The Five Steps to Peace


Registered Senior Member
Peace will be attained when we, as human beings ...

PERMIT ourselves to acknowledge that some of our old
beliefs about God and about Life are no longer working.

EXPLORE the possibility that there is something we do
not understand about God and about Life, the understanding
of which could change everything.

ANNOUNCE that we are willing for new understandings
of God and Life to now be brought forth, understandings
that could produce a new way of life on this planet.

COURAGEOUSLY examine these new understandings
and, if they align with our personal inner truth and
knowing, to enlarge our belief system to include them.

EXPRESS our lives as a demonstration of our highest beliefs,
rather than as a denial of them.


Conversations with God Foundation
PMB #1150, 1257 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520 USA
Phone: (541) 482-8806 • Fax: (541) 482-6523 •
1. Oops, we were wrong since the beginning.
2. Let's talk about something we missed.
3. Let's make up new answers.
4. They must be real because we think so.
5. Let's talk about our new findings.
1. There is no right or wrong. Our understandings are nolonger working in today's world.
2. Let's have an open mind to explore possibilities that will work in today's world to bring us to where we want to go.
3. Let's acknowledge those possibilities that will work and bring it forth.
4. If they work for you and the society, allow yourself to remain open minded to enlarge your understandings.
5. Do not deny them any more. Apply them in everyday life so we can reach where we want to be.
I understand this to be a veiled "Let God into your heart" thread. When someone has tried very hard to allow God in, and God has done and said nothing, such a thread is not really worth paying any attention to. Instead, apparently God wished for me to find peace by my own methods. :)
Just kill everyone you see.... then in isolation you will truely feel at peace.
This is a thread to waken people up from their beliefs about god and life that is nolonger working. Religions haven't changed for years and our current beliefs are outdated and does not serve us. It is time to have an open heart to explore new understandings and that could change everything.

When someone has tried very hard to allow God in, and God has done and said nothing
That is not true, God talks to us all the time, the question is who listens? God is talking to you through the next article you read, the songs you hear, the people you see, the feelings you feel... God is everywhere.
Yes, God is allowing us to find peace using our methods, but just look around the world today, we haven't done that well, have we? That's because we are not willing to apply those 5 steps. When we do, things will change.
Peace stands a better chance when we, as human beings ...

PERMIT ourselves to acknowledge that all of our beliefs about God are baseless fantasies.

EXPLORE the reality that there are many things we do not understand about the universe and that if we discipline ourselves to think clearly and rationally then we could achieve a deeper understanding that could change everything.

ANNOUNCE that we are willing to finally discard our ancient and discredited religious superstitions and fantasies in favor of knowledge and truth, understandings that could produce a new way of life on this planet.

COURAGEOUSLY examine these new understandings and if they do not align with our personal baseless and subjective beliefs then ruthlessly adopt the more meaningful and objective truths and knowledge that we have discovered.

EXPRESS our lives as a demonstration of our proven knowledge and understanding of reality and the universe, rather than hope that Gods and other fantasies will do it for us.

Hevene said:
This is a thread to waken people up from their beliefs about god and life that is nolonger working. Religions haven't changed for years and our current beliefs are outdated and does not serve us. It is time to have an open heart to explore new understandings and that could change everything.
That is not true, God talks to us all the time, the question is who listens? God is talking to you through the next article you read, the songs you hear, the people you see, the feelings you feel... God is everywhere.
Yes, God is allowing us to find peace using our methods, but just look around the world today, we haven't done that well, have we? That's because we are not willing to apply those 5 steps. When we do, things will change.
A great many people do do these things, then all they seem to do is use their new found beliefs as basis to condemn other peoples beliefs and thus set man against man. Live and let live, yet express common courtesy is about all man need to live by to attain peace.

God talks to us all the time, the question is who listens?
But only lunatics believe they can hear since the voices can only be in their heads. The truthful person will admit that such voices are only in their imagination.

God is talking to you through the next article you read, the songs you hear, the people you see, the feelings you feel... God is everywhere.
Of course if he really wanted anyone to hear him he would have the power to confront them directly, so why the mysterious and confusing subterfuge – isn’t the truth and the rather obvious explanation that he isn’t anywhere.

Yes, God is allowing us to find peace using our methods, but just look around the world today, we haven't done that well, have we?
And with thousands of years of religious domination the world has indeed been a disaster. And it is only since secularism and non-religious governments have asserted more rational standards that the world has taken on a semblance of order. The barbarism of the past and even up to the first half of the 20th century are now being left behind as modern science and technology are allowing greater and improved communication between all peoples of the world in a way that religion has never and could never achieve. We are now seeing enormous diversification in ideas and cultures and far greater tolerance than ever before. The intolerance and barbarism of Christianity is now fading but we are still left with the barbaric and totalitarianism of some Islamic states. Once those are discarded and they move into the modern world then we can really start to make progress.

The first step must be for people to begin to think for themselves based on knowledge and understanding that science and technology are allowing us to acquire at an ever increasing rate. The times of religious indoctrination, ignorance and stupidity are beginning to be usurped by an increasing number of free thinkers who are not afraid, at last, to speak their minds.

That's because we are not willing to apply those 5 steps. When we do, things will change.
If based on the God concept as you imply then no forward motion can ever be achieved as we have witnessed during the past several thousands of years. We must break free from the intolerable yoke of religious ignorance and take responsibility for our own destinies.

Katazia said:

But only lunatics believe they can hear since the voices can only be in their heads.

I'm quite sure she didn't mean audibly hear. It is intriguing how you assume that if God talked in someones ear, they can only be a lunatic. Have you considered the possiblility that God might exist and if He were to talk to someone, they would not necesserily be a lunatic??

The truthful person will admit that such voices are only in their imagination.

The truthful person would tell the truth, and the truth may not necesserily be that.

And with thousands of years of religious domination the world has indeed been a disaster.

It is the domination which has caused the disaster, not religion. In England, religion is all but dead, but violent crime is way out of hand and increasingly, developing rapidly.

And it is only since secularism and non-religious governments have asserted more rational standards that the world has taken on a semblance of order.

What order?
Or do you mean New World Order.

The barbarism of the past and even up to the first half of the 20th century are now being left behind as modern science and technology are allowing greater and improved communication between all peoples of the world

Which world are you living in?
Just see what is on our television and movie screens, then take a look at societies all over the world. You will begin to see a pattern of serious decent, not only dished out by the powers that be, but on each other also. How can that ever be reversed with modern science and technology?

We are now seeing enormous diversification in ideas and cultures and far greater tolerance than ever before.

Please explain this global tolerance brought about through modern science and technology.

"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal."


I am still waiting for your explanation as to how it is possible to find evidence of "trustworthiness". I would really like to hear it.


Jan Ardena.
There was once a man who said something like:

Love God, Love yourself, Love your neighbor, and Love your enemy.
All people are loved by God even the ones who have made bad decisions and done bad things with their lives.
Everyone has a purpose and value in God’s eyes.
When someone does you wrong don’t get even but work to break the circle of violence.

Just because people don’t practice this message like they preach it does not make the message bad.

Hevene, which one of these ideas needs replacing?

Sure God may not exist but if these simple concepts were followed civilization would reach heights unimaginable given the way of the world today.
MShark said:
Love God, Love yourself, Love your neighbor, and Love your enemy.

Very nice, this means:

I'm sure your god will appreciate the fact that you have placed your love to him in equal proportion to that of Bin Laden and child molestors. :rolleyes:
Since those things will never happen, all this amounts to is wishfull thinking.

We have arrived at a point where you cannot destroy your adversary without destroying yourself. It is terror, not love or brotherhood, that will help us to live together. Until this message percolates to the level of human consciousness, I don't think there is help.
U.G. Krishnamurti
Hevene said:
Peace will be attained when we, as human beings ...

PERMIT ourselves to acknowledge that some of our old
beliefs about God and about Life are no longer working.

EXPLORE the possibility that there is something we do
not understand about God and about Life, the understanding
of which could change everything.

ANNOUNCE that we are willing for new understandings
of God and Life to now be brought forth, understandings
that could produce a new way of life on this planet.

COURAGEOUSLY examine these new understandings
and, if they align with our personal inner truth and
knowing, to enlarge our belief system to include them.

EXPRESS our lives as a demonstration of our highest beliefs,
rather than as a denial of them.


Conversations with God Foundation
PMB #1150, 1257 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520 USA
Phone: (541) 482-8806 • Fax: (541) 482-6523 •

Hevene do you believe in the bible? Do you believe in the prophesies?If you do then you got to realize that destruction awaits us in Armmagedon. Please elaborate on how much of the bible you believe in.
Flores said:
Very nice, this means:

I'm sure your god will appreciate the fact that you have placed your love to him in equal proportion to that of Bin Laden and child molestors. :rolleyes:
That's some of the worst logic I have ever seen. I can have love for any number of things which is not dependent upon nor linked to love which I have for something else. I don't place my girlfriend in the same category as a relative, nor is my love necessary in equal proportion for both.
Hevene said:
Peace will be attained when we, as human beings ...
become atheists,
all the religions do is divide people/nations almost to the point of destruction Jews fighting Arabs,Muslims fighting Christians,Catholics Protestants and so on,
atheists have no reason to hate anyone,
get rid of religions and the world will be as one, ;)
Greco said:
Hevene do you believe in the bible? Do you believe in the prophesies?If you do then you got to realize that destruction awaits us in Armmagedon. Please elaborate on how much of the bible you believe in.
Hi there. I don't believe in the bible, almost completely. I don't believe in hell or Armmegedon etc. But I do think there are many things in the bible are very useful in today's world, just not the part that promotes separations and fear.
MShark said:
There was once a man who said something like:

Love God, Love yourself, Love your neighbor, and Love your enemy.
All people are loved by God even the ones who have made bad decisions and done bad things with their lives.
Everyone has a purpose and value in God’s eyes.
When someone does you wrong don’t get even but work to break the circle of violence.

Just because people don’t practice this message like they preach it does not make the message bad.

Hevene, which one of these ideas needs replacing?

Sure God may not exist but if these simple concepts were followed civilization would reach heights unimaginable given the way of the world today.

I agree with you, these ideas you mentions is will work in today's society. The ones I am concerned with are the ones that produce fear in the society, the ones that cause separations between individuals. Even though there are many ideas that are nolonger working, you don't have to remove them completely, keep the part that is working and change the ones that are not. Expand on your beliefs.
Siddhartha said:
A great many people do do these things, then all they seem to do is use their new found beliefs as basis to condemn other peoples beliefs and thus set man against man. Live and let live, yet express common courtesy is about all man need to live by to attain peace.

I know this is happening very often. This problem can really be easily solved if we just look at things from a different point of view. I noticed many of us, sometimes including myself is arguing what's right and what's wrong. However, there is no right or wrong (their definition changes over time). If we only look at things from what works and what doesn't, it will be much easier to change things. Admit it, everyone will defend what they think is right, some even to their death.

To understand the magnitude of what you are suggesting, just try to get Proud_Muslim, for example, to accept your P.E.A.C.E. plan. Then multiply that effort by 5.5 billion.