The forever fued between Muslims and Jews.


Valued Senior Member
The forever feud between Muslims and Jews.

Why do people try to stop this? Both religions believe that the feud originating from the 12 tribes will never end. What is the point of them trying to stop if it is in them for fight tell the end of the world?
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Ricky Houy said:
Why do people try to stop this? Both religions believe that the fued originating from the 12 tribes will never end. What is the point of them trying to stop if it is in them for fight tell the end of the world?

On the contrary both believe it will end when the Messiah returns and destroys the other.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
On the contrary both believe it will end when the Messiah returns and destroys the other.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But Jews will confuse the Anti Christ as the Messiah. Messiah has been Jesus Christ. Jews don't believe this.
Adstar said:
On the contrary both believe it will end when the Messiah returns and destroys the other.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

On the contrary, the jews don't believe the messiah has came. So is not able to return yet. But he is able to come.
Muslim said:
But Jews will confuse the Anti Christ as the Messiah. Messiah has been Jesus Christ. Jews don't believe this.

Well, Jesus still hasn't completed every prophecy, he had a few more to do before his time. Don't get me wrong or anything. But to be the Messiah you have to complete all of the prophecys right?
yes, ricky.

its a long conversation, though.
there is no "second coming" for the messiah, or anything remotely like that in the jewish prophecies. it is purely a christian idea on the jewish messiah idea.
Muslims like Christians believe that Holy Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was the Masih (Messiah). We believe that he wasn't killed by the Jews and the Romans, we believe he was raised up to Heaven alive. Prophet Jesus will come back before the end of the world. The Anti-Christ (Al Masih Ad-Dajjal- False Messiah) will be a Jew that will lead the nation of Israel against a massive war with the Muslims as stated by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So the creation of the Israeli state is both political and prophetic to Muslims, signalling the the beginning of the Last Days and the coming of the Messiah Jesus (peace be upon him). When the False Messiah starts his war, al-Mahdhi a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is to appear in the Holy Area of Hijaz. Then he is to assume leadership of the Muslim masses and Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is going to come down sometime afterwards. Then the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is suppossed to kill the False Messiah, end the Zionist State, and restore justice and peace in the world.
The Devil Inside said:
yes, ricky.

its a long conversation, though.
there is no "second coming" for the messiah, or anything remotely like that in the jewish prophecies. it is purely a christian idea on the jewish messiah idea.

Well, as a Jew of faith. I have to say prophecies can be changed by real prophets. So it's not completely off basis.
Ricky Houy said:
On the contrary, the jews don't believe the messiah has came. So is not able to return yet. But he is able to come.

Thanks for correcting me i made a mistake in the wording of that,
It should have read.

On the contrary both believe it will end when the Messiah comes and destroys the other.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Muslim said:
But Jews will confuse the Anti Christ as the Messiah. Messiah has been Jesus Christ. Jews don't believe this.

Yes i believe that will be the case. The Jews will accept the anti-christ as the Messiah initially until he declares himself God on earth. But i also believe that the muslims will accept another evil man as the Madi and the anti-christ will destroy the islamic Madi and the arab world.

It will not be the arab Madi that will destroy the anti-christ and the jews it will be the anti-christ who will go out to annihilate the arabs and then the jews, he will not totally succeed 144,000 Jews will be saved from the destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Adstar said:
Yes i believe that will be the case. The Jews will accept the anti-christ as the Messiah initially until he declares himself God on earth. But i also believe that the muslims will accept another evil man as the Madi and the anti-christ will destroy the islamic Madi and the arab world.

It will not be the arab Madi that will destroy the anti-christ and the jews it will be the anti-christ who will go out to annihilate the arabs and then the jews, he will not totally succeed 144,000 Jews will be saved from the destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You're wrong it will be Jesus Christ (pbuh) who will kill Jews and brake the cross and slaughter the pigs, and he will tell the Christians he was a Muslim and he never was a god. And if they Christians have been good and not believed that Jesus was god then those Christians will go to heaven.

Then the Christians will convert to Islam, and there will be place on earth everyone will live happy for 40 years Jesus will get married and that is when the world is going to end. And just for the hell of it you can kill people who you think are Jews.

But there is no point getting excited about this, it will happen in something like 200 billion years time.
Ricky Houy said:
Well, Jesus still hasn't completed every prophecy, he had a few more to do before his time. Don't get me wrong or anything. But to be the Messiah you have to complete all of the prophecys right?

Jesus has been once? remember? when the Jews put him on the cross? anyway Muslims don't believe Jesus was prosecuted the Christin's made that up so they could kill Jews, because they didn't like Jews. Jesus came and brought the bible to Christians to get rid of there confusion and then Jesus went back to Allah. And when he comes the 2nd coming that is when the world will end, after he has killed the anti-Christ.

Jews will love the Anti Christ (thinking its the Messiah) and Muslims and Christians will beat the hell out of Jews.
Muslim said:
Jesus has been once? remember? when the Jews put him on the cross? anyway Muslims don't believe Jesus was prosecuted the Christin's made that up so they could kill Jews, because they didn't like Jews. Jesus came and brought the bible to Christians to get rid of there confusion and then Jesus went back to Allah. And when he comes the 2nd coming that is when the world will end, after he has killed the anti-Christ.

Jews will love the Anti Christ (thinking its the Messiah) and Muslims and Christians will beat the hell out of Jews.

First and for most prove Jesus was alive, then prove it was the Jews who put him on the cross and not the Romans. The Christians didn't make up he was persecuted. They believe his death was a sacrifice like the Jews used to make with sheep.
The Devil Inside said:
prophecy is a revelation from G-d. they are not to be changed.

remember what happened to moses when he changed the words of G-d?

Yes, but that was him changing the word directly from God. I mean God sending a new prophet to make some changes.
The 12 tribes are the 12 signs of the friggin Zodiac. 144 equals the square of 12. We know that there are 24 hours in a day, which is divided into 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. There are 60-minutes in an hour and 60 times 24 = 1440. The 12 tribes of Israel is 144,000. The signs of the zodiac. the faces of god. pyramid.

The Devil Inside said:
remember what happened to moses when he changed the words of G-d?

You think you don't MENTION the "name" of GOD if you write G-d?

Muslim said:
You're wrong it will be Jesus Christ (pbuh) who will kill Jews and brake the cross and slaughter the pigs, and he will tell the Christians he was a Muslim and he never was a god.

why would he kill? will he become sick? he was actually a "muslim"? that's what all religious say. they all think they're right. jesus follows no goddam religion.

god is spirit and god breathed the his life into us, so we are all god (the spirit, not the "body")

Then the Christians will convert to Islam, and there will be place on earth everyone will live happy for 40 years Jesus will get married and that is when the world is going to end.

Why would he get married? the number 40 means "eternity" (a very long or seemingly endless time)

Christians won't convert to Islam, but all followers of religions people will convert to the truth and become the followers of god instead.

And just for the hell of it you can kill people who you think are Jews.

what in the name of allah are you talking about?
Muslim said:
But there is no point getting excited about this, it will happen in something like 200 billion years time.

I have a question Muslim. I have never read any hadith about the time 200 billion, is that your point of view? Also, I believe the time will be quite sooner than that. Many of the minor signs are already here.[] This is my opinion and based on a few Islamic scholars opinion like Imam Maududi. I know there is a varied opinion on this matter among scholars. I'm curious as to where the 200 billion came from, or is it just your opinion.

Muslim said:
And just for the hell of it you can kill people who you think are Jews.

Muslim means that the war against the state of Israel lead by Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him), Muslim will fight the Jews who are engaged in war with them. The Jews are suppossed to run and Muslims are going to run after them and slaughter the enemies. Ending the state of Israel will finally bring peace to the Middle East. Then Holy Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) will continue until he is the ruler of the world and finally establish justice.

Ricky Houy said:
First and for most prove Jesus was alive, then prove it was the Jews who put him on the cross and not the Romans. The Christians didn't make up he was persecuted. They believe his death was a sacrifice like the Jews used to make with sheep.

The belief in Messiah Jesus (peace be upon him) is part of (iman) faith of Islam. It is somthing for Muslims to accept without question. Basically if you don't accept it, you cannot be Muslim. There are some Christian and Islamic scholars who do look for proof of the stories in scriptures, but whether proof is there or not, we believe in him because we believe in the Quran.

The Jews were the ones who convinced the Romans that the Holy Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was a danger to the rule of Rome. They wanted so bad to kill the Messiah that they plotted his death and the persecution of his holy disciples. The Romans tried to carry out this order. I say tried, because Muslim believe like many of the early christians [ ] that Jesus (peace be upon him) was not murdered but raised to heaven.

Muslims believe Allah has the power to remove the sins of a person without sacrificing the blood of another man. That with only faith in Allah's Oneness and in doing good works and denouncing evil, will Allah forgive you if He so wills. Good intentions along with good deeds are pathway to Heaven.
Muslim said:
You're wrong it will be Jesus Christ (pbuh) who will kill Jews and brake the cross and slaughter the pigs, and he will tell the Christians he was a Muslim and he never was a god. And if they Christians have been good and not believed that Jesus was god then those Christians will go to heaven.

Then the Christians will convert to Islam, and there will be place on earth everyone will live happy for 40 years Jesus will get married and that is when the world is going to end. And just for the hell of it you can kill people who you think are Jews.

But there is no point getting excited about this, it will happen in something like 200 billion years time.

No it will probably happen within the next 100 years maybe sooner and Jesus will return and destroy the Anti-Christ and his army of 200 million solders at the battle of Armageddon. The arabs will already be exterminated by the Anti-christ by this time. Your madi is already know in the scriptures as the evil King of the South he will lead the arabs against the jews but they will be defeated in a war of extermination by the forces of the anti-christ. The world already hates the arabs from thailand to europe to africa to india on all the borders of the islamic empire war and terrorism reagins. The terror that islam uses to intimidate its neighbours to subjugate them in jihad will come back to haunt them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days