The forbidden subject


no comment... my superiors are watching... Actually I have no idea what causes many of them. Some we all know are faked but others are harder to explain. I do not however think BEMs would travel for centuries to draw weird icons into fields. If it was the whitehouse lawn I might think differently.
if you would agree that indifference is a response, the you got three
ps:i find pics of cc sexually stimulating. is that wrong?
BGMs= Bug Eyed Monsters (as opposed to LGMs= Little Green Men)

Why? The speed of light and the fact an intersteller engine going at full speed would glow like a sun.
not at all. i challenge the scientists here to refute this stuff or forever hold your peace and accept the coming of nibiru (2005 july 16)
I have noticed that when known science has a problem explaining
controversial subjects, the threads tend to die.
my take on crop circles..

First, the idea that all crop circles are hoaxes is like saying that all novels are masterpieces of literature. All crop circles can't be hoaxes. I can see how people might think this, but most people who hear about the electromagnetic anomalies in some crop circles and the "microwave" damage exhibited by some of the crops, tend to believe that there is something to these things.

Sure, there are some crop circles out there that are hoaxes. I would even hazard to say that most of them, these days, are hoaxes. Not all of them can be.

Now, as to what those non-hoaxed crop circles are and who made them? well, If I could answer that, I'd be on the "Today Show" tomorrow morning. I tend to go with the natural idea. I believe that is has something to do with the magnetic field of the earth or some other explaination of that nature. I just can't see why aliens would use crops as a medium for communication.
All crop circles can't be hoaxes.
You say this so matter of factly, yet offer no reason or evidence to support the statement. I think they are all hoaxes, it is the simplest and most obvious explanation. Care to explain why I should think otherwise? I have seen some talk of the electromagnetic possibilites but I was unconvinced.
Now, as to what those non-hoaxed crop circles are and who made them? well, If I could answer that, I'd be on the "Today Show" tomorrow morning. I tend to go with the natural idea. I believe that is has something to do with the magnetic field of the earth or some other explaination of that nature. I just can't see why aliens would use crops as a medium for communication.
Yes the the Gaia hypothesis. As for the "today show", I'm sure they would only allow the hoaxsters "Doug and Dave" on the show.

You say this so matter of factly, yet offer no reason or evidence to support the statement. I think they are all hoaxes, it is the simplest and most obvious explanation. Care to explain why I should think otherwise? I have seen some talk of the electromagnetic possibilites but I was unconvinced.
Captain, have you look at the links posted in this thread?
I saw the 1st (pretty pictures!) but missed the other two. They look more like what I was asking for. I will tell you what I think after I get the time to peruse them..

FadingCapitan, did you click on the links above to BLT Research?
Do you have knowledge of a microwave device that requires no
AC power that can elongate the plant nodules and cause them
to bend at near 90* angles without collapsing the walls of the stalk?
How were the small magnetic balls formed and distributed over
the thousands of square feet of area of the crop circles? Some
of the circles were near populated areas suggesting a gasoline
powered generator would have been heard. I have read in the
past of research done by at least one university but I don't
recall which ones today. I am not saying I believe "aliens" had
a hand in their creation, just that a plank and a rope do not
explain some of the circles. No, I do not visit the crop circle
websites to any extent. Most are BS. I do think that a small
percentage of the circles do have features that are not explained
by any reasonable hyphothesis.
There was a special on Discocery Channel a while ago about an university that waas trying to fake crop circles.

To fake one the anomolous crop circles were they had to use a modified flamethrower that would shower the circle with some type of metal particals.

They also had to use a special microwave generating thing that also caused electric problems for there cameras and the helocopter filing the circle.

I don't think the average crop circle makers will have access to flame throwers and microwave beam devices.:D
dinokg said:
I don't think the average crop circle makers will have access to flame throwers and microwave beam devices.:D
Maybe that's why the vast majority of crop circles don't display any of these anomalies.
fadingCaptain said:

You say this so matter of factly, yet offer no reason or evidence to support the statement. I think they are all hoaxes, it is the simplest and most obvious explanation. Care to explain why I should think otherwise? I have seen some talk of the electromagnetic possibilites but I was unconvinced.
I was thinking the same thing exactly.

What makes you so cock sure?

It os one thing to say that there is evidence that some are not amateur at least, and do not appear to be man-made.
But to say with such certainty that they can't all be hoaxes is even more closed minded than those who say they all are hoaxes just as assuredly (moreso because at least the skeptics have a wealth of evidence and admitted hoaxters).
Might I ask something , why would aliens make crop circles if they were that advanced, why not change whole mountains? It would seem to me this is a hoax for true aliens wouldn't leave crop circles for us to look at , the aliens would communicate with us in another way to start a dialogue with us, not try to confuse us with meaningless crop circles. It is an amusing prank that some people have devised to get others interested in something else besides all this war and doom stuff that's happening around us. For that reason I commend the pranksters for they brought a smile to my face when I heard all the excitment about them. :D