The forbidden subject

I just can't see why aliens would use crops as a medium for communication.

1) 'a picture is worth a thousand words'
the messages inside of the geometric patterns register deep inside your mind, even to your subconcious. far better than any vocal communication.

2) the aliens having to deal with crop circles arent the Greys or the ones we normally picture when talking about aliens. the crop circles are made by a water-based alien race that cannot, and does not, interact with earth in any way except for those crop circles.

dont shoot me im just a messenger
So they're more reasonable explanations then done by people (hoaxers) which there seems to be no reason for it not to be.
The two opposing sides to this conversation and many like this have to do with the way one percieves life to be in general and how this perception guides ones actions in life.
Meaning, emotional. What one feels in their heart to be true.
and, intellectually, what one must have proven through reason to be accepted.

However, being human dictates that we use both of our intelligences to come to an effective decision, or to what we will accept as true.
The amount to with which we use either one of these faculties depends on you.
A balance of both would prove to be most effective in ones own life.
Life devoid of either one of these would not work, being human.
What good would it do to be entirely rational if there was no goal of attaining some type of pleasure from doing so.
Same with being entirely hedonistic, doing what ever felt good in the moment could have dire consequences. Having unprotected sex,Eating nothing but chocolate and shooting heroin.

We are emotional and intelectual.
Trying to convince the other to listen to their hearts at the exspense of their reason, or reason at the exspense of their emotions will not work if ones intentions are good and the goal is communication.
It takes both, on both sides.

What are your intentions when comunicating on any thread.
Is it to genuinely learn something to further your own happiness.
Or are you looking to clash with others, even if not intentional or done consciously.
To share, or to take.
Communictaion can be broken down into one of these two categories.
A loving response, to give and share.
Or a cry for help, or make others suffer or take loss.
This is communication in all its forms.

Back to the communication of the crop circles.
My heart tells me there is something to them, aside from the fakes.
However my reason tells me not to accept as a fundamental truth until proven in some more concrete way.
Meaning not to build my lifes actions on them as being fundamentally true.
This is good for my health in all ways, not beleiving in concepts at the drop of a hat or until a specific level of criteria has been met is healthy to a point. Making life altering decisions based on cetain information can have drastic consequences.

Symbols and pictures are universal. A type of universal communication.
I would have to believe that the aliens are aware of us human beings having a supremely sensitive side to our properties of being human.
Therefore understand that a sudden appearance would indeed frighten the crap out of us putting us into immediate fight or flight!
It is unfortuane that in general, we as a race our still dictated by our emotions, which does have its negative effects as well if not balanced with reason.

Most of the crop circles tend to have a ying/yang effect to them.
Or a fundamental meaning. Describing pictures of energy more or less.
Sorry I am a lttle vague here, I dont have ALL day.
For instance you will not find to many pictures involving more than one scenario.
Such as, a guy,sitting on a chair, eating a plate of food, watching T.V.
Nothing with more than one event happening.

Most of the pictures evoke images of peace and knowledge to myself.
I would beleive that these are merely signs to let us know in as little of a startling way as possible that they are here.

My thoughts as of now, April 3rd/ 04
spookz, it isnt wrong to think CCs are sexy, wait, hang on a second, im getting a call on my 'sexy new phone'
oh, i need to go for a drive in my 'sexy new BMW'

i hate Tv adverts if u couldnt guess, but on CCs, people have faked ones that are as inpressive as the ones that no-one has owned up to
Obviously the non-faked ones appear to be for someone that can see them. Someone that can see them from above is also an obvious.

Now if ETI are here on earth and are trying to communicate with someone off planet this would be the “last resort”. Like a castaway would use what ever they could to attract attention. What happened to their more “normal” forms of communication? Why not just use a “borrowed ham radio”? Obviously they “know”, that form of communication isn’t going to be heard. This would indicate that they no longer had and are not able to “construct” a communicator of the kind needed with our level of technology.

Yes, non-faked crop circles do give rise to some interesting speculations.
Clockwood said:

no comment... my superiors are watching... Actually I have no idea what causes many of them. Some we all know are faked but others are harder to explain. I do not however think BEMs would travel for centuries to draw weird icons into fields. If it was the whitehouse lawn I might think differently.

how do you piss a retarded kid off? you mess with their food. if these things exist, and we are an incredibly underdeveloped race, then what would we be to them than something similiar to a retarded child? if you mess with someones food chances are they are bound to get pissed off, especially since they rely on the food. Im saying i think they would have written their messages somewhere else, and pssibly somewhere more permanent, like a forest