The forever fued between Muslims and Jews.

Adstar said:
The arabs will already be exterminated by the Anti-christ by this time.

What proof do you have that the Arabs will be exterminated by the Anti-Christ? If you have a Bible verse telling you this, please share it with us.

Adstar said:
Your madi is already know in the scriptures as the evil King of the South he will lead the arabs against the jews but they will be defeated in a war of extermination by the forces of the anti-christ.

How much do you really know about al-Madhi. Please bring up the Bible verses calling him the evil king of the south. I'm also curious as to why the evil king of the south would fight the anti-christ. Why would the evil fight evil? Again, where do you get this information?

Adstar said:
The world already hates the arabs from thailand to europe to africa to india on all the borders of the islamic empire war and terrorism reagins.The terror that islam uses to intimidate its neighbours to subjugate them in jihad will come back to haunt them.

Your statement is completely incorrect. There are very few Arabs in Thailand or India. I am assuming by Arabs you mean Muslims. Arabians are an ethnic group, while Muslims are a religious group. Also, the majority of Muslims are not Arabs, so it is incorrect to label all Muslims as Arabs. Shows how little you understand of Islam.

By stating the world already hates Arabs, what do you wish to tell us? Maybe some Western racists in the world hate Arabs, but that doesn't go for most of the world's people. America has a major problem with racism against minorities, and Arabs have been condemned by the Jewish film industry and media for years in the US. Europe has a big history of Anti-Semitism, especially among the ruling ellite, and against the backdrop of the Danish cartoons, Islamophobia is increasing, as is lack of respect for other cultures. India has no problem with Arabs, which is quite evident due to its massive trading in the Middle East. Maybe the problem lies with India's repressive rule over a Muslim majority region, Kashmir, which desires independence. Maybe. Africa is a very large continent, and there are issues with Muslims and Christians but these are largely territorial or political in nature. For Thailand, visit this link [ ]

The Islamic Empire of the Ottoman (Uthmani) State was formally dissolved by the European-funded Young Turks organization in 1924. Since then, the Muslim world has gone through disintegration, bloody colonization by european and americans, slave trade from africa taking the populations of Muslim populations, soviet attack and oppression, the colonization of native Palestine by foreign european Jews, and invasion into soveriegn Muslim terrority by stronger neighbors, namely Russia, Serbia, Greece, Ethiopia, Philipines, and the list goes on. Maybe the fact for the revolts in Muslim majority areas under foreign rule is for freedom, self-governance, and justice. The war on terror is a mask for a greater Middle East initiative by the West to control oil flow and supress Muslim revival. Think about it?

Muslims as a worldwide community are way too weak to put off any major fight, which is quite sad considering how fast Iraq and Afghanistan fell to the US. Instead of thinking that all the Muslims are trying to kill you, why don't you think from our side a little bit? What if you were Muslim and your people were being killed and occupied in all the borders of Islamic world. Then what would you think? How about the massacres and concentration camps of Bosnia and Kosovo, the humiliation and genocide of Palestinians, Kashmiris, Chechens, Afghanis, and Iraqis? What do you know about war? What do you know about death?

Instead of promoting war against Muslims and blatant racism against Arabs, why not mend your ways and show kindness and understanding to Muslims and Arabs? Instead of Hate, why not reach your hand our to promote love and peace, instead of violence and death upon others? Christianity has great teachings of kindness and morality which are very similar to Islam. Follow them.
DiamondHearts said:
What proof do you have that the Arabs will be exterminated by the Anti-Christ? If you have a Bible verse telling you this, please share it with us.

Ezekial 36
17 It came to pass also in the twelfth year, on the fifteenth day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying:
18 “ Son of man, wail over the multitude of Egypt,
And cast them down to the depths of the earth,
Her and the daughters of the famous nations,
With those who go down to the Pit:
19 ‘ Whom do you surpass in beauty?
Go down, be placed with the uncircumcised.’
20 “ They shall fall in the midst of those slain by the sword;
She is delivered to the sword,
Drawing her and all her multitudes.
21 The strong among the mighty
Shall speak to him out of the midst of hell
With those who help him:

‘ They have gone down,
They lie with the uncircumcised, slain by the sword.’
22 “ Assyria is there, and all her company,
With their graves all around her,
All of them slain, fallen by the sword.
23 Her graves are set in the recesses of the Pit,
And her company is all around her grave,
All of them slain, fallen by the sword,
Who caused terror in the land of the living.
24 “ There is Elam and all her multitude,
All around her grave,
All of them slain, fallen by the sword,
Who have gone down uncircumcised to the lower parts of the earth,
Who caused their terror in the land of the living;
Now they bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit.
25 They have set her bed in the midst of the slain,
With all her multitude,
With her graves all around it,
All of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword;
Though their terror was caused
In the land of the living
Yet they bear their shame
With those who go down to the Pit;
It was put in the midst of the slain.
26 “ There are Meshech and Tubal and all their multitudes,
With all their graves around it,
All of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword,
Though they caused their terror in the land of the living.
27 They do not lie with the mighty
Who are fallen of the uncircumcised,
Who have gone down to hell with their weapons of war;
They have laid their swords under their heads,
But their iniquities will be on their bones,
Because of the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.
28 Yes, you shall be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised,
And lie with those slain by the sword.
29 “ There is Edom,
Her kings and all her princes,
Who despite their might
Are laid beside those slain by the sword;
They shall lie with the uncircumcised,
And with those who go down to the Pit.
30 There are the princes of the north,
All of them, and all the Sidonians,
Who have gone down with the slain
In shame at the terror which they caused by their might;
They lie uncircumcised with those slain by the sword,
And bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit

How much do you really know about al-Madhi. Please bring up the Bible verses calling him the evil king of the south. I'm also curious as to why the evil king of the south would fight the anti-christ. Why would the evil fight evil? Again, where do you get this information?

Hitler waged war against starlin did he not? of cource evil fights wars against evil to promote the cause of evil. The Anti-christ needs to fool the jews into thinking he is the returned Messiah the best way to do this is to defeat and utterly destroy the enamies of the Jews "Islam" The bible does not mention the madi by name. But the Anti-christs war of extermination will be fought against the lands mentioned above in the OT scriptures. So therefore the leader of the Arab alliance will no doubt be seen as the long awaited madi come to lead the arabs against the jews to exterminate them. The war between the King of the North and the King of the South is detailed in the book of Daniel chapter 11.

Your statement is completely incorrect. There are very few Arabs in Thailand or India. I am assuming by Arabs you mean Muslims. Arabians are an ethnic group, while Muslims are a religious group. Also, the majority of Muslims are not Arabs, so it is incorrect to label all Muslims as Arabs. Shows how little you understand of Islam.

By stating the world already hates Arabs, what do you wish to tell us? Maybe some Western racists in the world hate Arabs, but that doesn't go for most of the world's people.

Yes you are correct but the point I was trying to make was that in all of the border rejoins of the empire of islam,non- muslims are in conflict against muslim's. You only have to watch the reports of thai Buddhist solders beating up islamic militants and throwing them into trucks to die. Or in the western islands of Indonesia where Islamic extremists hacked The heads of non believing teenage girls. Or in Sudan where the Islamic Khartoum forces carried out their war of extermination against the African peoples of southern Sudan, or in northern Nigeria where Christians communities are being massacred and having their churches burnt to the ground. Or in southern Russia where muslims are being killed and are killing non believers. remember Beslan where Islamic fighters slaughtered innocent children by the hundreds in their school. We don’t have to mentioned the Islamic web pages that take great delight in showing bound non believers from many different nations having their heads slowly hacked off or having their heads blown off at point bland range for the entertainment of the Islamic community. I could go on and on but I think I have made my point.

America has a major problem with racism against minorities, and Arabs have been condemned by the Jewish film industry and media for years in the US.

yes because they hate islam and arabs in particular

Europe has a big history of Anti-Semitism, especially among the ruling ellite, and against the backdrop of the Danish cartoons, Islamophobia is increasing,

Yes because they hate islam and arabs in particular. Europe has show increasable acceptance of eastern religions and philosophies and is the centre of political correctness that seeks to promote non western culture as being good but they still hate islam because of the violence and terrorism that islam brings.

India has no problem with Arabs, which is quite evident due to its massive trading in the Middle East. Maybe the problem lies with India's repressive rule over a Muslim majority region, Kashmir, which desires independence.

Have you not heard about the communal slaughter that happened after the exit of the British from the sub continent between Hindus and the muslims, do you know why Pakistan and Bangladesh? They came into existence to exclude muslims from india and there are a lot of hindu nationalists who want to tear down every last mosque in india and rid the country of all muslims

Africa is a very large continent, and there are issues with Muslims and Christians but these are largely territorial or political in nature.

It has nothing to do with territory but to do with the introduction of islamic law and the enforcement of that law upon non believers, it is about terrorising the non-believers until they acknowledge their subjugation.

The Islamic Empire of the Ottoman (Uthmani) State was formally dissolved by the European-funded Young Turks organization in 1924. Since then, the Muslim world has gone through disintegration, bloody colonization by european and americans, slave trade from africa taking the populations of Muslim populations,

What??? there where no muslims salves transported from africa to the americas the slaves where animist Africans who where captured as booty by islamic slave traders and sold to the Europeans. It is a bad joke in the extreme to say they where muslims that where enslaved because muslims often carried out wars against non believers to obtain slaves because it is lawful for muslims to enslave non believers and more importantly sell them for a good profit.

Instead of promoting war against Muslims and blatant racism against Arabs, why not mend your ways and show kindness and understanding to Muslims and Arabs?

Where am i promoting war against anyone? I do not believe in taking part in war i am a Christian. When i say that the world is at war against islam i do not say it with joy. I do not want anyone to engage in warfare and no one to die by war, But i know that it is happening all over the world and i know that it will only become much worse, The terror that fundamentalist muslims use to bring about the subjugation of the non-believers and their desire to create a global islamic empire is causing a world wide hatred against muslims and their terror tactics will backfire upon them with devastating results.

Instead of Hate, why not reach your hand our to promote love and peace, instead of violence and death upon others? Christianity has great teachings of kindness and morality which are very similar to Islam. Follow them.

I preach the Messiah Jesus and His teachings of loving my enemies and doing good for those that hate me. You have nothing to worry about concerning me. but you do have a lot to worry about concerning the global community who are waiting for a leader to save them from the terror of islam.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days