The Future


Registered Senior Member
So what's next?

Humanities acheviements, failures, changes, and things that stay.

Whats gonna be the next big thing, or whatever?
Wistfully, I'd like to say peace but as a realist, I think a large scale war isn't too far off, before 2010. Tension levels are rising world-wide, people are becoming more and more negative, it's bound to snap.
I think things are going to shake loose and give way to change. It doesn't make me paranoid, however.

Can you feel it coming too?
Western society has always used, "the next big thing is coming" as a usefull and exciting ploy. It usually works in grabbing attention, but doesn't often come to fruition.

There will be wars, we've killed eachother for a million years, I don't think its bound to stop soon.

I think Bowser is goinig down the right path...
well you guys are being optimistic *sarcasm*
why can't something /nice/ happen in the future? even in the 1800's people were speculating a gigantic war that would devastate the world. i think speculating about nifty technology or changes in governmental control of people's lives is much more fun. we know wars will come, and they will pass, as in the past. but what technology will come? i'm thinking hovercrafts and better robotic pets for snobby kids. :) definitely more cures for chronic diseases, hopefully.. *wistful*
Being nice???????

Think of all the people you just put out of work with that statement.

Hovercraft: no tire makers, tire sellers, no one changing tires, no more double taxation to dispose of them, No more roads made, no more roads patched, painted, surveyed, land cleared for new ones. No more repair of brakes, making of brake pads and rotors. Why even the wheel bearing industry would suffer.

Robotic pets: No more veternairains and rabies shots, no more dog trainers and pet setters, No more pet chews, shampoo and pest control, no dog catchers, no dog pounds, no need of fences to keep them in.

Boy, we just added to the roles of welfare big time!
<i>"Think of all the people you just put out of work with that statement."</i>

Maybe so, but she also created new jobs at the same time.
I think that prehaps it is time to just stop and say whoa. Sometimes I get carried away. 'Twas not my intention to be the thorn but rather to spark some interest. After rereading the posts it looks like that was not what I accompished. So my apologies to charms. I did not mean to be rude or difficult.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Bowser.
heh. no problem. i enjoy a good argument :)

i really think that hovercraft would be much better for the environment, despite bat- and bird-lovers' protest. no roads, no tires, and hopefully we could find a different fuel other than gas. it would take many less factories, which would decrease stuff(having mental block..can't think of what i'm trying to say there :p ). though that would decrease jobs, it would increase the number of specialist jobs, potentially opening up a whole new field. those who had formerly worked in the tire factories and gas stations could receive free training instead of welfare so they could get a better job than they had previously.

i was kidding about the robotic pets, however.. seemingly you did not get that. :cool:
No, I did not take robotic pets to be a kidding pun. Why? What would you make as a design and have a model to improve upon? I would think that a robotic pet makes much more sense in that line. Those who might object to a near human guinea pig would probably not be near as vocal over a pet. A teachable pet which might be easily programmed to keep a child out of trouble and know when to go get help. No, it made far more sense than joke.

As far as industries, I can argue either way.

Hoovercraft: Large increase in copper mining and supportive industries to provide electric motor windings. Automotive industry remains in place but needs massive retooling. Added support by contractors and third party workers. Strong demand and surge in production of plastics and rubber necessary to make shrouds and plume skirts for containment of downdraft on hoovercraft. Water recovery craft (towing) as hoovercraft are not limited to roads and water makes an excellent travel area when calm, allowing towing services to be changed to reflect the changing mode of travel. Techincal support industries increase. Especially maintaince and repair. The need to sync multiple fan drives to reduce harmonic vibration throughout the craft provides a unique new field. Ah, I run out of time but not ideas.... You get the drift.
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Does your (ahem!) child already have a robotic pet? Have you shined your new hoovercraft today?
One I don't have a child and two I don't own a car. Imagine a car hurling out of the sky at 150 mph, and landing on your house. You and the robo-dog could have a bad day.
The dog and car business I already knew. Live beside a curve and you stand the same chance.
Exactly that's why in reality I don't want flying cars. Though we do have airplanes, but there aren't a 100 million of them in the country.