The Gay Fray

I am . . . .

  • Homosexual

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Heterosexual

    Votes: 201 73.6%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 31 11.4%
  • Other (I would have complained if there wasn't an "other" option)

    Votes: 16 5.9%

  • Total voters
Why would anyone in their right mind WANT their child to go to this school and be exposed to this bullshit???

I live in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC, so the only part of Virginia I'm familiar with is that state's Washington suburbs. Those people are Yankees, Afro-Americans, and people of foreign ancestry who work for the U.S. government.

But the rest of the state is not like that. Timberlake is way down in the middle of Virginia, closer to North Carolina and Tennessee than it is to civilization. It's still the 19th century there--the pre-Civil War 19th century.
Notes on the Heart of the Matter

Quinnsong said:

One has to ask,"Isn't it really their own prurient thoughts that are the real issue here?" Why are these people even thinking about sex when looking at this little girl?


• • •​

Fraggle Rocker said:

Why would anyone in their right mind WANT their child to go to this school and be exposed to this bullshit???

This is a part of the story I can't even deal with properly, yet. To the one, it may be that her parents have learned the answer to that question. To the other, young Ms. Kahle would still prefer to be at TCS with her friends.

I am uncertain how this sits doctrinally. Oh, wait, wait. Did I say uncertain? Let me rephrase that: This is the sort of thing that makes me wish there was a God just so I could have the last pleasure of seeing the looks on these people's faces when they found out they Got It Wrong.

I can almost imagine the doctrinal dispute. Almost. Because, after all, the living people we talk to never behave quite like their virtual projections in our heads. It would come down to what part of casting out constitutes compassionate ministry, and in truth if the genuine discourse of the corpus Christi ever actually got that far, we would find a whole new bounty of glittering surprises in the rubego'berg of the Christian psyche. Our American, post-Calvinist theocreativity is a testament unto the vast imaginative power of the human species, and its capacity to effect communal behavioral outcomes that we might, but for their reiteration throughout the human endeavor, consider unhealthy.

• • •​

Related but General Note

I pitched my fit in the blogosphere, of course, but I should note that even had the discussion somehow not included the contrast of the traditional and the sapphic, there are still myriad troubling issues about this behavior. The bottom line is that TCS is engaging in a very powerful, albeit oblique compared to what we normally consider of the term, form of sexual grooming:

So maybe it is time for an intervention. You know, in the American family. Maybe it is time to sit our Christian neighbors down and try to explain to them the functional problems with their seemingly pathological need to own children's sex lives. Come on, can we just say we owe it to Sunnie, or something? This is as blatant a sign of neurotic rupture as we can hope never to see again. These people who abide by so perverse an ownership culture need help. Let there be no question: Sexual grooming of children is not simply creepy, it is also very, very harmful.

And it needs to stop.
It's sex discrimination.

It is also a disturbing attempt to set specific gender roles and gender specific behaviours for children - where girls have to fit into this particular ideal (which actually does not even exist in the Bible). They are attempting to force children into stereotypical gender specific roles.

And it's sick.

The irony of course is that you have Christians and non-christians alike complaining about Muslim women being made to wear the hijab, etc.. And yet, here you have a Christian school attempting to force her guardians and her into being the traditional and thus, compliant female (forcing her to grow her hair long and forcing a particular dress code on her - and this is forced if the Grandparents had complied) - to suit the religious beliefs of the school.

There is also the component of sexualising children in such a way.

When I was little, my hair was shorter than this little girl's hair, I rarely ever wore dresses (the few times I did was when I was flower girl or the little beach dresses I wore so that I could hoik it up near my shoulders as I'd often wade into the water and get wet when I was little), but instead wore pants, jeans, shorts, refused to even get my ears pierced, let alone wore jewelry, spent more time climbing trees, playing with cast iron toy soldiers (my grandfather had an amazing set), stealing tamarind jam from my grandmother's pantry or playing soccer at that age... I had dolls, but yeah.. I still remember getting into trouble for giving them all injections resulting in giant holes in their backsides and I may or may not have decapitated a few of them as well to mix and match and I always cut their hair).. I would more than likely have been asked to leave that school as well..

I look at the kids in my son's classes and the girls wear shorts and pants. Because playing in a skirt is near impossible and girls feel restricted that at some point or other, they will flash their undies to their classmates in a dress. Those who want to wear a skirt have to wear 'skorts', which are shorts with a skirt like panel, so most just wear shorts with their school shirts (which are all the exact same and not gender specific). In other words, skirts and dresses are not allowed because they restrict how girls can play. Girls are also encouraged to to tie their hair up and back, preferably braided if it is long or kept short. Again, for safety in play, so they can play freely and also because of headlice. The same rule applies for boys. Toys and games in class - no gender specific rules. Boys get to play with dolls and tea sets as much as girls get to play with cars and lego blocks - the lego blocks are always the most popular.. But my youngest can apparently make a mean stew in his classroom's play oven and stove and cooking set.. Just as he can build a mega tall lego block tower.

My eldest for example has longish hair that he has to keep neat for school, isn't into "sports" but into art, reading, music - although he is starting to show an interest in basketball and can spend all day swimming (not practical in school)..

Does this mean in accordance to this school's rules, neither of my sons would fit into their gender specific roles? Or does this only apply for girls?
Last edited:
Are all dudes named "Lex" villains?

Bells said:

There is also the component of sexualising children in such a way.

It would seem to me no wonder that so many of similar outlooks would rely for decades on the useless "pedophilia" scare about homosexuals, if we accept that this sort of sexual ownership culture is pathological within the dialectic of this neurosis, the psychoanalytic meaning of this odd facet in history. These are, after all, people who carry a mighty pretense of righteous virtue.

Never trust that Lex Parsimoniae; he's a liar, I tell you—a liar!
First Gay Marriages in England Tomorrow

From March 29 same-sex marriages will be legal in England and Wales. Whoopy!:)

PS: Lots of wedding prezzies too. Way to go.
Why do homosexuals needs so much audience of approval to prop them up? In other words, why does the ego come into this, to such a huge degree, if homosexual is natural? Natural is its own self reliance. Those who doubt need the most propping up. The entire gay marriage need, is a huge social hug to help compensate for something.

You do not need a group hug to eat food, since this is natural. Do you need everyone to clap and tell you how good you are, each time you breath or for culture to tell you how natural this. That would be needed by those learning a new skill but who not yet fully acclimated. The approval is like training wheels until you can ride alone with habits that appear almost natural.

Back in the 1960's, many young people were shying away from formal marriage. The feeling was they believed you don't need a piece of paper or social ritual to prove one was in love. Marriage was of the heart and not of paper and ritual. Often the piece of paper is there to make it hard to back out so the fit will be forced to stick in ways beyond the openness of dating.

If we left small boys and girls to their own devices, the vast majority will assume natural sexually divided roles. If we give the boys dolls and did not intercede further, the boys would have the dolls fighting and flying through the air or down the stairs. To make this boy appear like a girl, who will dress and care for the doll, mother will have to further teach him to be a girl. If she is biased to believe equal she will make sure. When adulthood appears, the same degree of extra approval and reinforcement will be needed to reflect the constant program-reward-approval method than altered the natural. Historically boys needed to become men who will have to lead a family and therefore would need to develop self reliance so he can be more than only himself. The stage of approval means the opposite and appears to reflect conditioning.

Women's liberation resulted in the dual standards of culture. A women's prerogative allows a women to change the rules like her mind. If she wanted to rise above while not changing anything about herself, she only has to change the rules for the boys so they drop down. More influence of the female and less by the male will have an impact on the children. This is all predictable.
Wow... what an incredibly narrow mindset wellwisher. You are attempting to, in many words, state that homosexuality is a product of nurture, not nature. This is foolish - homosexuality persists in the face of attempts to resist it. In fact, I would say the opposite is true; todays culture of "man the fuck up" has put a stereotype and cultural norm in place that young boys simply CANNOT live up to. Expressing any kind of emotion is taken as weakness; crying is seen as "being a pussy"; when something happens that has you upset or hurt, you are expected to "man up" and deal with it...

As a result, young boys don't know HOW to act.

Young women have it even worse, what with all the impossible standards set by photoshopped models and all these beauty products claiming you "need this" to be your best.

Tell me, Wellwisher, when did YOU make the choice to "be straight"? How did your parents react when you told them you were straight? OH, right... you probably had no need to do that, because it's a commonly acceptable thing.

For someone who is gay, "coming out" is not a matter of audience or attention... it's a risk. A risk of "will I still be accepted if they know what I feel inside?" I have several friends who are gay and/or Bi... and with all but one of them, I confronted them on it. I sat down with them and told them flat out that I knew... and they were TERRIFIED. I also told them it didn't matter worth a damn to me if they were straight or gay or bi or anything else. They were my friend, period, full stop. Their preference in partners made no bearing on our friendship (with the caveat, as I told them, that they respected that I was straight and did not hit on me). You cannot imagine the relief that brought them... and to be honest? It hurt. It fucking HURT to know they were THAT SCARED of who they were RUINING their friendship.

THAT is the society we live in... one of fear and stereotypes and unrealistic expectations...

Homosexuality is natural... we see it in nature all over... the reason why, in humans, they need "propping up" is because we, as a society, have beaten them down to the point where, without a helping hand up, how can we ever expect them to live on the same standard the rest of us expect? It is a problem of social prejudice, plain and simple.
Does this mean in accordance to this school's rules, neither of my sons would fit into their gender specific roles? Or does this only apply for girls?
A couple of days ago there was a post on FaceBook about a little boy who was told by the administrators of his school that he could not bring his "My Little Pony" lunchbox anymore. I may have the wrong commercial image but the point is that they were "afraid" that it would make him look "girly" and he would be bullied. In other words, the adults in charge of the school are letting the bullies run it!

Why do homosexuals needs so much audience of approval to prop them up?
What a ridiculous remark. They don't want anything that the rest of us don't have! All heterosexuals receive approval every day for their heterosexual attitudes.

I know this because, although I am heterosexual and happily (until recently after 36 years) married, I seem to manifest quite a few feminine traits. My favorite color is purple; I kiss my dogs because they deserve and appreciate it; at karaoke I sing the songs of Sheryl Crow and Lucie Silvas; I have absolutely no interest in sports; the household chore I always claim is laundry and I know how to fold a fitted sheet; most of my friends are female; I eat pizza with knife and fork; I prefer Sambuca to whiskey; I'm a pacifist.

I don't get that approval for heterosexual attitudes. Fortunately at age 70 I don't need it. 40 years ago times were different and we were not judged by traditional gender identifiers. I got plenty of dates and the guys appreciated my talents and attitudes. I even won a few trophies in off-road motorcycle events.

Why should homosexuals be expected to live happily without an "audience of approval" when heterosexuals, especially male heterosexuals, go to all kinds of extremes to get it and often end up in psychotherapy without it--or just buy a gun and kill a few people to show that they really are macho enough?

In other words, why does the ego come into this, to such a huge degree, if homosexual is natural? Natural is its own self reliance. Those who doubt need the most propping up.
Like most American heterosexual males, you aren't very introspective and you avoid even thinking about feelings. As I just pointed out, most straight people need just as much acceptance and reinforcement as most gay people. It just happens to accrue naturally, so few of us bother to think about it.

The entire gay marriage need, is a huge social hug to help compensate for something.
Well gosh, that's an interesting idea. Pray tell, then, what is the entire straight marriage need?

Back in the 1960's, many young people were shying away from formal marriage. The feeling was they believed you don't need a piece of paper or social ritual to prove one was in love. Marriage was of the heart and not of paper and ritual. Often the piece of paper is there to make it hard to back out so the fit will be forced to stick in ways beyond the openness of dating.
Yeah, and how did that work out? The 60s are dead and buried! These days straight people insist on marriage to the point that they bankrupt themselves (and their parents) to have the most elaborate wedding in their social circle. Do you really believe that gay people will not feel just a teeny-weeny bit discriminated against if they're told that they cannot participate in this universal rite of passage???

If we left small boys and girls to their own devices, the vast majority will assume natural sexually divided roles.
Well duh. That's because the vast majority are heterosexual. It's not easy to get good statistics about this, because for some strange reason people are not disposed to give candid answers to such questions, but roughly 90% of the human race is heterosexual. I call that a "vast majority." Especially since the small minority is so beleaguered that many (most?) of them are reluctant to "come out."

Geeze dude, if I were gay, you would be the last person I would share that information with!

If we give the boys dolls and did not intercede further, the boys would have the dolls fighting and flying through the air or down the stairs. To make this boy appear like a girl, who will dress and care for the doll, mother will have to further teach him to be a girl. If she is biased to believe equal she will make sure. When adulthood appears, the same degree of extra approval and reinforcement will be needed to reflect the constant program-reward-approval method than altered the natural. Historically boys needed to become men who will have to lead a family and therefore would need to develop self reliance so he can be more than only himself. The stage of approval means the opposite and appears to reflect conditioning. Women's liberation resulted in the dual standards of culture. A women's prerogative allows a women to change the rules like her mind. If she wanted to rise above while not changing anything about herself, she only has to change the rules for the boys so they drop down. More influence of the female and less by the male will have an impact on the children. This is all predictable.
Wow, a throwback to the Stone Age, right here among us!
A couple of days ago there was a post on FaceBook about a little boy who was told by the administrators of his school that he could not bring his "My Little Pony" lunchbox anymore. I may have the wrong commercial image but the point is that they were "afraid" that it would make him look "girly" and he would be bullied. In other words, the adults in charge of the school are letting the bullies run it!

Maybe it just seems this way, but this, perversely, seems to increasingly be the staple of interaction among children these days: the bully, in my experience, has increasing run of the schoolyard, the classroom, the lunchroom. An assaulted child is placed under as much scrutiny as the attacker. It's worse still if the attacker is a member of the right clique. In that case, it's just "boys will be boys" - right up until your kid fights back and wins. Screwed either way.

Example: in my naivety, I'd never really believed the tales of atheists and agnostics about persecution by religious types in the United States. In Canada, why, that would be nearly unthinkable: persecuting the non-religious? Silly. Right?

Not silly. There's a massive exclusionary network where we are that centres around the two main Catholic churches here: don't belong to either of those, and you're instantly down a step or two in the eyes of your neighbourhood peers. (SO many Catholics.) The hockey organisation is rife with them. It's nearly a Catholic institution in its own right: out of a hundred families, maybe three are Protestants, and no atheists/agnostics that I know of. The cliquism is unbelievable; kids who diverge are run out of the organisation, about one a year or so, through violent harassment, threats, insults, baiting: you name it.

In our area, inevitably coaches and teachers come down on the side of the people they know, who go to church with them, who they see on the weekends, and it is the jock families who call the shots. It's astounding. They don't physically threaten me since they know better by now, but they don't mind going after my kids until my kids have to put them down. And then it's us that get in trouble! My eldest got a week suspension for swearing back at another kid in a game (I ended up making a coach cry over that one); meanwhile the coaches swear themselves blue every practice, every game. My second one got yelled at for taking out some little shitstain stick-artist (that is, someone who checks with his stick) that had been cross-checking him from behind all practice.

Is this the society you want? I think there was something about fairness and common sense at the founding, but that all seems moot now. Again, this might just be my impression, but it seems to be fucking everywhere, so that the fair play rules get used to further harass the victims. Wash hands, rope-a-dope your ethics, and FIDO.
What a ridiculous remark. They don't want anything that the rest of us don't have! All heterosexuals receive approval every day for their heterosexual attitudes.

This is not true, since few heterosexuals beyond teenage boys, define themselves by putting their sexual orientation at the top of their self image pyramid. This is too common and anyone can do it, so why place that first unless that is the best I got. If I was a champion at the pie eating contest I might want to flaunt my eating prowess and put that at the top. But instincts are too common and don't make me who I am.

Picture if a heterosexual leader of large company defined himself with heterosexuality at the top of his self worth list. Most would call him someone with delayed development, since sexuality at the top is more for teenage boys not for a cooperate leader. Gay men are often very talented, so I don't understand why one would feature a common trait, anyone can do, except for some subjective reason needing approval.

Another piece of the puzzle:

I think I figured out a key piece of the liberal magic trick puzzle, that allows questionable things to be sold as fact. If you look at traditional male based competition, it is not much different from natural selection. Everyone plays by the same rules (shooting free throws) and a distribution of skill levels will appear, with the top dog getting the first prize. This is a useful way to sort data, in a logical fashion, around any given set of conditions. If we had a competition of who is tallest, all the children line up and the data is sorted until it organized in a logical way.

Feminism and liberalism sort the same data in a different way. Everyone is a winner and gets a prize. Competition is downplayed because this method of logical sorting, might have a negative impact on emotions. If everyone is a winner, then the data is sorted using a subjective standard. If you teach children this subjective method of data sorting, from early age, reality to them is not based on logical data, but maximizing feelings. I have used the argument of social prosthesis to prop up things, as a way to explain deviation from logical sorting of data. But this does not register with liberals or if it does register with the liberal males, they are required to move the discussion back to a feeling based sort; you are cold and cruel.

If we wanted to see who was tallest, but also didn't want to hurt the feelings of anyone about be short, you really can't sort everyone from high to low, since it makes the shorter students stand out, and that could hurt the feelings of the shortest person. If the goal is maximizing feelings and we have to know the tallest, we may need to randomize the order, with only the tallest kid in the proper place. Or we can put the line in a circle so there is no beginning to end and the tallest is next to the smallest. This satisfies the goal and the feelings; short and tall side-by-side. This data sorting is key to many illusions.

To be totally honest about my attitude toward homosexuals, I like 95% of each person, which is an A. The remaining 5% connected to sexuality, which is socially weighed way too much, appears to be an artifact of the everyone is a winner data sorting method. This is way over stressed and makes a solid A have an asterisk, because it makes me sense magic trick and/or an illusion and manipulation.

I may come up with ideas, to help expose the tricks, but don't think this means I can't see the whole person and weight each person logically as whole and not as one minor thing. Many assume I am using an emotional sorting method, based on negative emotions. I grew up before this conditioning and I was able to remain outside and retain the logical sort method of the men of old. I bark but I don't bite.
I can say from experience... in high school, even when I wouldn't fight back, I'd get in to just as much trouble as the bully for "instigating" him somehow... apparently you can instigate violence against you just by existing. Once I started fighting back, I still got into trouble... but at least I had the satisfaction of knowing A) I deserved to get into trouble and B) I gave the bully one for (gave more than a few black eyes and busted lips, never got a black eye once... though I think it's just because I'm hard to bruise heh) That and I learned that open-palm strikes are incredibly effective, especially if you bop someone square in the nose or across the chin with it... hurts like a bitch and makes em stop pretty quick.
Maybe it just seems this way, but this, perversely, seems to increasingly be the staple of interaction among children these days: the bully, in my experience, has increasing run of the schoolyard, the classroom, the lunchroom. An assaulted child is placed under as much scrutiny as the attacker. It's worse still if the attacker is a member of the right clique. In that case, it's just "boys will be boys" - right up until your kid fights back and wins. Screwed either way.

Example: in my naivety, I'd never really believed the tales of atheists and agnostics about persecution by religious types in the United States. In Canada, why, that would be nearly unthinkable: persecuting the non-religious? Silly. Right?

Not silly. There's a massive exclusionary network where we are that centres around the two main Catholic churches here: don't belong to either of those, and you're instantly down a step or two in the eyes of your neighbourhood peers. (SO many Catholics.) The hockey organisation is rife with them. It's nearly a Catholic institution in its own right: out of a hundred families, maybe three are Protestants, and no atheists/agnostics that I know of. The cliquism is unbelievable; kids who diverge are run out of the organisation, about one a year or so, through violent harassment, threats, insults, baiting: you name it.

In our area, inevitably coaches and teachers come down on the side of the people they know, who go to church with them, who they see on the weekends, and it is the jock families who call the shots. It's astounding. They don't physically threaten me since they know better by now, but they don't mind going after my kids until my kids have to put them down. And then it's us that get in trouble! My eldest got a week suspension for swearing back at another kid in a game (I ended up making a coach cry over that one); meanwhile the coaches swear themselves blue every practice, every game. My second one got yelled at for taking out some little shitstain stick-artist (that is, someone who checks with his stick) that had been cross-checking him from behind all practice.

Is this the society you want? I think there was something about fairness and common sense at the founding, but that all seems moot now. Again, this might just be my impression, but it seems to be fucking everywhere, so that the fair play rules get used to further harass the victims. Wash hands, rope-a-dope your ethics, and FIDO.

This and That

Kittamaru said:

the reason why, in humans, they need "propping up" is because we, as a society, have beaten them down to the point where, without a helping hand up, how can we ever expect them to live on the same standard the rest of us expect?

Well, that's the thing. There are plenty who don't want homosexuals to be allowed to live on the same standard.

• • •​

Fraggle Rocker said:

In other words, the adults in charge of the school are letting the bullies run it!

Giving over to bullies is a proud American tradition. There are, of course, caveats. The whiter, richer, more masculine, and more superficially "Christian" the bully, the better. Anti-Semites in the American tradition have long bemoaned conspiracy theories about Jews that would better describe old WASP money in America; do we really think Muslims could get away with pushing their religion as an American electoral agenda?

Think of what we're down to in terms of scraping the barrel:

"I believe tolerance is a two-way street. People with religious beliefs have to be respected. Right now there's a terrible intolerance afoot in the United States and it's against people who hold sincere religious beliefs."

(qtd. in Black)

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN6), oft-regarded as downright crazy, makes the argument that tolerance, being a two-way street, must therefore empower intolerance. This is right up there with the more traditional assertion that rejecting bigotry is bigoted hate. There is an aspect of Horatio Alger in there, much like the "Tea and Crumpets Party", a sense of "maybe someday". I'm pretty sure my elementary school principal wasn't overtly racist, but as I've said before, when Asian-Americans in the Pacific Northwest started rounding their eyes, sculpting their cheekbones, wearing colored contacts, and so forth, in order to "be more like everybody else", I was saddened but not surprised. I can't say that Jim Denton actually hated nonwhites, but he certainly acted to protect the privileges and sensitivities of supremacists. But a generation of young minorities were taught that the problem was their inability to be like everybody else. The damage this sort of two-way street for tolerance has done is incalculable.

The underlying idea is that maybe Jim Denton (ahem!) "wasn't a bully", but someday, just maybe, he might (ahem! cough!) "need" to be. Of course, what can one expect of a school principal who would physically assault one of his own students—and team members, as he was coach—in the middle of an argument during a Little League baseball game?

But, yeah, the Brony stories of late are terrifying.


Broden, Scott. "Murfreesboro mosque cemetery to be challenged in court". The Tennessean. March 18, 2014. March 28, 2014.

Ballotpedia. "Oklahoma 'Sharia Law Amendment', State Question 755 (2010)". March 21, 2014. March 28, 2014."Sharia_Law_Amendment",_State_Question_755_(2010)

—————. "Oregon Government Must Discourage Homosexuality, Measure 9 (1992)". March 21, 2014. March 28, 2014.,_Measure_9_(1992)

Black, Eric. "Michele Bachmann endorses tolerance". Eric Black Ink. March 5, 2014. March 28, 2014.

Tomorrow, Tom. "The Tea and Crumpets Party". This Modern World. 2010. March 28, 2014.

Wong, Curtis M. "'Art For Michael' Project Supports Bullied 'My Little Pony' Fan Who Attempted Suicide". The Huffington Post. February 10, 2014. March 28, 2014.

Image credit: Paul Richmond/Art for Michael.
But, yeah, the Brony stories of late are terrifying.

Wong, Curtis M. "'Art For Michael' Project Supports Bullied 'My Little Pony' Fan Who Attempted Suicide". The Huffington Post. February 10, 2014. March 28, 2014.

Image credit: Paul Richmond/Art for Michael.

Indeed... as a huge fan of the show myself, it terrifies me how much kids and teens are being targeted just for liking the show... and interesting tidbit though:

Lauren Faust, creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has stated quite simply that she did not create the show "for little girls". She created it for "Young children and their parents" to both enjoy. It harkens back to an old classic cartoon mantra - smooth, fluid animation, wonderful voice acting by people who love their roles, musical composition that belongs on the radio (thank you Daniel Ingram!) and a moral or point to every episode, something kids could take away and learn from. All while being animated and engaging enough to hold the attention of young kids, yet having enough references and little tidbits here and there for adults (like having Weird Al Yankovich or John DeLancie on the show reprising their most well known roles)

Yes, the community has it's lows... people will sexualize jut about anything these days... but the true fans... they do some great things... for example:

The Micael Morones Recovery Fund has been talked about and rebroadcast dozens if not hundreds of times by the Brony community at large, including voice actresses like Tara Strong (Twilight Sparkle)... and as such, they have far surpassed their goal of 25,000 and raised nearly three times that to help pay for this families medical bills.

Then there is the Brony Humble Bundle - this group pulls together people who are looking to buy from the Humble Bundle games and helps put a large chunk (about 60%) of the total proceeds to charities, namely the American Red Cross and Childs Play.

The Brony Thank You Fund has collected and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to various scholarship programs, charities, toys for tots, grants for schooling, and other such things.

These are people that will likely never meet... who have nothing more in common than the love of a show... there is no religious pretense here, no political undertone... it's just pure, from the heart love... Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter... as the show says, these things and more are what make up friendship, in spite of differences in race, religion, or creed. The good that these organizations and many, many more have done... the love they have shown to people they know only because they heard of them in passing and heard that they were in need... it shows that friendship is truly magic.

Yes, yes, I said it... feel free to point and laugh, but you know what? I believe that to be true.
Why do homosexuals needs so much audience of approval to prop them up? In other words, why does the ego come into this, to such a huge degree, if homosexual is natural? Natural is its own self reliance. Those who doubt need the most propping up. The entire gay marriage need, is a huge social hug to help compensate for something.
Oh look, that was the exact same argument made against giving blacks rights..

Wait, no. This has been one of the go-to arguments against civil rights in history.

You do not need a group hug to eat food, since this is natural. Do you need everyone to clap and tell you how good you are, each time you breath or for culture to tell you how natural this. That would be needed by those learning a new skill but who not yet fully acclimated. The approval is like training wheels until you can ride alone with habits that appear almost natural.
Well considering there are still twats who believe it is not natural and wish to refuse and sometimes kill them, if it were not for those dumbass, uneducated and backward twats, they would not need so much support.

Back in the 1960's, many young people were shying away from formal marriage. The feeling was they believed you don't need a piece of paper or social ritual to prove one was in love. Marriage was of the heart and not of paper and ritual. Often the piece of paper is there to make it hard to back out so the fit will be forced to stick in ways beyond the openness of dating.
Then you have clearly missed the point entirely.

Those young people could write up a will and leave their belongings to their defacto partner, for example. Or they could be given power of attorney for medical decisions and they were treated as a married couple for tax purposes. Homosexual couples never received any of those.. 'benefits'.. Mostly, it's about being allowed to marry like everyone else.

If we left small boys and girls to their own devices, the vast majority will assume natural sexually divided roles.
Yes.. And?

What's your point?

Do you think that parents who have gay children have them because they somehow treat their children as though they were the opposite sex?

What of boys who want to play with dolls or girls who want to play with cars? Or do you believe that leaving small children to their own devices should only be up to the point where they start preferring against their stereotypical toys?

If we give the boys dolls and did not intercede further, the boys would have the dolls fighting and flying through the air or down the stairs.
But if we leave boys to play to their own devices and they choose to play with dolls..?

One of the prevalent comments made by parents of homosexual boys has always been that their sons grew up 'boy boys'.. Into macho sports, cars, etc.

So to claim that dolls are somehow to blame or that parents are to blame is frankly stupid.

To make this boy appear like a girl, who will dress and care for the doll, mother will have to further teach him to be a girl. If she is biased to believe equal she will make sure.
Can you please provide evidence that boys who are homosexual played with dolls extensively or had mothers who taught them to be a girl? Scientific papers?

Or are you just pulling this out of your anal cavity like you do most of your arguments?

Tell me, when did you decide to not be gay? How old were you? Or did your parents beat it into you?

When adulthood appears, the same degree of extra approval and reinforcement will be needed to reflect the constant program-reward-approval method than altered the natural. Historically boys needed to become men who will have to lead a family and therefore would need to develop self reliance so he can be more than only himself. The stage of approval means the opposite and appears to reflect conditioning.
Sure, if you live in a cave and are attempting to discover fire for the first time in human history....

Why do you believe that homosexuals cannot lead or support their family?

Women's liberation resulted in the dual standards of culture. A women's prerogative allows a women to change the rules like her mind. If she wanted to rise above while not changing anything about herself, she only has to change the rules for the boys so they drop down. More influence of the female and less by the male will have an impact on the children. This is all predictable.
Yes.. Because there weren't any gays before the women's liberation movement..

Bells said:

Oh look, that was the exact same argument made against giving blacks rights..

I don't worry about our neighbor's posts, anymore. There is nothing I could say to refute, excoriate, or otherwise appropriately address such ramblings that they don't already make clear on their own.

Quite clearly, the role our neighbor plays is a corollary of Poe's law; whether this performance is deliberate or accidental, genuine or merely hack comedy, there really isn't much we could throw at it that hasn't stuck already.

Then again ... the plinking is kind of fun.

Why do homosexuals needs so much audience of approval to prop them up?: It's an interesting standard. Why does anyone need such propping up? Oh, and what is this scale by which one's civil rights constitute some sort of extraordinary propping up?

In other words, why does the ego come into this, to such a huge degree, if homosexual is natural?: Because human rights are all about ego? Now that is what we might call an extraordinary proposition. After all, why does the ego come into this, to such a huge degree, if heterosexual is natural? It really would be easier to get rid of all this marriage stuff. Then again, the public costs of the lawsuits settling whose stuff is whose we'll just blame on heterosexuals. After all, marriage was apparently their game. And, you know, if they can't have it all to themselves, nobody can. Why does the ego come into this, to such a huge degree, that the fact of two people of the same sex marrying one another somehow denigrates the fact of heterosexuals getting married?

The entire gay marriage need, is a huge social hug to help compensate for something.: Actually it's a tax status and legal standing; that's what heterosexuals made of it. At that point, it's just a legal argument. You know, civil rights?

Back in the 1960's, many young people were shying away from formal marriage.: This is because "traditional" marriage sucked. I always point to the Simpsons joke where Marge has no (ahem!) "woman's work" to do at the Cypress Creek house, so she starts drinking. It's a simple gag, but particularly perspicacious. We're finding out about the Long Decade just after World War II; diaries and letters from that period describe women disenchanted with married life—modern conveniences such as automatic dishwashers and laundry dryers, electric ranges, and vacuum cleaners actually gave many women time to reflect on the sort of existential stuff men have long taken for granted.

The feeling was they believed you don't need a piece of paper or social ritual to prove one was in love.: The idea of romantic marriage was relatively recent; mothers and grandmothers of the Flower Children were certainly capable of recalling the days when marriage, for a woman, was a cynical obligation. The longest, most consistent purpose of marriage is human networking, the collection of in-laws. For many of the Flower Generation, the piece of paper was something entirely different from romantic love. Here we are in the twenty-first century, and the most part of "traditional" American society agrees.

Often the piece of paper is there to make it hard to back out so the fit will be forced to stick in ways beyond the openness of dating.: It has also been, essentially, a bill of sale documenting the transfer of ownership of an asset from one person to another:

There was a remarkable continuity in the legal subjugation of women from the Middle Ages until the end of the nineteenth century. In the thirteenth century the English jurist Henry de Bracton declared that a married couple is one person, and that person is the husband. When Lord William Blackstone codified English common law in 1765, he reaffirmed this principle. Upon marriage, he explained, "the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended." Blackstone noted that "a man cannot grant anything to his wife, or enter into any covenant with her, for the grant would be to suppose her separate existence." This doctrine of coverture, in which the legal identity of a wife was subsumed ("covered") by that of her husband, was passed on to the colonies and became the basis of American law for the next 150 years.

(Coontz, 186)

Quite simply, had heterosexuals not made marriage into something so horrible, perhaps the young people wouldn't have seen such a difference between love and a piece of paper.

If we left small boys and girls to their own devices, the vast majority will assume natural sexually divided roles. If we give the boys dolls and did not intercede further, the boys would have the dolls fighting and flying through the air or down the stairs. To make this boy appear like a girl, who will dress and care for the doll, mother will have to further teach him to be a girl.: This so misses reality it would be funny if it wasn't tragic. Then again, history is kind of macabre on this point; to the one it is no wonder that Wollstonecroft so whooped Rousseau, but to the other it is something of a wonder that Rousseau should have been taken remotely seriously on anything he had to say about women—his idea of a proper wife was an illiterate housemaid so poorly educated she could not properly recite the months of the year. I know it stings, but the centuries haven't changed reality. Rousseau lost, and nothing will change that fact.

Historically boys needed to become men who will have to lead a family and therefore would need to develop self reliance so he can be more than only himself. The stage of approval means the opposite and appears to reflect conditioning.: And?

Women's liberation resulted in the dual standards of culture. A women's prerogative allows a women to change the rules like her mind.: So cut up her credit cards and remind her of her proper place subsumed under a man's prerogative.

If she wanted to rise above while not changing anything about herself, she only has to change the rules for the boys so they drop down.: I don't know what to say, then, about all the heterosexual men who are such pussies as to let those dastardly sirens get away with such a nefarious plot. Oh, hey, how about:

Phallocentrism resulted in dual standards of culture; a man's prerogative allows him to think with his dick, speak nothing of changing his mind. So you know what, guys? Quit whining! If you weren't so desperate to get laid, if you didn't need a woman in order to prove your manliness, maybe you would have paid a bit more attention to what was going on around you, and thus put up a stronger, smarter defense of the Sacred Privileges of the Penis. But you didn't put up a stronger, smarter defense of your supremacy over women, because you wanted to get laid and didn't want to go to jail for it, so deal with your own masculine frailty.​

More influence of the female and less by the male will have an impact on the children. This is all predictable.: So, let us see, here ... changing conditions will have changing effects on people. If I told you that the different effects between sunny and rainy days mean that the rain might get you wet, would you be surprised? Would you want to put the right of the sky to rain on the ballot, so that the people could vote about what they think is right and natural?​

Yeah. It can be fun. But it's not worth getting too invested in. Whichever of Poe's resolutions our neighbor represents, it's a puerile performance that hasn't much to offer aside from a pathetic, possibly accidental parody of the manly man.


Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. "[3F23] You Only Move Twice". June 14, 1997. March 28, 2014.

Coontz, Stephanie. Marriage, A History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage. New York: Viking, 2005.
This is not true, since few heterosexuals beyond teenage boys, define themselves by putting their sexual orientation at the top of their self image pyramid.
Homosexuals don't do that either. It's we who do that to them. I bet if you meet a straight guy you'll go home and tell your wife, "I met a fellow today who designs web pages." But if you meet a gay guy you'll tell her, "I met a gay guy today."

There are plenty who don't want homosexuals to be allowed to live on the same standard.
There are plenty who don't want homosexuals to live in the same country. And then there are folks like the Westboro Bastards who, deep down inside, don't want homosexuals to live on the same planet.

Lauren Faust, creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has stated quite simply that she did not create the show "for little girls". She created it for "Young children and their parents" to both enjoy.
As I already noted (perhaps on another thread), in one school a little boy was told not to bring his "My Little Pony" lunchbox to school anymore, because it was a red flag to all the bullies. The administrators actually turned the school over to the bullies!

But if we leave boys to play to their own devices and they choose to play with dolls..?
Back before I was wearing trifocals, I did needlepoint embroidery. Football star Roosevelt Grier announced that he was a needlepointer and that made it okay for other men to do it. But my girlfriend had already taught me how.

One of the prevalent comments made by parents of homosexual boys has always been that their sons grew up 'boy boys'.. Into macho sports, cars, etc.
In the U.K. they use a somewhat more coherent idiom, "a man's man." For us Yanks, a "lady's man" is a guy who really likes the ladies, knows what they like, treats them well, and is popular with them. Apparently in the U.K. it's slang for homosexual.

So to claim that dolls are somehow to blame or that parents are to blame is frankly stupid.
We're drilling down to the point that sexuality appears to be determined in the very early years, if not actually the result of conditions in utero. By the time most parents start giving their little girls toy stoves and their little boys toy guns, their sexuality is a done deal.

Can you please provide evidence that boys who are homosexual played with dolls extensively or had mothers who taught them to be a girl? Scientific papers? Or are you just pulling this out of your anal cavity like you do most of your arguments?
Bingo. There is no such evidence because sexuality is solidified much earlier than that.

Tell me, when did you decide to not be gay? How old were you?
My parents were too chicken-shit to explain sex to me, and the first "sex education" classes in the 1950s were a joke. So I was never even aware of the concept of homosexuality until I was in college.

Or did your parents beat it into you?
As I've mentioned before, a friend of mine had the bad luck to be born in Louisiana. If you think Protestant Rednecks are hard to deal with, you've never met a Catholic Redneck. He was railroaded into believing he was heterosexual, even got married and had five kids. It really was beaten into him. After his wife died, the kids grew up, and he moved to Los Angeles, he had an epiphany. It was one of those things where everybody knew but him. His children were not at all surprised when he showed up with a boyfriend at his next birthday party, and they call the guy "Uncle." Such nice kids! Apparently he was a really good father.

Why do you believe that homosexuals cannot lead or support their family?
A rather bizarre but nonetheless common adage. Considering that gay men are stereotyped as fastidious housekeepers and more suited for the "helping and healing" professions than any other (when Mrs. Fraggle worked on the psych ward of a public hospital, 75% of the staff were gay), why in the world would they not be good parents???

Yes.. Because there weren't any gays before the women's liberation movement..
I find it astounding that fifty years later there are still some Neanderthals out there who don't support the women's rights movement. Europe is going to walk all over us, because they allow 100% of their population to live up to their potential, while for us it's only 50%--or maybe less, when we include all the ethnic minorities. East Asians are the only non-European ethnic group that we have any respect for.
Article IV: In Effect

Ohio and Article IV
Judge to issue order April 14

Another large step forward for marriage equality is coming in Ohio, in T minus ten days and counting.

A federal judge said Friday he would issue a ruling requiring Ohio to recognize all same-sex marriages performed in other states.

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Black's decision in the Henry v. Wymyslo case comes about nine months after he ruled that Ohio must recognize a gay couple's marriage in Maryland, where same-sex marriage is legal, on the death certificate of one of the partners.

Lawyers for a number of same-sex couples expanded their original request to cover all marriages performed in states that allow same-sex unions. On Friday, Black said from the bench that his forthcoming order would rule unconstitutional Ohio's ban on recognizing legal same-sex marriages from other states.

Black said he will issue his ruling on April 14, giving the state time to prepare an appeal; the order will not take effect until it is issued in written form. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine told WVXU Radio he would appeal to the Sixth Circuit.


While the Henry case will not bring same-sex marriage to Ohio, per se, that is the juristic world's version of a bureaucratic detail on the to-do list. As homosexual couples from other states will be recognized as married, the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment will oblige the state to recognize same-sex marriages for its own citizens.

But the important device here is found in Article IV of the Constitution, the Full Faith and Credit Clause:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

This has been a lingering question about the Gay Fray, a quiet constitutional barrier that traditionalists hoped to avoid. Judges have granted that sentiment to some degree, as we saw in the Kentucky Bourke case, trying to settle the question solely on Equal Protection grounds.

But the Ohio question strikes clearly after Full Fatih and Credit; or, at least, it would seem to. We will see the detail when it comes in ten days, but this one is hardly an obscure question.


Wilson, Reid. "Federal judge will require Ohio to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages". GovBeat. April 4, 2014. April 4, 2014.

The Constitution of the United States of America. 1992. April 4, 2014.
Ohio and Article IV
Judge to issue order April 14

Another large step forward for marriage equality is coming in Ohio, in T minus ten days and counting.

A federal judge said Friday he would issue a ruling requiring Ohio to recognize all same-sex marriages performed in other states.

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Black's decision in the Henry v. Wymyslo case comes about nine months after he ruled that Ohio must recognize a gay couple's marriage in Maryland, where same-sex marriage is legal, on the death certificate of one of the partners.

Lawyers for a number of same-sex couples expanded their original request to cover all marriages performed in states that allow same-sex unions. On Friday, Black said from the bench that his forthcoming order would rule unconstitutional Ohio's ban on recognizing legal same-sex marriages from other states.

Black said he will issue his ruling on April 14, giving the state time to prepare an appeal; the order will not take effect until it is issued in written form. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine told WVXU Radio he would appeal to the Sixth Circuit.


While the Henry case will not bring same-sex marriage to Ohio, per se, that is the juristic world's version of a bureaucratic detail on the to-do list. As homosexual couples from other states will be recognized as married, the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment will oblige the state to recognize same-sex marriages for its own citizens.

But the important device here is found in Article IV of the Constitution, the Full Faith and Credit Clause:

Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

This has been a lingering question about the Gay Fray, a quiet constitutional barrier that traditionalists hoped to avoid. Judges have granted that sentiment to some degree, as we saw in the Kentucky Bourke case, trying to settle the question solely on Equal Protection grounds.

But the Ohio question strikes clearly after Full Fatih and Credit; or, at least, it would seem to. We will see the detail when it comes in ten days, but this one is hardly an obscure question.


Wilson, Reid. "Federal judge will require Ohio to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages". GovBeat. April 4, 2014. April 4, 2014.

The Constitution of the United States of America. 1992. April 4, 2014.

Why would they dodge the question? if equal protection demands it then its country wide anyway so why are they trying to avoid it? is there some unrelated issue that they don't want this to become precedence for?