The Future

Hovercraft ... ????????

Other than assault from the sea they're about as useless a teats on a boar unless you live flatland. Even then, try to imagine them in any kind of traffic.

Plaything? Yes. Usefulness? Limited; very limited.
It was fun playing. Notice that nowhere in the thread was anything mentioned about brakes. I kept egging it on but no one brought it up. Of course you could used vectored thrust for a propulsion method but that's a lot of maintainance. Ain't cheap in fuel either.
What about magnetic propulsion? You could stop on a dime by reversing on the current and go through the windshield. You can have two sets of electrodes, one for the forward/reverse and the other for lift. But the travel have to be fully automated. Otherwise, if we cannt drive on a two dimensional plane, imagine when we add a third dimension to it.

Has anybody seen "The fifth element"?
forget it.

guys, guys, guys...sheesh.

(i now know why girls don't go on sciforums very much.. ;) j/k )
I'm new to this Message Forum, and I'm afraid my spelling isn't that of a perfectionist. So your going to have to bear with me at some moments, but I'm sure you will be able to make out the words. I'm not that bad!.
Anyways, I wanted to comment on this post, you see. What I believe. Is that we are here, on this Earth for one reason.
To Learn. Advance. And Evolve. And what 'Charm' was saying it what we are going to see in the future. Why?. Because all the negative people, want have any say in what goes.
Because I can see, that Goverments are going to be stripped of there powers they have over us.
Due to the fact, that too much goes on behind out backs. And I assure you, sometime soon, in the next couple of decades, you will see myself, and billions of others. Leading the world into a new age. We are balls of billions to trillions of tiny atoms and particles of "things" vibrating at different levels, thus creating energy and so forth.
In life, there is an ever- lasting momentum or motion, witch ever you like to call it. And that is where time comes in to play, anything that is cuaght in the space of time, will change, or a more. Descriptive word for this is. Evolution.
I see alot of negative people on this message board, going on about how people will be out of jobs, for example mechanics.
I mean, they are on a pathetic wage, and rearly do a good job.
But there are still some out there that live up to there name.
But what I'm saying is, creative advanced jobs, such as.... lets say, Hover Board Programmers.
It would be much better for our economy, creating high paying jobs, meaning more and more children will be subjected to better up-bringing, schooling...ect.
Witch so many today miss out on, if we never change, we are going to die. If we keep on sitting in the Kindy Garden Age, and not moving over the fence to Primary and then secondary.
We are proberly going to get so over populated in 20 years, that people farts are going to be smelt in mass amounts (I'm serious), Ppolution will increase, and the planet will full apart.
Unless we can adapt to new ways of living, and project ourself into a self saficiant age, witch can look after itself and its surroundings. Not to mention the future genorations.
In my own words .... "Yee it not be one, but all that Rule"
and that is what it will be in the future :)
But that's just my opinion ... :)
Hello, actrox! Welcome to Sciforums.

Why are people so negetive in their posts? Not all are. Even negetive viewpoints have their place though. You see, part of science is the testing. It must be a proven thing to be accepted. That means questioning all about it. Can it be repeated to be demonstrated that this is so at any time. Can others do it using the same method? So many have seen a scam, a lie, or some such simular tried to be passed off as the real thing. After a while it becomes necessary to see if this is so. So there is good reason to feel that way.
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what do i want to talk about?

hehe. *grins evilly* okay kmguru, you asked for it.

Ways To Implode The Universe.

I read that if you increase the density of the universe to a certain extent, it will implode. What do you guys think of that? How would one go about carrying that out? I'm not talking about the morals of it, just the technicalities. Don't be realistic necessarily - it doesn't really matter if the technology has already been discovered or not. Just theoretically :)

p.s. note for the future: you'll find that theoretical speculating is much more fun if you're a wee bit unrealistic ;)

oh and actrox->right on!
Dreams turn into goals, goals turn into reality

Hey Charm,
Anything we can think of can be done, its just that it takes time.
No one thought that man would ever need anymore
than 8 mb of ram. Well wudda ya know? what were clocking someting like 528mb? and higher.
We have 1.7ghz of raw processor speed, no one thought it would be possible. But over time, the computer has evolved into a everyday thing. The key to advancing, is to understand.
To be able to use a computer, you must understand the few basic principles. Mark my words, in 50 years we will have floating cities.
I'f I was in power now, or in a position where my
opinion was respected and action was put with it. I assure you, we would have Research bases on the moon.
People travelling through space.
Its just that in todays world, everything takes so long. Because they (as in, they, the goverment) make obsticles and bullshit to have an exscuse for using more tax payer money.
To make a space craft or whatever.
We have so many problems in todays world, with cars, our lives, guns, homes, storms, electricity anything.
And we usally ignore them, or go around them, whatever.
For me personally, I feel our inner self must exsporer life to find out who they really are, and understand themselfs. Same thing with technology, we have to exsplore and understand advanced technology, to be able to make hover boards and what have you.
Just remember ... "A Dream becomes a Goal, Goals become Relaity" understand the principles to anything, and you have the key to information, and information is knowledge, knowledge is power. Use it.

Also, the Universe in my own words and belief. Is a mass ball of energy, motion and time. And no matter how much energy, from plants, ourself .. etc etc gets let off, its only going to get bigger and bigger.
Let me show you something, this you can do right in front of your computer. Now take your hands, hold them out in front of you, close your eyes if you wish, or focus your eyes on something pleasen't, no a dull object like your mouse or keyboard or a switch. And imagien and bright white like coming out of your hands, consentrate really hard. Feel the warmth and tingle (whatever you feel) travel through you, keep that concentration. (you may need to go in a quiet spot if needed, do so) and when you can feel any one, of your hands tingling or whatever.
Slowly bring up facing each other. (palm side) and keep them about emm say 7 center meters apart. And you should be able to feel a pull or push. This is energy, where you have tapped into your sorce, and you are transfering a type of "good" energy. Now slowly, pull them closer and further out. And just see how far out you can go before you can't feel the pull or push anymore.
If you get an aurora Camera I think its called, you can actully see the lines of energy travelling between your hands.
It may take several trys, but my point is. Just think you invoked that energy. And the universe is full of it.
Anyways... my fingers are getting tired of typing, adios :).
Charms: Don't you think it's remotely possible that the big "all-ruling" fuel companies such as Shell and other have stopped or tried to slow down developments in this ?

In my opinion, it should have been already possible to exclude the dangerous fumes we exhaust into our atmosphere... by any means.

I'm not really a "conspiracy theory" kind of man, but THIS should have been one of the problems we sorted out a decade ago, if not before that.
Actrox, I like your spiritual way of seeing our little blue marble, but not everyone thinks like you do: for example, I don't see a Saddam Hoessein doing the aurora Camera. My point is: we must come to a point of consensus somewhere, a way of bringing all of the different races,colors and other differences together and form Humankind. only then we will prevail to open up our minds and go to some sort of next level in evolution. where we will build cities in the sky.....
<i>"we must come to a point of consensus somewhere."</i>


Again, how do you propose we accomplish this single-minded aim?
Bowser, if I knew that I would not be replying to this post ;)

I'm merely ventilating thoughts, as we all like to do I imagine...

A start could be by disencouraging materialism, which would follow (I hope) into a decrease of selfishness. We all want to have a nice car, a good home, some more money, etc... and when we have all that.... we want more. And this is mistakingly called progress. Is this what we were put on this planet for? I think NOT.
Yep, I understand. It seems that necessity often mutates into greed. It's hard to rationalize the concept of one individual having a net worth of billions while another is earning minimum wage. I suppose proper motivation is what we lack.
I usually think that at least SOME of the people that are earning their millions (not inheriting it) worked hard to get it, and were obviously smart to excecute their goals.
And their goal was what? Money?

I find it hard to believe we were put on this world (as a matter of speaking, I don't believe we were actually "put" on it) to just make the best of it and earn alot of money so we can buy everything we want. And than say we "made it" in the world

As Bowser said: "It's hard to rationalize the concept of one individual having a net worth of billions while another is earning minimum wage. I suppose proper motivation is what we lack."

And what should our motivation be? I for one, do not know. But I don't think we should be afraid for large changes.

We all have our own problems and everyone is trying to make the best of it... that leads me to believe we can't handle our bigger problems. such as the slow destruction of this planet

Maybe we should evolve into Borg. that would take care of individuality :D

But seriously: If this is the world than this is me: :confused: