenant he made with Abraham,
the oath he swore to Isaac.

Yeah, that really seems to be describing the Deluge.
