The First "Miracle" Some will see will be that of Judgement Day

Chi- you are burning the candle at both ends and I predict you are going to burn yourself out sooner than later. Stop prophetizing and freaking TALK to us!

Jesus on the mount was an all day event. And it was not Jesus preaching from up on high, it was him having a conversation with a lot of people over the course of the day that boiled down to what we see in the New Testament today.

Stop acting like you're entitled.

I really do try but the hearts of this generation are not like that of your fore-fathers. Everything that is spoke about is instantly met with the response "thats not proof thats your personal opinion" I seriously can't give you the proof your asking fory. on a person to person serious note riddles parables and scripture aside I am but a man and I have no apparent miracles to prove these things to you.

I can only tell you the truth that I know, sometimes proof is written in the spirit and not in the logical mind. I cannoy explain it better than that and it;s not a riddle. i do literaly mean it is written somewhere inside of you.

If you can;t have faith in my words and in the most high then I cannot teach you any more. Do you want to know something truly funny. do you Remember Sandy? She was one of the most frustrating people i have ever debated with and i to be honest didnt think highly of her. Now when I think back to some of the things she said I can relate so much to her, It wasnt her lack of intelligence that stopped her explaining what she meant to you. It truly cannot be taught like other things can. Its like recieving new DNA or additional Helix's in a sense. new information is just added to you and you also have new emotions and senses of dutys. like when your child is born a sense of duty to protect them comes over the parent. Now i have a seeming sense of duty to protect the honour of the most high and show you he deserves your praise.

The First "Miracle" Some will see will be that of Judgement Day

Could be. I have zero interest in converting to Islam. (In fact, I'm much more repelled by Islam than attracted.) So if your Islam turns out to be true, then I guess that I'll be screwed.

This whole thread, the failed attempt at poetry aside, seems to just be a reiteration of the familiar old evangelists' threat: "You're all going to burn in hell!!" The only difference is that this time it's a Quran being shaken in people's faces, instead of a Christian Bible.

This is a philosophy of religion forum. So I think that it's appropriate to ask whether any credible and convincing reasons exist why people who don't already believe in this kind of stuff should start believing in it now, during their lives, before some hypothetical postmortem judgement.

If there isn't any reason for people to believe in a particular purported route of salvation during their lifetimes, then whatever (if anything) eventually happens to them after their deaths is simply a 'whatever's going to happen is going to happen' deal.
This whole thread,....... seems to just be a reiteration of the familiar old evangelists' threat: "You're all going to burn in hell!!" The only difference is that this time it's a Quran being shaken in people's faces, instead of a Christian Bible.
I do not believe for a second that God wants us to believe in him because we are afraid to not believe in him..

If there isn't any reason for people to believe in a particular purported route of salvation during their lifetimes,
only if it makes the most sense to you..God gave us the ability to choose, Man/Religion has no right to 'try' and take that away.

*Try; when one group of ppl has tried to take away the choices for another group of ppl, there have been Wars.(laws do not work.)